>178cm height
life is suffering
>178cm height
life is suffering
Other urls found in this thread:
>200cm alpha male
lmao it's actually pretty good
>180 cm
haha later manlet
you're still a pathetic manlet yourself
>182 cm
and I'm feeling like a manlet
You're a retard if you think that your height is holding you back desu senpai
It's not bad even here in Serbia and we're much taller than you burgers
>164 cm
Can't complain about my height desu
I look over everyone's heads but I still do too
That's a shit height
185-190 is gold
i know how you feel op, been 179 since i was 14
Why do the lanklets always seem to grow til they're 20 and guys like you hit the wall at 14?
that must suck, being tall when you're 14 but then not growing any more at all as your peers all outgrow you. i was like 167 when i was 14
>194cm height
>disabled and suffering from plethora of disorders
Yeah i get women hot just by being around them, but what good does it do when i am too mentally fucked up to take it anywhere further.
I guess the ego bump is always nice and i learned not to dwell on lost (15+) opportunities.
Still sucks having proof of being able to attract them but not having the normal brain to actually GET them
Same I'm like 182 or so and I feel pain. just pain
what are your reasons, OP? tell me everything/.
ja sam iz srbije i imam oko 182 a cak i zene su vise od mene'
most women in balkans are over 6ft
most guys are over 6'2
and plenty KIDS are 6'7
Ti si se zamislio, drug koji mi je bio na beerfestu kaze da ima 187 i da su 60% ljudi bili visi od njega. to me zamalo nateralo da se ubijem
>Yeah i get women hot just by being around them
height is not what gets women, its the size, as in shoulder width, skull size, skeletal mass, muscle mass so on
larger presence
height itself is a meme
see, if OP had any shoulders and bideltoid at all, and wasn't a 4/10 jawless chinless bug eyed subhuman with no frame, he wouldnt be posting here.
OP could be the same height as you and he'd still be a virgin, just like you.
In other words, you're both hideous with tiny shoulder breadth and bideltoids.
Nemoj da seres dbi, ja imam toliko u patikama i retko koja zena je visa, a zivim u delu Srbije gde su ljudi povisoki, nisam u Vranju
Vrlo, vrlo retko koji klinac ima 2m lol, na cemu si ti batice?
60 odsto ljudi vise od 187, ajde bezi
Just fucking end my life I'm so sorry for being born with the born genes actually I'm sorry for being born
mozda me lik laze, mada ne znam, tu gde su mladi brutalno je
jedino mogu da izmislim cope da su bas svi ruzni, ali nadju se lepe devojke preko 170 to me ubije u pojam.. Ne razumem kako 182 moze tako nisko da izgleda u stvarnom zivotu cak kratku kosu imam covece i nosim bas tanak djon
odakle si ti?
Yeah except everything you just assumed about me aka pulled out your shit stained ass is wrong buddy. Don't worry you'll get em next time I'm sure.
it was an assumption considering what you said
if women found you attractive and you had enough size they'd approach you. Happened to me plenty times because I have over 22in shoulders
and im not tall
Hey man that's pretty decent. I'm 181cm and there's hardly any difference. With shoes on you're probably almost 6ft. I'm a little over 6 with shoes.
Yes and what part of my first post made you think women don't approach me? I even said that i fucked up/ignored 15+ opportunities due to fucked up brain.
I only managed to reprocitate with ONE. NEETed it at our home while she provided for us for 5 long years.
Like i said my problem is sick mind.
Ja sam iz zapadne Srbije, kad odem na jug, ljudi su primetno nizi.
Ili laze ili preteruje, isti kurac. Prosto je nemoguce.
