Im going to racemix with a white woman and its okay because im already part white
Im going to racemix with a white woman and its okay because im already part white
Other urls found in this thread:
Black women are better
>Black women are better
Black women are ugly & I dont want triracial children
ok but they find you disgusting so what's your strategy around that?
>ok but they find you disgusting so what's your strategy around that?
I have a white gf already
is she aware that you are insecure about your race?
You cant be insecure about something you dont have
truly an intellectual goblin you are
Why are you all so obsessed with minor human race differences, the lizard people are the real enemy
Lizard people dont exist you dumb schizo
Well we will just hang you your race traitor cunt gf and any shit skin mud children have so it will work out in the end for all of us. Have a few kids I want to make sure we have enough to decorate every lamppost in your town
She is bleaching me and giving me whiter children who will fight for the white cause, how is she a race traitor.
Also have sex incel
I want to shove my seed up a white girl's guts!
t. brown man
I don't blame you I want to fuck a blonde haired blue eyed white girl so bad.
I'm gonna race mix and I'm definitely not white
Im gonna racemix with a japanese woman as a BLACK MAN and it's okay since weebs are subhuman
Are you good looking?
All that matters is that your kids are attractive and you're not a thug.
i look like a rapist thug ye, what's it to you, incel nazi?
Well first off you are still a race traitor to your own people second you injecting your disgusting genes into a white woman who could have actually have had white babies not filthy mixed scum. I do not care what percentage your nasty little goblin children will have they will not be pure and they will get the rope along with you and your whore. Also I have probably had more sex then you have faggot not everyone here is an incell
>marrying some wh*te bitch instead of a cute latina
You are a disgrace to our people.
silly pendejo
latinx belong the BBC obviously..
>you are still a race traitor to your own people
Im mixed race, I have no people
>second you injecting your disgusting genes into a white woman who could have actually have had white babies not filthy mixed scum.
There is plenty of white women for everyone
>I do not care what percentage your nasty little goblin children will have they will not be pure and they will get the rope along with you and your whore.
Dotr will never happen lol
>Also I have probably had more sex then you have faggot not everyone here is an incell
Why are you so butthurt about non whites taking white women then?
I dont want my children to be mestizo
You being mixed race should mean you are a genetic dead end. There are not enough white women and even if they were they are our women you disgusting subhuman you should not be anywhere near one. Why am I upset? Because I love my people and I do not want to see them mixed into oblivion and destroyed. I even think non whites have a right to self determination they should keep their genetic heritage pure as well. The idea that someone can love their people want them to remain pure and work to benefit ones race is the motivation only an incell could foster is stupid beyond belief. You being mixed is a tradgety in it self you said you have no people why would you want to condem your children to that same fate? And one last thing I promise you the day will come you will hang for your crimes. More and more whites awaken every day more and more get organized and build communities. The state becomes weaker every day as things accelerate you have to genuinely be stupid if you believe what we have now is sustainable. It is only a matter of time when shit kicks off and when it does you will get your reckoning.
yeah but u wont pajeet
>and even if they were they are our women you disgusting subhuman you should not be anywhere near one.
Im r1b, I deserve a white woman
>Why am I upset? Because I love my people and I do not want to see them mixed into oblivion and destroyed.
That wont happen
>I even think non whites have a right to self determination they should keep their genetic heritage pure as well.
Most non whites were bleached by white people and part white already, let us finish the bleaching processs
(Pajeets were bleached, by indo aryans, amerindiams were bleached by iberians and blacks were bleached by anglos)
>The idea that someone can love their people want them to remain pure and work to benefit ones race is the motivation only an incell could foster is stupid beyond belief.
You can be a white nationalist without being against racemixing
>You being mixed is a tradgety in it self you said you have no people why would you want to condem your children to that same fate?
They will be accepted by whites because they will have a white phenotype
Are you one of those mulattos or something? If so, at least do people a favor and don't have kids, ok? Your kids will more than likely end up resenting you for bringing them into this world.
I dont have black admixtire
All I see from that chart is that Whites don't really date out and they're conflating White Hispanic with being a spic.
>white boi still worships Becky in 2019
>low test baby boy doesn't want a black girl
What are you then?
