any anons here college dropouts?
Any anons here college dropouts?
i was for a few years. took me ten years to graduate undergrad. fuck me in glad its over
I knw from the thumbnail it was marky.
Is Ciara a Vampire now? She ddrinks, sells, and play with blood.
I dropped out and then went back a few years later. I then went to uni and got a degree.
It's never too late.
Stop going to school when I was 17. Now nearing 30.
twice dropout here
gril btw
mom and dad still love me btw
one day I will finish
I think
Lol this trash girl is still alive?
>No qt physics gf
No. I almost dropped out of law school but then I got a call offering me a SA position so i stayed in for the money
for the life of me though idk why people drop out for other than financial reasons. college was so easy. i barely went to class and just hung out with my friends all day. my parents paid for pretty much everything so i didnt have to work the whole time. it was awesome
Scrawny Bean Pole Ciara's already getting eye wrinkles.
is this post real I can't find it.
>financial reasons
most yeah. pretty obvsly
marky, probably not tho. physics should be the reason desu
my 40 year old cousin who is a lawyer dropped out of computer science claiming it's too hard for him
your cousin is TTT if he was a lawyer studying computer science.
Ciara aged so badly. Poor woman. If she don't get pregnant quick that old guy will leave her.
>wtf is TTT
he is just greedy user
Dang I didn't realize she was from Rhode island. That explains why Sam Hyde was dating her
>Ciara aged so badly. Poor woman. If she don't get pregnant quick that old guy will leave her.
Anorexia and drug use ruined her. She can bounce back but only if she renounces a life of drug use and eats a normal diet. The chance of this happening is 0%.
Ciara has said "scamming is my life". Tha'ts her mindset. Drugs, sex, being worshipped, scamming, is all she lives for. Ripping people off then having the same people crawl to her just gives her more of a power tirp.
Ciara will never be drug free.
tier 3. basically a bad lawyer who went to shit school. big law attorneys make so much more than compsci its crazy. none would ever try to go back to school, think of the opportunity cost
double drop out. have to wait a year before my college accepts me back in (again).
I signed up for the navy fuck it.
no body wants me to do it but i just want to leave
beautiful angel ciara is eternal.
he worked briefly as a lwayer then become federal agent. attempted CC to change to cyber stuff there, but managed to get into the law stuff
he is greedy trust me
if he was greedy why didnt he just stay in big law and rake in 300k+ annually and millions once he makes partner
Yes I failed uni freshmen year because I never went to class even tho I passed the final a few of my professors still gave me an f because I did not participate enough. Then I went to community college to try to make up for the bad grades but I got sucked into partying and doing blow so I dropped out because being around all the retards there was destroying my life. I am 25 now and have never went back sometimes I wish I could go back but college is essentially a propaganda mill so I do not think I would be able to hide my power level so neet life it is.
because his police job is secure. he can't be fired by law. and it pays really well
>he cant be fired by law
lol imagine believing this
it is tho, just don't be a criminal
and it's basically choosing to work, chasing clients as a lawyer, living in misery trying to convince people about other people's crap versus pretend to be a cop and make bank working 48 hours and resting 72, so basicaly 4 days a week
What is it about Ciara that just draws me in and I can't stop thinking about her?
Layer 1 = Sweet Ciara
Layer 2 = BPD psycho Ciara
All incarnations of her are beatufiul and interesting.
I tried going to community college but it was nightmare. 90% of the people there were the worst type of normalfag and the rest were lonely old people (45+) who used to be drug addicts or something and finally got it together. At my college, packs of blacks would swagger and sway and play loud rap from a boombox. I thought they stopped doing that in the 90s; what is wrong with them? Also, tons of gang affiliated hispanics would stab each other and break into cars and houses not even 50 feet from the campus while hippy white kids would smoke weed in the bathrooms or benches. I overheard conversations between fresh high school graduates bragging about how much they DON'T want to learn and how they're going to get high after class. I mean, shit man, I'd rather be playing WoW or something but can you at least pretend the financial aid you received is going to good use? Community college is "cheap" but so much state tax money is going to absolute retard deadbeats that won't graduate. In my English class, we had to edit our peer's essays and two of the ones I was assigned were written by fresh out of high school AP English students. I had classmates in 4th grade write better than that, which says a lot about who is given a high school diploma.
It's a demoralizing place and I wish I could just go there and be surrounded by polite, well-mannered, well-dressed normal people instead of drugged out gang members and human trash. I'm human trash too but when I leave the house, I try to keep my behavior in check and be pleasant. I dropped out and have given up on formal education and traditional careers. If I want to learn, I'll be doing it on my own and collaborating when possible with like-minded individuals. The college education, at least in my city, is akin to middle school, not even high school. Maybe the music program is nice, I don't know.
community colleges have a low caliber of student because they take anyone with even a fleeting desire to learn more. if i were you though i'd get off your high horse. you are not intellectually superior to your former classmates. you are a community college dropout just like the blacks who play rap from boomboxes
got a degree in engineering then got a job in project management. fuckin easy life with big money decent hours. don't even do any work myself, just hound others for their work and blame them when they don't deliveron time, and rightfully so. it's a good life and i deserve it.
I want to shelter Marky guise
I can't hold it anymore
I'm deep in love
>want to drop out but already graduated
why is reality so cruel?
I never said I was intellectually superior beyond having a better aptitude in writing and reading, which is something that can be remedied by any student with an interest in doing so. It is merely demoralizing to be around people of incompatible personalities, surrounded by crime and weed smoke and loud, angry music and people who don't want to even be there but are collecting financial aid for video games or something.
I get panic attacks going there and that is the biggest reason I dropped out. I am not "better" than them, I admit to being trash of a different kind, the mentally ill kind. But I atttempt to be polite and pleasant and dress myself and keep clean when I leave the house which can't be said of most people at community college. I lament the degradation of civilization that takes place in community college, nothing more. And it's not like people were different in ages past. Poor, stupid, mentally ill people have been the same since humans congregated for agriculture. I was sold on the image of college, even community college, being a bit more clean and safe than it is in my city.
Almost. I signed up for classes at community college but I couldn't drive and my mom wasn't going to give me rides so I just didn't show up.
should have used a bike anona
How much debt did you have when you dropped out?
17k I think