can you describe how you feel after a fap?
Can you describe how you feel after a fap?
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less horny and a little more content
Empty, guilty, a little anxious.
is trash an emotion?
baseline, dirty
same as I do after I slip my cock in your mom's anus, great!
Ashamed and tell myself I won't look at my waifu do stuff like that again
satiation. like when you're hungry, then after you've eaten enough (but not too much) you feel satiated.
Nauseated. I'm so undesirable, even I don't want to have sex with me.
Mostly sleepy. Sometimes a little bad if what I was jerking it too was an out-there fetish thing but I quickly recover.
just fapped to facesitting and jav forced feet and ass/pussy licking
why am i disgusted everytime
Second this. I'll add 'lonely'
It's post nut, It's like you keep saying yeah ill go for another vid after this nut, but then your mind just blanks and you go back to your day
Its like a sip of cold lemonade on a hot day. When I do it in the morning I feel energized. When I do it in the afternoon I feel relaxed. When I do it at night I am sleepy and ready for bed. Its the best thing I ever did.
like a volcano that just erupted
Just busted in the gf's mouth, gonna bust at least two more times before bed
disgusted and ashamed. i watch some rapeplay dom stuff and its weird seeing the girl cry with a cum dripping out of her puss idk man
>facesitting and jav forced feet and ass/pussy licking
holy based af.
It feels like... Victory... And then it doesn't.
few seconds of pleasure, hours of fogginess
Feels good for a minute. Then I kinda feel sorta empty and bad, like I remember that I don't have anyone real and have to distract myself
good for a minute and then the same as before. fuck, i don't actually feel that much pleasure
Dissappointed, lonely, and cognizant
It feels like I've had my puppet strings cut
wow everybody in this thread says it makes them feel like shit, why do we still do this then?
like 5 seconds of blank pleasure, then regret and self loathing since i inevitably yanked it to some nasty degenerate shit
I feel really good. I don't need women to have sex with when I can just use my hand. If all men were like this then Women would be running to us.
Because masturbating creates a massive dopamine spike, and if you masturbate often your body expects at least one dopamine spike a day, so it produces less dopamine through out the day which is why you get the urge to fap.
If you stop fapping for long enough, your dopamine levels return to normal levels and your daily moods improve and you won't even want to fap anymore.
Masturbating is addictive for the same reason heroin is addictive. dat dopamine spike.
The more depressed and lonely you are, the more likely you are to be a person who masturbates, because you crave that euphoria. That warmth. The feeling of comfort and satisfaction.
Sadly it's not real, it's just you tricking your brain into thinking you're procreating and achieving your biological purpose.
sometimes really good, sometimes really bad