>unga bunga. Me going to post 10/10 model black girl n pass her off as all black women n sheeeeiiiittt
Not even black guys like black women. They're the option of last resort.
40% amerindiann
This is some cringe shit. People like you are why I'm not watching Joker on opening day.
Good thing I'm a sandnigger, then.
Mmm, I just know I could put her to good use. She'd love me for it.
>tfw pajeet
>tfw really /fa/ and weeby, and have a lot of girls who are white and of other races who are very friendly to me and whatnot on a daily basis
I will racemix with a huwhito girl desu, favourite kind of women other than asians.
What is the point of having mestizo children if all of them will be killed in the near future?
Theyll be castizo
Just because you hate your melanin doesn't mean it's not beautiful senpai
Your mud children will only be accepted feet first into a wood chipper. No you can not be a white nationalist and be pro race mixing. Sounds like you have a little kike in you too if you actually believe that shit. There is no such thing as being bleached you worthless rat. Race mixing only leads to the destruction of the races. India is a great example but you are too stupid to understand history. Most of the Indo Europeans who created the Indian culture were bred out due to race mixing we do not see a bunch of light skinned people in India we see street shitting animals. It lowers the iq and destroys culture. You are a product of your parents mistake and you should be cast into an oven for that. fuck off sand nigger maybe you should be scared to go about your day to day life I am glad you experience some of the fear your disgusting people have inflicted on mine. Now I myself am waiting for shit to hit the fan but my more radical brothers doing good work to keep you in fear well I cant say the same for.
You're literally retarded if you think there's going to be a race war in the US. Americans won't even go for a jog, let alone fight a war.
I agree most Americans will be culled when the time is right but a few dedicated white men will take the mantel and do what has to be done.
>Your mud children will only be accepted feet first into a wood chipper.
>No you can not be a white nationalist and be pro race mixing.
Whites cam have more children and bleach non whites, that will lead to a white dominated world
>India is a great example but you are too stupid to understand history. Most of the Indo Europeans who created the Indian culture were bred out due to race mixing we do not see a bunch of light skinned people in India we see street shitting animals.
They were bred out but so were the australoids
>It lowers the iq and destroys culture.
It raises the IQ of most non whites
>You are a product of your parents mistake and you should be cast into an oven for that.
False im the product of iberians raping the americas 500 yrs ago
Racist here,
I would rather have a white woman be bred rather than die without children.
Truly, you are doing more for my people than the disgusting incels and childless degenerates. Hopefully, white people will have a continued existence and many generations later, the genetic stain you have left on my people will be wiped away. But we can only exist tomorrow if we breed today.
How the fuck are white people still this clueless about the world in 2019?
racial superiority is akin to flat earth
>Whites cam have more children and bleach non whites, that will lead to a white dominated world
>They were bred out but so were the ausraloids
Pick one you fucking idiot your statements are contradictory mixing of the races will lead to less whites. I do not want a bunch of mixed race savages who have some white dna that will not make them white. And I do not give 2 fucks about the iq of subhumans being raised I want them all exterminated not slightly smarter and better consumers for globohomo and kikes to take advantage of.
Did I claim anyone is superior to anyone else no I did not. You are falsely labeling my love for my people and my will to have them continue on as supremacy
Indo aryans were bred out because they didnt have more children than poos, racemixing doesnt always lead to white genocide.
If non whites get a one child policy whites will remain the majority regardless of racemixing.
Ill have one child of my own and adopt two white kids to balance things out
Lol bro the only difference is skin color!!!!
lol and dick length
lol and common height and weight distributions
lol and skull shape
lol and mixed race people have trouble getting organ doners because their organs can't be transplanted from people of either race
lol and average testosterone levels
lol but not any brain stuff!! Evolution doesn't touch the brain at all
I do not care to simply remain a majority I want all shit skins gone off the face of the earth so they never have the chance to rape murder or subvert any of my decendants. Allowing scum to continue to exist is allowing generations of abuse to be carried out against whites. Our forebears were far too altruistic even a one child policy is too altruistic. No once and for all the trash must be taken out.
Being racist is scientific.
