i really enjoy holding my poop for some reason. and let it out only after i've held it in to the point it starts to hurt. then it feels insanely good. god i love shitting. does anyone have this ?
I really enjoy holding my poop for some reason...
you are a faggot, that's why you like pooping
this has nothing to do with sexuality
oh god you trained your prostate with your poop yikes
come on, everyone likes pooping !
I do the same thing. usually hold them for about a week. You know you're doing it right when you gotta start walking on your tiptoes and squeezing real tight to hold that monster shit in. I love the feeling of letting it all out when I reach the breaking point, that relief is just too good. Better than cumming
I have that as well. Be careful though because I'm pretty sure that causes constipation. I went to the doc once and was shocked to see how much poo was in my intestines.
finally someone gets it, it's all about that relief
You degenerates fags need to die
what the fuck retard
i hold it for like 15min not a fucking week
i bet you have hemoroids the size of an apple you disgusting subhuman
I do this, but I do it because I like to increase my chances of getting colon cancer
>he's still in his anal stage of psychological development
That's going to be an yikes from me, senpai
Nope, no hemoroids. I don't eat terrible shitty food either. A beta like you could never handle that intense pleasure of pushing out a 3 pound shit and feeling that toe curling ecstasy
Get yourself a prostate massager. Should help continue that good feeling.
I wish I could find a gf who is into pooping and playing with her poop while I watch and fap to her.
that unironically sounds amazing.
This is a new level of faggotry that I'm upset for now being aware of.
Don't knock it till you try it bra. Men's anal pleasure being tied with faggotry only deprives you of a good experience.
try jerking off while shitting. it really feels like magic.
>tfw no cute shit gf
It's funny because only a woman would actually believe in Fruedian psychosexual development
Nah, women hate Freud because of >muh peepee envy and >muh patriarchy. Personally, while there's a lot of fluff in Freud's theories, I wouldn't throw it all in the trash like some people want to. I think he was correct at many points.
i have a friend that's borderline crazy and he holds his shits in for a week.
this fucking monkey drinks multiple coffees a day.
when it's time for him to poop he gets completely naked and shits out one giant dense log that usually clogs the toilet.
he also allegedly mastered lucid dreaming and constantly has dreams about fucking people he knows. he even had one where he fucked his entire family and instantly regretted it so he killed them in his dream
Why are you friends with such a retard?
Why I'm so hard when I'm reading y'all posts? Fuck I need to fap again retards.
make sure it dosent fall Sargent
I started doing this not out of pleasure but weird, autistic habit ever since I was 7 years old. I wasn't potty trained until about age 11 so my parents had to wipe for me after shitting. Well, when I was 7 we went camping and I didn't want my mom or dad to have to wipe me in one of the campsite vaults so I just held it in for a week. For years until I was 21 years old, I would hold it in out of habit and the thing is, I couldn't do it. Some of it would seep out at school and for years I lived in constant fear and blind panic trying to blend in without alerting my classmates to my scent.
Eventually, when I was potty trained and learned to wipe myself, I still held it in and did so until 21. By about age 18, I got really depressed and my antipsychotic medications made it easier to just lay in bed for days at a time and I would simply shit myself and let it crust onto my body. Then once a week, I would force myself to shower after the rotting stench overpowered my room and the shit would start causing me to bleed from getting too hard and crusty. It would be painful peeling it off in the shower and I would cry, promising myself I would shit on time and stop holding it in. Once I stopped taking antipsychotics and antidepressants, I magically got better and started shitting on time for once, showering every 2 days, brushing my teeth, etc. That's my blogpost for the day, enjoy anons. I'm glad I'm not alone, sort of, even if we have different reasons for the things we do.
I gotta say user, this is the most advanced autism I've seen in a very long time. Thanks for the laugh
I look back at it laughing, too, honestly. I can't understand what went wrong and have no idea. My parents tried and tried and tried again but I didn't understand how to clean myself for years. I didn't understand why I needed to poop on time and not hold it in. My IQ isn't low, I've been psychologically and intellectually tested once when I was 11 and later at age 17 and I'm not retarded in the traditional sense, at least. Something else is very wrong with me and I am baffled at fucking stupid and weird I used to be. At least now I can enjoy the feeling of just taking a dump when I feel the urge. No mess and clean up takes at most about 5 to 10 minutes. Sometimes I clean in the shower, for old time's sake.
damn you got the autism user
>tfw no cute shit gf who will shit on you during sex.