What are your biggest contributions to Jow Forums? Things like memes, board culture, copy pastas, screencaps, etc.
What are your biggest contributions to Jow Forums? Things like memes, board culture, copy pastas, screencaps, etc
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my most recent meme is the
Hold up, she looks like -ThAT-?
whenever someone tries to force a new meme, i help the person and spam it too
i helped forcing the *snap* shrek cringe compilation meme, the boomer meme and the coomer meme, i spammed it even though when those memes werent popular at all and were pretty much just forced by a few people
I see some of my own memes still being posted around here.
I destroyed my laptop with glass of wine that I hoarded them in. You guys are using memes created by 19 year old shut in femanon. I'd be ashamed.
lies that is from twitter, incel
not oregano contributions
such as? m'lady
I ran a series of roleplays for almost a year. Had a lot of people following them. I both regret and appreciate their existence.
fucking cringelord
you can kill yourself now that you're an accomplished individual
literally made a bunch of autists hundreds of thousands of dollars but stopped because too many people actually started bitching and hissing about it.
I've contributed nothing to this site but it's taken years from me.
>you fucking cringelord
>you can kill yourself now that you're an accomplished individual
99 tenko tears
please kill yourself
Those probably were only ones that got more mainstream.
I'm the guy who created the Cthulu ear shattering fart noise meme on /tv/. I created it in the summer of 2017 and sometimes you can still see people repost it.
I literally never post
/jp/ stuff. You motherfucker.
so many things it would blow your mind, but I'm not gonna tell you ha ha
I started Schaubposting on /sp/'s MMA general.
I am dating and living with a semi-well-known tripfag
weeb incel
weirdo incel
weeb incel fuck
cringe incel
??? incel
top incel
By definition, I am not an incel because of the frequent sex I have.
I made an Enter Sandman parody that became a staple of /asp/ - I also made a lot of other song parodies for /tv/, one of which seemed pretty memorable to other people.
pathetic incel cope
created multiple long running memes on /lit/, Jow Forums and Jow Forums
have created multiple gimmicks with recognizable posting signature on multiple boards
Projection as a form of coping
>y-you're projecting !!!!
i was a popular tripfag on multiple boards
made tons of OC
meme'd with other tripfags irl and farmed the collective butthurt of our home boards
all a secret.
but some stuff
I was a jannie but I got fired for rousing the people to overthrow the mods. My rebellion was suppressed
what was your rebellion about, user?
Glad you can admit it, cringecel.
jajajajaja pathetic
I invented memes.
Leading the Cyber Crusades against Trannies.
Other than that, probably replying to most threads with mostly irrationally strong-emotioned responses (fuck yes, fuck no, etc) to dumb questions like "would you (something stupid, not possible, or very dumb)". I'm almost always angry as a persona and irl
Probably the 6ix9ine memes and lyric interpretations
there was this "psychologist" retard who had this daily thread in here and it had alot of replies and I bullied him out single handedly. People joined and coppied me after like the 30th straight day of trolling him. I think his name was nick or something
well i saw his thread a few mins ago tho bruh
I made a kyriakos grizzly pepe that people post every now and then. It even made it to eggy's twitter.
Shut the fuck up, macaco. Can't wait for Germany to stomp your ass again next World Cup.
I shopped the original photo of pic related without the upper text, back in 2009. I was bored during design class and made that.
Or 2010 maybe
Goddamnit. This is the damn photo.
I got this picture when I started a new save around October 2018. Ive been posting it on this board sometimes but have yet to see anyone save it and post it. So I thought this image captures this board pretty well. But so far it hasnt
Just shitposting my awful Gimp art here
I get most of the memes, and can choose an appropriate knee slapper in the thread it fits. Really bad at coming up with oc, so I never tried.
I started posting this image because I like Froppy-chan and some femanon said she looked like Froppy-chan. Idk I havent found her yet, doubt I ever will. But ive seen this image posted 3 or 4 times after I first posted it. Not even OC, I got it off Google Images searches of my rainy season waifu
I made poon patrol
Yeah see here it is already just today.
