>tfw no gf with a deep voice
Tfw no gf with a deep voice
negi kun..
i want a kirigiri gf to hold hands with
women with deep voices are fucking 10/10, my coworker sounds like some smokey voiced 40s singer and it's the hottest thing ever
>tfw no dragon gf who doesn't know how to control her strength well so she nearly squeezes your bones to shards whenever you make love
you should tell her how much you love her voice
>you should tell her how much you love her voice
idk I get along well with her at work and even got her number but apparently she's a schizoid avoidant wreck that can't meet people outside of work, she doesn't even any social media or even whatsapp
>she's a schizoid avoidant wreck that can't meet people outside of work, she doesn't even any social media or even whatsapp
Are your coworker literally Kyoko Kirigiri?
>tfw deep voice and not a girl
why im live
so what about trannies that talk like regular guys
What if she had a wonderful voice and a not so great body?
>why im live
to serve as warning for others
damn you right user
>to serve as warning for others
can you post a vocaroo where you say ''Am I... dreaming? When we first met, you were nothing more than a weak human. Weak... So weak that no matter how many times I protected you, many times you would be on the verge of death... I thought it meant that the day you would run away from me would definitely come sooner or later. That's what I thought, yet...''
No but seriously start chatting her with SMS. Some women prefer to be the one talking and answering questions while others prefer to ask you questions and hear you talking. Figure out which one she is
>Are your coworker literally Kyoko Kirigiri?
kinda only she kinda looks like Jodie Foster with a messy bun
Does she feel comfortable and 'safe' around you, so to say?
I can't vocaroo but if you have a platform a phoneposting piece of shit can use I will gladly.
Most phones have a voice recorder. Then you can upload the file to vocaroo
It's not too big of a deal.
>Does she feel comfortable and 'safe' around you, so to say?
Yeah we sometimes forget about the time when talking and she divulged some pretty personal details about her on occasion which I found kinda odd since we don't know each other that well. She also does stuff like touching my shoulder and arm while talking sometimes.
what did she told you?
>what did she told you?
That she had to take sick leave from a previous job due to panic attacks and she seems to become quite depressed at times, sounded like seasonal depression to me. I found it odd since I wouldn't tell my coworkers things like that myself
>She also does stuff like touching my shoulder and arm while talking sometimes.
She definitely likes you. Do you know if she's scared of emotional or physical intimacy?
Dude is this something robots really seek out? What the fuck lol, my fiance has a deep voice - but it's a bit weird.. she can sing pretty high pitched and very pretty
Also I'm mexican/Peruvian 5050
>Do you know if she's scared of emotional or physical intimacy?
Guess she's scared of something. She has a few female friends but I don't know how deep those friendships are, it seems like she prefers hanging out alone and watching movies or something. She showed up at the company party a while back but she didn't come with anyone. It seems like she avoids things on a more personal level, like she was no problem with meeting and socialising people in more formal occasions but she avoids putting things on a personal level if you know what I mean
>Dude is this something robots really seek out?
People here often associate deep voiced women with dominance, sadism and possesiveness, Femdom fetish anyone?
Does your fiancee fit the stereotype? She looks pretty cute
Ye she does.. am I robot without never really considering myself to be one? Fuuuu
>Ye she does
How does she dominate you?
Tfw no big boss voice gf
have you tried to be vulnerable to her?