>Go to an early college highschool program thinking it'll be a better environment and help me get a head start on life
>2 years into college, almost have my associates degree, great gpa, feeling great
>Turns out the program never made a matriculation agreement with the college
>gonna have to start from square 1, even farther back than most since the program never even administrated SATs
>going to take 6 years of college to get my Bachelors.
>Last 2 years for nothing.
Give me a reason not to be an hero.
Go to an early college highschool program thinking it'll be a better environment and help me get a head start on life
Nigga at worst you will be finishing uni like everyone else. And that's gonna be easier for you since you already studied these subjects, so you can have fun and party or get into hobbies for two years. I lost two years of college due to being retarded and failing exams, people of my age already have their degrees. It could be worse that's for sure
Hey user you still there? Would you be willing to help me out?
You need to get a lawyer and 100% sue the fuck out of them. They downright stole from you, and they need to give you what you earned or face the consequences.
With what?
Just a project I need the help of others with. I don't need money or anything like that. If you think you might be interested we should talk via discord.
If that was a free program or some kind of a grant it can be pretty hard to sue them.
mommy said not to talk to strangers, sorry
Just write it here you fucking tranny
Doesn't matter. They promised you a service and had you do work for two years in that program. There was a contract made. If they didn't give you what they agreed to they can be sued.Also you should at least be able to work out some kind of deal with the college.
C'mon fellas I'll take any or all of you. You all just wait and watch you might enjoy yourselves.
Give me an invite to the server I wanna laugh at you filthy trannies.
No you give me your discord. It'll be fun, relax it's nothing sexual, I just wanted to make an offensive comedy.
same, shoot a link
I'm afraid that isn't how this is gonna work. Just give me yours, don't be shy. What's the worst that could happen?
>Give me a reason not to be an hero.
I'm 27 and still in college. It gives you a leg up on the competition. I score chicks sometimes. It's a bit fun.
All right fine. Add me at SaddamHussein#8816
100% do this OP. Don't pussy out of the fight and let bureaucratic college board bullshit take advantage of you. The college/university system in America is a veritable scam and they'd charge you for breathing air if they could. These people are money-grubbing scumbags and they know it; but luckily many law firms know that too and they'll probably be able to hook you up with a good lawyer to sue the college/program.
You learned a lot during that time, so it was not wasted.
Straights paths are the boring ones. Detours give your life flavour.