Ima ih svakako, ali do 175cm si realno in d klir, vecina nema problem s tim a i super je ako dodas jos koji cm na visinu, nece to primetiti
Sve u svemu realno ako nisi giga manlet, dobar si
Tfw 198 cm tall with constant back pains
It really pains me to see the way women look at tall men in the same way a hungry man looks at a piece of fried chicken.
desu i dont even notice boys below 6'1
its like they dont exist lol
desu short boys should just be killed
157 cm
no more pain, only dreams now
nice try incel
>173 cm here
>Just accept that you are small and it's easy to deal with
>Don't wear heeled shoes to make yourself taller cos then it just looks like you are trying to hard
Mandingo is only 5'7'' and has fucked over 1000 women.
that's fucking hilarious and you are retarded
I'm 6"1' how's the weather down there?
pretty bad. nice dubs btw
It's true though, the fuck is your god damned problem?
why are there so many gets?
Because I'm a wizard.
Friendly reminder that you CANNOT be a robot if you're over 182cm
I'm 152 cm, but it's okay since I've got my plushies to keep me company. High shelves don't matter when you've got a step stool.
>my plushies
what you got bro?
I got a 170cm gf, a job that pays 30 canuck bucks an hour with the average shift being 12 hours (so overtime cash is awesome), a big room I rent in a nice house, and many friends
height matters, not as much as fucking you think it should.
I've got more but here's most of them.
This is a B L E S S E D thread.
this post was apparently not original.
>Middle School
pretty nice looking, like the diversity. my biggest plushies are a giant dog and a giant penguin that I won from ring tosses. the most recent plush I got was this little guy, he's become a bit of a mascot for my favorite team so I really wanted to get him
>that middle school award
is that your daughter/sister or something?
Uh oh.. forgot that was there
Let's just forget about that and remember this as the image
can't believe I'm on this board with 14yr olds baka time to seppuku
Yeah, I like to collect all sorts of different plushies. Big ones are super nice and stand out too. Your little parrot friend is so colorful.
Yes.. my daughter, definitely..
I'm not that young. Hope your life improves enough for you to not do that, though! Rooting for you user.
5'11 (180 cm) manlet here.
Used to think i was pretty tall, but my little brother is now a 6'4 chad and has a gf.
Fuck this gay earth.
>T. Ugly lanklet
Guarantee you almost everyone was underage when they started coming here, so idc
Thank you. I really like him, especially how they made him with a team sweater, it looks really cozy
Side note though, if you really are that much underage, get out while you still can. Seriously. I won't say there is definitely no good here. I've learned a lot from this place over the years in terms of how to socialize, banter, have thick skin, think critically and things like that, and it helped me become a better person overall. I wouldn't be where I am today without this place, and I achieved quite a fair bit in my fields (medicine/chemistry) using some of the skills I learned here.
But there are better places to learn that stuff from. Learn from your family, relatives, teachers/mentors and IRL friends. And the pessimism, cynicism, and hits to your self-worth some of the content here slowly imparts on you over time the more you come here aren't worth it and can make you miserable. You're already in a heightism/height shaming thread, and this is one of the places where it begins. Don't lose your optimism, you'll be far better off for it.
Please. Don't become like us. I'm gonna guess you're a rather young girl too, which I think makes this more paramount.
Your parrot looks quite comfy under that seatbelt! Glad you were successful in those fields. Don't know what I want to do with my life yet, but I'm partially interested in those topics.
I've been on the internet in general since I was 6, so I've grown an immunity to the content around these parts. I don't have many mentors or IRL friends, and that's partially why I'm here in the first place, along with my not so great self-worth in the first place. I do know what this board is like and the kind of mentality its users have, and that's why I like to read the conversations with a sort of detatchment. I like to try and post some more positive things, especially in a place like this, because it seems the people here need to hear things like that the most.
Even so, you do have a point. Thank you for trying to steer me in the right direction; I appreciate it. Hope you continue to kill it with medicine and chemistry and that you can gain even more colorful friends.
Ahahahahaha, that's not me lmao, that's the baseball player who made the parrot catch on. When he runs around the bases after he hits a home run, he basically mimes having a parrot on his arm. His teammates loved it, so they got him that stuffed parrot and gave it to him after he hit one of his home runs. He got hit with a ball and fractured his wrist a bit after that, and in response his teammates even put a cast on that parrot's arm. It was super funny.
