>mfw femcel because stinky bush
Mfw femcel because stinky bush
clean yourself with antibacterial soap and shave often. it will help you smell better.
Set your bush on fire, it worked for me
And please record it and post here.
Drink water, shower daily, trim weekly
I promise you that's not the reason why you are one.
I only drink sodas.
HAHAHA! your partner is waiting for you in Africa, stinky and fat chimpance
Stop doing that then. Duh
Unless you can give me a practical reason, no.
That was the advice given to you. Don't complain if you aren't willing to do anything about it.
But, I like stinky bushes...
Step 1) shave
Step 2) shower
Step 3) ???
Step 4) profit
>tfw I do all of those things and my vagina still smells
Well then just find someone who won't turn you down because of a smelly vagina. Other incels like me would probably be able to look past it.
Id eat you out no matter how smelly it is
Living on easy mode and still a fking loser? Yeah just feed the earth with your corpse, youd be more useful that way
be my gf.. N O W !!!!
or give you a UTI
Ah, now I understand everything, what happens is that your vagina is not a real vagina, it is only an unpleasant and infected hole created in an operating room, yours has no cure, it is a deadly disease ....
Could legit be necessary to go to the doctor. Could be something up with your pH levels
femcels don't exist, this better be unoriginal
>Well then just find someone who won't turn you down because of a smelly vagina
I have before but I still feel bad to have another person have to expierence the stench
See a doctor if basic hygiene doesn't fix the problem. But if you really "only drink sodas," that's probably the primary issue right there. Even so, the right guy will be able to look past it.
Out of curiosity, how do you determine how stinky it is? Do you have to bend over and take a big whiff, or does the area around you just always smell like stinky pussy?
There's a baseline flavor, the goal is to make it taste/smell like nothing.
Clean that asshole too while you're at it.
I wasn't the person who said they only drink soda. I mainly just drink water and juide, occasionally tea. I've seen a doctor before a few times and they ruled out any infection or underlying causes. It's just something I have, I guess. Well, so times it's really pungent and I can smell it if I just bend over slightly but that's only when I'm on my period. Other times, I only smell it if I like take my fingers and touch down there and then smell them. Also my underwear always smells pretty bad after wearing them for a day.
That's normal. Don't be a faggot and buy into the fresh-like-a-daisy meme. Clean before someone goes down on you. Don't bother douching. Ezpz
>only smell it if I like take my fingers and touch down there and then smell them
>underwear always smells pretty bad after wearing them for a day
That's called having normal human genitals. They don't smell like roses. I also sweat more than average so my underwear smells like ball sweat after a day. If you're worried about it, just make sure to take a shower before anyone else gets near the problem area.
are you fucking retarded and have single father? All mothers teach their young daughters to put the soap ACTUALLY INSIDE the vagina. Yes, that's right. That is the reason every woman is bi. Because when she was a little girl, her mom used to wash her inner cooch with soap and water.
shave it off.
Stop having cheetohs, cola, most dairy, and meat. If you aren't living off vegetables, citrus, greek yoghurt, occasional chicken, rice, tea (real herbal tea not stuff in a fucking bottle), etc. then you're gonna smell like what you eat. If you have fast food, chips, or anything processed more than once a month you have no room to complain. Try adding pineapple and peppermint tea to your regiment and also try not being overweight. Unless you have some sort of rare genetic defect or you just got home from the gym, your genitals should not smell putrid and anyone saying otherwise is a fat unwashed faggot.
the practical reason is your stinky coochie, dipshit
>TFW bush and scent fetish
theres no way that's the only reason