I hate bIack peopIe
I hate bIack peopIe
how is this original? Also I hate anime
same but I love the BBC
l hate white people
We hate you
>how is what OP said original
i'm a mutt and i've only fucked white women. how does that make u feel
bee yourself above anything
Why people even born black? Why don't they just be white instead?
>l hate white people
I hate Krieksgaard and I am glad he killed hinself
Not him but I grew up with white people and was bullied relentlessly by them until I befriended some Tyrones. Then they were all afraid of calling me a nigger all of a sudden.
Because deep down OP represents most of them.
i'm white and i love black people : )
How did they keep getting away with it?
we hate you too whiteboi
How many Black people do you even know user?
I hate spic people
Sucks for you KeKs, I'm neither. All I have to do is sit back and watch the storm pass.
I wasn't a big or intimidating guy so I was an easy target. The teachers in school didn't care. Their parents didn't care. When I got my first car, they came to my house and vandalized it and screamed "niggers!" when my dad came outside. Ended up hanging out in my grandma's neighborhood on the black side of town just to get away from the racism. I eventually made friends out there and they'd visit me in my neighborhood sometimes and we'd fight the white kids.
I don't hate them. I just would prefer they stay in their own countries.
Tell me the name of the city you're currently in and the city you grew up in so I can look up the black %.
Were you born in 1949?
I'll do ir for you. According to my calculations it's nigger% of the population.
Well at least you learned that solidarity works- that's why everyone does it. Some black folk just double down on wanting to be a token when this happens
I also hate niggers.
1995, actually. This went on until about 2012, when I got black friends. Racism still exists outside of the internet, user.
Did you live in a white rural area?
It does exist and it's against whites.
It's nowhere near the same level.
No, I lived in the 9th biggest city in the United States.
It's even higher. The media just chooses not to show it. Any injustice that's done to a black person, no matter how minor it may be, is greatly highlighted; when done to whites, however, they'll go to great lenghts to hide it.
user, it's not higher. Stop trying so hard to be a victim. You run the media, you're the highest paid in the country, you get less prison time for the same crimes, you use drugs at the same rate as black people but miraculously never go to jail for it, the government responds to your drug epidemic by calling it a health crisis, the government responded to my people's drug epidemic by driving tanks into our houses, they were in Mississippi injecting black people with syphilis until the 70s, pretty much everyone who isn't white is portrayed as a buffoon on TV, they had to replace Emmett Till's memorial with a bulletproof sign because white people like to shoot holes into it on a regular basis, our women aren't allowed to have their natural hair in the workplace because it's considered unprofessional, our children aren't allowed to have their natural hair at school because it's considered distracting, we're still more likely to be beaten or killed by the police, if we speak out about it, white people try to tell us to shut the fuck up, and as if all that wasn't enough, black people and latinos are not even safe from white wrath in our own homes because you feel so threatened by our existence that you come to our neighborhoods and churches to mow us down for fun.
Meanwhile, Keyshia, the 20-year-old SJW called you mean racist words on Twitter and Don Lemon posed the hypothetical question of there being a white guy ban. Oh yeah, and "tHa jOoz". Yeah, you're a real victim.
I'm not trying to make myself out to be a victim either, but I'm saying that racism against black people in America is A LOT worse than it is towards whites.
>ooga boog ooga
Get lynched nigger
Spoiler alert, everyone does. The majority of them are so fucking unbearable, rude, socially inept, it's not even worth living in the same area as them and for the sake of your sanity, you'd end up moving away.
Diversity was a BIG BIG mistake and anyone that tells you otherwise is either a suburban rat or has an agenda; or both
>no u
Oh wow sure showed me.
Devil horned subhuman.
it's like 70 percent white 30 percent black. never left my home city.
The 9th largest city in the US is Dallas, TX.
>It's nowhere near the same level.
It's worse. I'm guessing you were never physically set upon.
You got it right, user. That's where it all happened. Dallas and Dallas County.
This is nowhere near the shit that a lot of black people go through. I'd rather have some clown punch me in the face than spend the rest of my youth in prison because I was in possession of a drug, meanwhile Timmy gets a slap on the wrist for the same crime.
But yes this has happened to me, except I was being beat up by white kids.
I like white cock even if you hate me
This brings back awful memories of my black grandmother being hunted down but white racists in the streets. But you don't care when a black person is slain do you?
Too bad you're a gay tranny and prob not even a spic
>This brings back awful memories of my black grandmother being hunted down but white racists in the streets.
this didnt happen. a white person wrote this
No I'm black. Why don't you believe my suffering you cracker devil
Blacks commit 56 percent of violent crimes. They also make up 40 percent of those killed by police. They're actually underrepresented by police deaths
>Too bad you're a gay tranny
Yeah im a faggot
>and prob not even a spic
I am a spic
Hmm let me guess. Those are statistics made up by white men?
>Blacks commit 56 percent of violent crimes
>They also make up 40 percent of those killed by police
13% of the population being 40% of the people getting killed by police seems disproportionate.
>seems disproportionate.
It IS disproportionate. The important question is why.