I didn't really have any mentors growing up either, like people who would actively go out their way to teach me stuff, though I learned a lot about establishing a career from my dad. I didn't learn anything about socializing though, so I had to learn it really late, and on my own. I would not have been able to do that without coming here, and I really do owe these anons so much.
I did not have a lot of self-worth when I was as young as you either, but what made me really start to develop it was finding myself. What my talents were, what I could do, what I could bring to the table. Then running away with those things and turning them into accomplishments.
For example, I really, really liked old school rap in HS, and decided one day I wanted to write my own. I was part of a literary magazine, so I rapped what I wrote over there, and a lot of people really liked what I was doing. It even helped start a bit of a rap trend over there. When college applications came around, I wrote a rap for my essay that eventually got me into a pretty selective honors program with a full tuition scholarship and other benefits. People with the same or better academic/extracurricular credentials than me did not get in. The valedictorian from my school (a very good one, our salutatorian got a 2370 first time on the SAT) was waitlisted.
I know you have a talent. Find it, and don't be afraid to make mistakes (legal ones of course) or to fail. Then use it to turn yourself into the person you know you can be.
Godspeed user.
>tfw 177.7
Fuck you guys, my height got trips
>Troll face
what does this mean?
OH. I've shown how dumb I am multiple times on this thread now, haven't I? Thought it was kinda weird to post a pic of yourself like that here. Yes that does sound pretty funny.
It's nice to know that you preserved and that it's not entirely impossible.
I'm pretty okay at digitally drawing 2d anime girls and editing videos/ animations. Pic related is one of the few things I've finished in a while. I've got over a 4.0 gpa and I'm okay with learning anything as long as the instruction and teaching isn't complete trash. Even so, I'm not sure I feel all that excited about any of it and there's not much a future in anime girl drawings, with so many people making them. I hope I can one day find that thing that sparks my interest like you did, or at least find a profession I wouldn't be terrible at and enjoy at the same time.
Thank you so much for the advice. It was super helpful, and I'll keep it in mind.
when i see you back on /mlb/ fella im going to post >scuba kek and slap you around with my banter ;)
same here user, these faggots won't understand
everything is bad everything is bad. I can't have what i want in life. it must be my hieght . it's not me. I am smart. please it's all i have don't take it away from me i am smart i am smart i am smart you can't invalidate me. it must be god. he gave me a bad hand bro. it's not my brain, it's not my thoughts. I am not the enemy. i am not the bad guy it's just the vessel bro it's just the VESSEL. I CAN't CHANGE THE VESSEL BRO SO IT MUST BE THE THING THAT I CAN NOT CHANGE . IT KEEPS ME SAFE TO CRY ABOUT THAT WHICH I CAN NOT CHANGE
btw, I'm
>164 cm
so it's certainly possible to do good and be happy while being short.
>I'm pretty okay at digitally drawing 2d anime girls and editing videos/ animations.
That's great! You can definitely turn that into something. All you need to do is find the people who will help you do so, and be open to diversifying your skillset and subject matter. If you're in high school, that's what your art teacher and guidance counselor are for. If you're in college, that's what your professors and your internships are for. You can make anything into a career. You just have to find the people who will help you do so.
>I'm not sure I feel all that excited about any of it
Do you ever share your creations with others? I've written tons of different things, ranging from research publications to the raps I mentioned before, and I'll tell you that sharing things you've created with others and seeing the thrilled and happy looks on their faces if they like it is one of the great feelings out there. Even if it's only one person. It's all worth it for at least that one person that likes your work. Maybe that's one of the things you need to really get passionate about it. Seeing those happy faces. It'll give you the motivation to improve too, and the rest is all discipline.
If you find that this isn't really your passion, then I hope you're able to find it. I'm really glad I could help you.
