Whats the worst thing you have ever done to a human being?
id say ive been mostly chill, the worst being intentionally causing police to raid a person i didnt like house, in threat of my friend owning illegal weapons. no one got hurt though
Whats the worst thing you have ever done to a human being?
id say ive been mostly chill, the worst being intentionally causing police to raid a person i didnt like house, in threat of my friend owning illegal weapons. no one got hurt though
As a kid I smashed another kid's head with a brick and then laughed when his parents came running all worried, I kek'd the most when his mom cried tho
well hes dead i suppose, ever talk to him again? did he blackout every minute? seizures?
Went in a coma and died a few years later, I didn't get any legal shit about it because I was in a mental hospital while he was in the coma
>literally fucking killed some kid
Do you ever regret it?
When i was young i used to kill animals out of curiosity,and even that i feel bad about,but never people
Worst i did was trick a dude into drinking my piss and pushing my only friend into the garbage hole and watching him cry
I'm a sociopath, I can't feel empathy and honestly taking a life wasn't that much of a deal to me at the time (I mean it still isn't, but now I would go to fucking jail so I try to not kill anybody lmfao)
>Kill animals out of curiousity.
Yikes, that caused a flashback, used to hang around with a kid who was into the predator films, he was same age as me, around ten to twelveish at the time, we used to both find snails and impale them on bamboo sticks to mimic the predators trophy collection, no idea how I got out of that thing but thank fuck I did, looking back on it, it puts the shits up me.
i had anger problems when i was younger because of all that gorilla test i would beat any person who made me even abit angry including women and children. not anymore though thankfuck lel
The way I treated my ex boyfriend. He was my longest relationship. We were together for two and a half years.
I emotionally cheated on him and sent pictures of my breasts to a guy on my Uni course. It was a really shitty thing. He was massively unmotivated and depressed and I really fucked if. I hurt him deeply and even til this day, I see the consequence of my actions .
you are not a sociopath, you are an edgy larper kid with no friends who thinks that makes you sound cool
This. Just... please don't. Your social naivete is appalling and hilarious at the same time. Sociopathy isn't even a valid diagnosis.
If I wanted to LARP I would just go post something on Instagram or twitter, killing people isn't cool and I didn't take the kid's life on purpose, if I'm on Jow Forums why the fuck would I lie and why would I try to get some anons' validations, gtfo lmao
dont all fembots do this? dont feel shitty
you were just following natural instinct
>impaling snails
Thats pretty normal,not like snails matter,i mean they're literally vermin that eat your plants
I killed a puppy by throwing it off a balcony to see how it would look like after,a bunch of baby birds by making my friend collapse their nest and once i tied a baby chicken by the leg to a mug and threw it around,but i cant remember if it died
Also used to torture my puppy by pulling its legs and flinging her around,i had put on a few pairs of winter gloves so that when she bit me it didnt hurt
Looking back on it i regret all of my mistakes and no longer get my kicks out of this kind of stuff
hah! this is the internet! why would i lie!!!
Your choice if you don't want to believe me, I do not gain nothing from you believing me or not desu, just ignore it if you don't believe it
Haaaaaaaa you've never been outside and you think people believe you when you say retarded shit like this.
I wanted to believe I could be true to my morals and my values. I never wanted to be an individual who cheated in life.
He was depressed, vulnerable and needed help. I tried for so long, I genuinely did. I worked, cleaned, cooked, bathed, dressed and loved this man. I still should have walked away instead of doing that to him. This was nearly 3 years ago now and I think I'm only just learning to forgive myself
Compared to the sick fucks that torture animals here I think your not that bad
I fucked a girl with asbergers who really loved me and then I fucked her little sister it was probably the meanest thing I have ever done to someone I regret it deeply because I imagine how bad it must have hurt the older sister.
I once killed some stick insects; I didn't mist their tank and it was a really hot day.
Does that make me a sick fuck? I also dissect animals I find on the beach.
Did you not mist the stick bugs intentionally? And yeah cutting up animals you find dead is pretty sick to me
i made a girl really like me and then i ghosted her out of nowhere because it made me laugh
how does it feel femanons?
how old was her little sister? please tell me you didnt.....
Right? No one ever lies here. I'd know, I'm a femanon
I was 16 at the time the older girl was 19 and the little sister was 15
i bashed in a girls head with a small boulder she was fine tho
Probably the time I pissed into a random man's coffee then watched him drink it
Cheated on my exgf twice. She probably has to go to therapy now. Godamn how I miss her.
It was intentionally. I thought they would like the hot humid though. It just got dryer than I anticipated. I had moved them into full sun when feeding and forgotten to move back.
Better to cut up dead than alive? I'm a scientist and I conduct post mortem on them.
Do you eat meat user?
It hurts us user. The same I'm sure it hurts you when a female ghosts you.
We're humans with emotions too. There's a reason I can tick the "I'm not a robot" box....
Eh, I'm honestly not too malicious of a person. The first things that come to mind are that in Kindergarten, I stabbed a girls with my pencil after she tried holding my hand-- I really didn't like her
And in the 4th grade I told my friend to kick my other friend in the nuts under the guise that "It was the cheat code"
Aside from that, I was a quiet kid who kept to myself.
One time, there was a kind old grandmotherly woman in the WoW guild I was in. I yelled at her for twenty minutes on vent one night because she was a crappy healer, she cried and she and her husband pulled all their characters out of the guild.
thats fucking low
I dont know why but reading about people being mean to old people just makes me really sad
Well it sounds like you didnt try to kill the stick bugs and torture them so then it isnt sick. Yes I eat meat but that is completely different then collecting putrid rancid bloated animal corpses and cutting them open. Sure you have an excuse to do that so maybe it isnt twisted but it is a bit sick in the sense that it is probably nasty to smell their rotting bodies. Eating meat is different but over all I would not say you are a psycho or anything for these things. There are people here saying they tortured their puppy that is sick and twisted you are more just strange.
That is pretty mean user
Probably calling my mother a whore, writing whore on her mirror and cock sucker on her bed sheets with her lipstick when we were arguing. I walked in on her sleeping with a married man and and knew about her affair so I brought it up whenever I was mad.
Sexual assault. I'm sure she got over it.
Uuuuuhhhhhhhh yikes