Tell us your woes, anons and just generally get comfy
Post comfy music, pictures, and stories
I have a coding project due Monday and nothing is working...
Tell us your woes, anons and just generally get comfy
Post comfy music, pictures, and stories
I have a coding project due Monday and nothing is working...
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that is a nice fuckin apartment right there
I got indoor plants everywhere but I can't achieve that aesthetic in this shithole house
Same, user. I just moved into an apartment and I have nothing on the walls and it's kind of depressing
damn im never impressed by home decoration but that looks fucking sweet
only thing i wonder how you can sit by the computer during the day without covering the window
He obviously has a job because of how much money it takes to have a setup like that, so he's probably not at his computer during the day
Forgot the wallpaper, sorry
I have a difficult project at my job right now and it's pretty frustrating. I just want to stay home and play vidya all day.
That TV seems kinda small for being that distance away from the sofa.
I can relate, user. Except in my case, it's in school.
Maybe he just uses it as ambient noise? Other than that reason, I agree with you
it's 3 AM and she's zoned me yesterday. Not the best feeling ever. Here are some pics I took 'round my hometown.
I didn't know you lived on the equator, user
everyone has a job but everyone has to deal with the sun fucking up your monitors
also doesnt look expensive really, its the plants that does it for me though, i should probably get more greens
haven't used my nikon in a while now that I think about it. I've lost interest in everything I used to be into.
That is a good point. Maybe he just doesn't use his computer when the sun is out? I don't know
That's saddening, user. Any particular reason or just general depression?
I'm actually an italianon
this country's pretty mediocre, I'm planning on moving to Japan after uni
i don't like using that term at all but it's probably just "depression".
Are you that same Italianon who's been in the past few comfy threads?
I've always liked those style of rooves
yeah. I've been such an asshole in the last thread. I lost my shit that night, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way
If you said anything bad, I didn't see it. Even if I did, it's okay. These threads are for letting off steam anyways
I keep thinking about her and it's fucking killing me. She's told me that she caught feelings for me but would rather keep me as a friend. I'm such a pathetic loser I'm hoping she changes her mind someday.
Thanks for always being here when I need it anons
I'm sure I'be been quite rude and annoying. Thx for these threads OP
I've never had a girlfriend and have barely ever had any female friends, so I can't really help you here, but I hope everything works out for, user
I don't make these types of threads very often, but when I do, I try to make them cater to every robot here
any music suggestions?
The entire Hollow Knight soundtrack in general
This OF course
everything I thought I was good at has blown up in my face and now im left with nothing :|
you should check out the original version by Dave Bixby. I like this one more tho.
what happened user?
Can you elaborate, user-kun?