I got Freudian on niggas and they seemed to like it. I wrote it like a fucking retard because I never proofread. In hindsight, its very choppy and nothing is explained very well. Also I have a weird way of talking, my syntax is all fucked up, and I never proofread.
I was an occasional anonymous poster in two general threads and both of them still use terms and memes I came up with even years later. Am also responsible for several memes on a smaller chan
I haven't contributed much besides sharing my ugly drawings that I've done for people or have been requested to do. Besides that, I shared life experiences in those hug your sister/family threads.
So nothing of value at all.
Was the OP of the first international makes me cry post on /mu/. Guess thats something.
the tfw no gf song
I didn't make the thread but capped this scary bilbo porn thread. Still one of the hardest laughs I've had here ever.
I made a decently popular series of threads on /x/ where I found a letter written by some junkie/schizophrenic, and trying to locate the writer.
I've made a few of the Yang Gang memes floating around here. Also, I'm the user who makes the women love threads
sometimes i make drawing threads and i made like 8 Jessica wojacks not much but its more then the average user so i know im doing something for the community
I saw one of my greentext stories saved as a jpg and shared around Jow Forums
Shitposting on /v/, essentially. I see my crop of the displeased Miku or Luka get passed around from time to time.
I invented Pepe the frog.
You're welcome.
Not the biggest but as far as meme images go I made this one
I push the culture on /vp/.
I respect this. Thank you for your service.
I run the /shkdrawfag/ thread that pops up here every once in a while. It's been great to get to know some of the people here and draw really shitty pics to make people laugh.
>inb4 faggot
Referring to a specific character as "kike on wheels" became a thing in Payday threads because of me. There were a bunch of images going around based on it for a while.
>have been on this fucking site for a fucking decade
>never managed to contribute anything of any impact
>people don't even respond to my posts most of the time
The biggest thread I've ever had was when I was going to confess to my oneitis a couple of years ago and kept Jow Forums updated, I got rejected and everyone made fun of me until the thread 404'd. Not sure if anyone else remembers that thread, though
I started gr8 b8 m8. Literally nobody says it anymore but the fish bait picture it spawned always feels nice to see anyways.
i was responsible for cool down timers for making threads. i used to open up about 25 boards every day and post the same shit all day, day after day until they put in cool down timers.
also responsible for the elsa jean meme. and probably other shit but cant remember.
Gr8 bAit m8 I r8 8/8
I had cropped an image that would get shared often
oh thats right i also coined the term edgelord.
Ive called a lot of strangers niggers
Im a content creator
I've started tens of controversial discussions where the entire thread would gang up on me because I disagree with everyone present on something.
I'm sure it gave many anons the conflict they desired and don't have in their empty, lonely lives.
I am sakurafish poster
i made the roastie meme about 5 years ago in an r9k OP. i wrote a nice little poem like "roastie roastie eggs and toastie i dont want a roastie nostie" or something along those lines.
it got like 500+ replies. and then i made another thread and it got another 500 replies. they were up for a few days and it was the most replies ive ever gotten on Jow Forums in such a short span of time.
I stay user. That's good enough.
I made this edit (wojack drinks 55 gallons of wiper fluid out of despair) and see it posted sometimes. I like to think that it "advanced" the meme because many edits of wojack further degrading were made after this.
Also helped create the "boomerposting" meme on /o/ which is a parody of how boomers post on car forums.
A couple of the crappy memes images I made still float around. I see one of them like once a week if I dare to go to /v/.
Some dude on Youtube made a video on my Doomer meme. Literally just explaining it to his audience, it was fucking surreal. I also have spread a few /v/ edits, which still pop up every now and then.
Maybe the weirdest is someone using a copypasta of something I'd said probably two years ago, it wasn't even outrageous or meme-worthy so I'm puzzled as to why it was kept.