One more thing, an accomplishment to me doesn't have to be something lofty. For me, it means anything you do that makes you feel better about yourself than you did before. No matter how small or insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Did you do something today that made you feel happier about yourself? Awesome, that's an accomplishment, and you should feel proud. This is one of the things I learned to heighten my self-worth, and because of it I very rarely get down or dwell on negative things. I hope it can help you as well.
Good luck user, I'm rooting for you.
>supposedly "average" height
>every guy my age and below that I meet is way fucking taller than me
I am the king of manlets
lmao have fun lanklet
>country of manlets
>above average
Height literally doesn't matter, work out and take up a martial art or something, lay out a bigger dude and let the pussy roll in.
Qt pupper there. Looks so happy.
Yeah! Being short isn't that bad. I'm happy that you're happy and doing good.
I wish I could go to college one year after graduating from middle school. I've been a bit more serious about it lately and Ive been practicing with a fellow artist. (Pic related is a hand excersize I did with him today) I've started posting my art too, so I hope I can gain a similar happy reaction. I'll try my best to find appreciation in the smaller accomplishments. I tend to dwell on negative things too, so I'll try to stop doing that as often.
Thank you again, really. I'll try my best! Hope you do too.
>195cm 6'4"
>can't fit in tight spaces
>still tall and get respect from people despite being lanky
>girls sometimes talk about how tall i am in public
You manlet faggots have some great advantages. You can hide in spaces better, get into smaller spaces for work such as electric circuits in attics and crawlspaces, plumbing, etc. Stop bitching and fuck a dwarf.
I'm sorry user.
My 18 month younger brother is 5'10" but I'm 6'3". He was actually taller than me for a little bit but I overtook him as he stopped growing early.
I got lucky. If it makes any difference you aren't alone and your situation is a lot more common than mine. 5'11" is a good height :)
>having respect from men and women alike just for doing nothing
>vs being able to fit in small spaces
youre right. being short isnt so bad!
Tfw 176 cm height
I need to die already
I wanted to be a girl since I was 5 though and became a tranny, but holy fuck even 5'1 girls didn't want a manlet my height. There's nothing more soul crushing drinking with a girl and hearing her blurt out she wishes you were 5 inches taller.
> 194cm
Later fags.
ITT: tall virgins and short chads.
Me too, at least I am not an incel though.
>tfw 5'11 manlet with 5'6 gf
>tfw 5'6 manlet with 5'11 gf
sounds pretty hot user
She's submissive and loves to be dominated so indeed it is.
Try to convince me she isn't a 200lbs landwhale.
Should be the other way around really.
No way. Girls being dominant is unnatural. Males are meant to dominate females.
I know it's degenerate but it's so hot
could've been worse
>168cm (for muricans - 5'6)
>44eu shoe size (10)
I'm basically a clown at this point. At least I'm not a dicklet.
Bruh I'm 169cm I feel your pain
Same. I know i'm genetic garbage, i don't deserve wife and kids
5'7 calling in.
Well I could be worse. I'm also 178 but people think I'm shorter because of bad posture. Will probably be hunchback if I get to live to 40.
improve your posture then, dumbass
>165cm male
hate living but not because I'm short tbqh
Are you from Korea lmao 183 is manlet cutoff in northern europe aka Chad Continent
>robots pretending to know what women want
>I am/have X
>Girls don't like me
>Therefore girls don't like men who are/have X
That's how the logic goes.
Try being 5ft8 you prick.
200cm is fucking lanklet shit
people at 190 are already too skinny
186cm woodclog
>i got lucky therefore the statistical trends are irrelevant
That's what you should say to every tall guy that has a gf. Because most don't.
That's average, retard. Unless your entire family are fucking homonculi, you shouldn't be insecure.
200cm is too fucking tall. I'm "only" 188cm and still find things like planes, a lot of cars, etc uncomfortable because of my height.