I wasn't being ironic neither.
based and thoughtpilled
LiZaRd PeOpLe DoN't ExIsT
>I want all shit skins gone off the face of the earth
Bleachig us will get rid of us
>our forebears were far too altruistic even a one child policy is too altruistic.
Killing non white men raping the women and abandoning your mestizo children is not altruistic
Fuck you. Your race never last. But you'll certainly get yours faggot.
How many times do I have to say this you filthy kike and I am convinced that is what you are at this point due to your constant need to promote race mixing. No bleaching is not a fucking thing your genes are not solely the shade of your skin you stupid faggot. There is a genetic component you are destroying and making less pure by engaging in this bleaching retardation. Yes it was they let the women and children live that was an altruistic mistake but seriously we have given shit skins rights have worked tirelessly to end any wrongdoing and have sacrificed our nations for them out of some petty sense of guilt. Enough is enough and when the time comes every last one will hang
Forced Ethnic gemocide is not altruistic
what a fucking retard, people like should be in a mental hospital, you fat bitch.
>tfw jews teamed up with subterranean lizard and used their reptilian magic to melt steel beams with mere jet fuel
Even if there are IQ differences,
1) genetic editing will obliterate them within 50-100 years
That's a long time, but it's far better to wait a generation or two than kill millions in a race war.
2) those differences are likely so minor that they don't justify genocide, let alone racial segregation
I am not advocating for altruism I want every last subhuman shit skin cast into hell. And people like you should hang from a lamppost
>the date of never forgetting
the jews are the subterranean lizards though, user
how else could 6 million of 7 million have died in the holocaust and there have been 11 million afterwards?
answer: they hid underground
try little bitch, I double dare you faggy piece of shit.
Here's your (You), faggoto-san
As if I cared about the small differences between disgusting mutants
In addition, you have a tiny and infested dick
It's easier if they're gunned down by fleets of birds and armoured cars with turrets for both.
6 million people didn't die in camps. It literally makes no sense.
As we speak, there are countless white women being bred by brown men. There's nothing you can really do about it, so I suggest you go back to fapping to kpop models.
You need to get fucked in the eyeballs.
no I personally watched them ride cars into the fires of Aushwitz by the thousands with my uncle morty
also they turned my brother eli into a lamp
denying this is violence
I promise one day you will get yours it is only a matter of timeAnd countless race traitors will meet their demise i am aware there are many traitors but simply giving up my struggle because of a few bad apples is delusional. But I am pretty over this faggot thread so I will go fuck my white wife and perhaps we will get another baby out of it I bet that makes you Seeth knowing I have 3 children and a beautiful wife that shares my beliefs. Like I said many whites are waking up and it is just a matter of time.
Dumb fucking Becky worshippers like you are the bane of the White race and are what encourages White girls to act like whores in the first place.
"There's no innoncent onlookers in this struggle, just the guilty and the dead"
I am good looking and for sure not look like a thug.
I'm white and going to racemix with a hot latina and you can't stop me
>settling for a latina
Just got whole hog and fuck a black girl senpai
The cartel will take care of you properly, miserable white traitor trash
Bro you seriously need to get laid
No, OP, the fact that you're already part white is not the reason it's OK.
>Get laid
I don't need that. Humanity doesn't need me to do that, and you won't need to live much longer.
>tfw pajeet
>tfw have a lot of qt weeb white girls who are friendly with me
feels good desu,
Good for you user, though I don't see why you'd want a white girl when you can get an Indian one
I kind of like white girls more ngl desu.
>its okay because im already part white
I don't know who's worse, the shitskins pining for white women or the Jow Forumsacks unironically seething at them.
only the ones with daddy issues and will end up being single moms
what if the polacks are also not white?
>Genetics affects only melanin and not any other aspect of biology
damn that is a nice butt. Would look good bouncing on a brown/black cock
just make sure your kids also racemix with whites and we're cool
at this point in my life ill take any eggs I can get my sperms on.
White girl butts look so soft.
black ppl are part wh*te too
I'm Mexican and I've only dated rich white girls since middle school.
>I'm going to racemix with a woman white
Low tier bait. Saged and hidden.
lmao what big fucking loser, you surely look like pic related yet you larp as a nazi mega chad who will genocide millions of people
Grow up kid, you will never fulfill your power fantasies