Are any of you capable of finding self worth? I have literally no redeeming qualities.
Are any of you capable of finding self worth? I have literally no redeeming qualities
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when I'm good at video games it gives me self worth. also when I successfully predict the direction a movie or show is going in the middle of watching it. it makes me feel smart.
You have a brain and you have hands and can always work menial jobs if you mean for relationships, no forget it.
I wish I still had fun playing vidya
Yeah same. I'm basically worthless as far as people go.
Only haven't killed myself because maybe some interesting, world shifting thing might happen. I doubt it though.
bro the gym will give you self worth
you lift things and put them down
its a huge accomplishment
>look i can lift a thing this heavy
>okay, but so can thousands of other people
>Good at video games
I don't even have that...
I don't care about being the greatest, smartest, most interesting person, I just hate that I have to die without being that first.
I just exist. I have no real hobbies. No skills. No friends. No meaningful relationships. No drive or passion for anything.
I think trying to find self worth from "redeeming qualities" is a bad road to go down, at least in my experience. Like personally I've pretty much always based all my self worth on my intelligence and the result is that I have an existential crisis every time I have to confront the possibility that I'm not as smart as people told me/I think I am. I don't know how to do it, but I think you have to just arbitrarily decide to value yourself for reasons outside of your actual characteristics.
OP are you still here, answer if you are. I could use your assistance.
Yeah, and if you do it long enough, you'll finally be able to sink in pools.
Yeh, how could I help you though? I'm pretty retarded
Sometimes feels good to know i am not alone. 3 years like this and probably until i die... i wish i still had league of legends as a hobbie i like
I need some help with a project of mine. Figured you might find it fun. We can discuss it via discord if you like.
>I have no redeeming qualities
Then get some nigga. I'll never understand how you people act like you're so fucking helpless.
>guy wants to bang hot sluts
>lifts with a picture of a naked slut as motivation
>goes out to the slutshop fuck sluts
>is surprised when the slut has done slutty things
I fucking hate this comic
And how do you go about doing that, Mr. Chad?
I'm a worthless individual, nothing feels real anymore and I'm fully convinced now that we live in a simulation and now everything just seems fake and cheap which has made me lose my love of nature a little bit. Maybe I like to believe that none of this is real as a cope that I lack purpose and self worth
the thing about self worth is that its based around belonging with others in which we don't have friends given normie bullies. i think you just need to realize that although you don't fit in anywhere, you always have anime characters especially waifus that will make you feel better. just masturbate to your waifu and you'll be fine. go on jewtube and watch 'rev says desu' or something if you don't want to commit to animes like i do. you'll be fine because your screen is your friend.
I actually at one point had no redeeming qualities and got tired of it so I gave myself some. Google is your friend.
Think about the qualities you'd like to have, google "how to be [insert quality]" and practice. Example:
You might think reading articles like this is cringey but you have to do something in order to make a change. Most articles like this have actual advice that you could put into action right this moment and these things will become a genuine part of your personality within a few years. Stop acting like you have no control over your life.
this is fucking retarded. literally introvert and shy females don't actually care about muscles and in fact a lot of quiet females are shotacon degenerates who like guys with a childish body and are wimpy virgins. just look at mumkey jone's now second ex gf and you'll realise that the girls we should be aiming for are the pedos who like wimpy and shy males. people like you make me very very very angry.
I actually like myself.
[/spoiler] glug [/spoiler]
[/spoiler] glug
Why is she a slut? She just has big tits.
She's talking about fucking 43 guys and getting a train run on her by a swamp monster and a black guy.
Not in the imagination panel you brainless fuck.
I have a lucrative job thats about it. My genetics gave me horrible physical features so im still undate-able
In the imagination panel, he's imagining fucking the naked girl on his wall. If you pose naked for the arousal of men, you've done porn. That makes you a pornstar and that makes you a slut, you fucking mongoloid idiot.
This is really 2 IQ, low imagination thinking. No, he's thinking about his "dream girl" which is a non-whore with that body. Once he realizes that it's unattainable, he resigns himself to lifting.
>but it was unreal-
No shit. That doesn't change the comic's intent.
Honestly the biggest blackpill is that people only really care when they can gain something from you. Humans are users by nature and most interactions between humans are transactional, sadly. Aside from acts of genuine selfless love or altruism.
This ties in with capitalism too. If consumerist society feels it cannot capitalise on your talents or that you cannot offer enough in the way of them, then it deems them irrelevant and unimportant and disregards that person. All of this is materialistic bullshit.
Dont worry too much about it. You are simply feeling the pressure from a consumerist society. Let other peoples perceptions of you go. You have talents, and everyone does, but its possible you dont even know what youre good at. Nobody knows they are good at anything until they try it.
Alright. Whatever retard
At this point, I've realized that life isn't concrete. Einstein was right when he said that it's all relative. There is no big importance on work or gfs, there is no absolute must to get your life in order - is it truly the order you want? Or is it what someone else has told you?