Racist ass cops
It's ok when they do it.
Never said it was ok. It's just irrelevant.
This isn't me btw
Why does this race bait shit get so many (You)s while interesting threads don't?
>This is nowhere near the shit that a lot of black people go through
from other black people
>I hate bIack peopIe
Who the fuck doesn't? lol
Then stop using white inventions. Amd stop speaking a white language.
>stop speaking a white language
Why do white people say this as if black people speak white languages by choice? Like our ancestors said "fuck that African shit" and switched over to English. You realize black people were tortured if they were caught speaking our native languages, right?
how was this original, theres no way
Because the majority of posters on this site are extremely stupid. Do what I do and contribute to those genuinely interesting threads.
>I hate bIack peopIe
Who doesn't? Even most black people hate black people. I live in the "good" part of Baltimore and I feel like a zookeeper walking through his cages sometimes. I don't think a day goes by when I'm not asked by some baboon for some money cuz he HUNGARY despite carrying a big gulp.
The only person who likes black people is someone who has never lived around black people. Fuck anyone who says they're not racist.
>Why do white people say this as if black people speak white languages by choice?
I'm not white. And I don't give a fuck about niggers or how oppressed you think you are.
Maybe if you werent so dumb you would have never been enslaved.
imagine unironically identifying with your race
how pathetic
ok then return to africa, nigger
I hate all people
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
I hate people, doesn't matter if they're black, white, yellow, purple or transparent
>Stop using this thing because a race can claim ownership over it
Anyway I love making white people cross the street due to my mere presence only for me to cross the street with them, one guy actually put his phone on the ground and then ran away.
No black person should care what anyone (including other blacks) think of them, they will always see you as the dangerous enemy.
why is that op? its bc youre an incel?
>most important thing to happen to music last hundred years
>get out of slavery create jazz
>still going strong through 2000s innovating new genres
>slam Poetry, clout chasing, so much whining
Fuck black people
Ew a yucky coal burner. When she gets dumped by the nog nobody will want her.
hey mods since you banned me for saying the N word yesterday, why dont you ban this guy for the same reason of "/b/ content belongs in /b/"
you massive fucking faggots
>he thinks mods ban based on the rules and not their feelings at the time
Other black guys will want her and I'm sure she'll be fine with that since that's obviously what she's into.
You speak as if guys choose women and not the opposite. What time are you living in? I think this is some kind of cope / propaganda thread created by a black.
OP thinks because someone takes a selfie with someone that they are partners. Low quality bait thread. Commit suicide.
the thread was a thread pointing out that racist content isn't allowed on Jow Forums and since I've seen fucking plenty of racist content on Jow Forums, I did the natural thing, because why the fuck would the mods suddenly decide to start reinforcing the rules
anyway, you already know what happened
Other black guys will want her and she will want black guys. So in the end, she won.
>When she gets dumped by the nog nobody will want her
>You speak as if guys choose women and not the opposite
What did he mean by this?
Meaning who wants to date an ugly woman that has a history of having sex with blacks? Not me, not you nobody.
You seem way too confident in how someone else thinks. Nobody wins by burning coal. Nobody.
Well the black guy won
Which black guy? The guy in OPs pic? How do you know that that is her partner? How can you win if you are literally a black? Blacks are a low IQ slave race. They are puppets for the Jews to push degeneracy all over the world.
>The guy in OPs pic?
Who? OP posted an anime girl.
>How do you know that that is her partner?
Why else would you include that picture of him in the first place? Or is the picture just bait?
>How can you win if you are literally a black?
It's the best time to be black
>Blacks are a low IQ slave race.
Doesn't seem to impede them much
>They are puppets for the Jews to push degeneracy all over the world.
and get first class treatment for it
I don't hate black people but they hate me.
If they are disproportionately involved in violent crime, they are disproportionately going to be involved in police shootings.
I got bullied for being a spic in some hick town I lived in as a teen. Shit makes me wish I was born white or at least Asian
Careful now, the tranny janny might hear...
Please god, post your discord, spanish faggots turn me on so much, you're the best race for turning into sissy fucktoys
this is a pretty good thread with that image i gotta hand it to you brother
>You run the media
they're all jews
>you're the highest paid in the country
asians actually
> you get less prison time for the same crimes
that's women, of any race
>you get less prison time for the same crimes, you use drugs at the same rate as black people but miraculously never go to jail for it
because they just do their drugs and kill themselves instead of being ooga booga fucking burglars and muggers and murderers to get their fix
>pretty much everyone who isn't white is portrayed as a buffoon on TV
almost every single white male father is portrayed as exactly that on tv
>our women aren't allowed to have their natural hair in the workplace because it's considered unprofessional
because it's a fucking monstrous huge mess, not anyone elses fault
>we're still more likely to be beaten or killed by the police
also more likely to act like a retard and resist or start shit with the police, when you're disproportionately violent, you're going to be disproportionately represented in violent altercations with everyone, including cops. but nobody is gonna care about this until blacks as a whole aren't vastly more likely to murder you than anyone else realistically.