Why has there been a gradual increase in men's suicide throughout the 2000s?
I wish I could elaborate further, but I literally don't know anything about this, and only found out recently.
Why has there been a gradual increase in men's suicide throughout the 2000s?
I wish I could elaborate further, but I literally don't know anything about this, and only found out recently.
Lol look at the fucking world? Most cant turn to the clown world ideology and go doomer or past that and get in such a dark place they can't come out. Some like me ride the line, and the pills work off and on, but nothing is forever. Everything has gone to crap, look at politics, the economy, or the ecosystem, and the way women treat most men. Honestly the question is why it isn't a higher rate.
Because humans aren't ready for modern life. We have created all this life changing technology but we haven't evolved to live in the environment it has changed. Their are only two solutions to this, impose a strict eugenics policy to speed up evolution, or dismantle technology made after around 1900. Sadly it looks like humanity is pushing its self to the second option, as it feels eugenics is somehow unethical and wrong. Look up Belyayev fox experiment, evolution is much faster than you think it is. Eugenics is probably the most moral thing to do because just by having a couple generations undergo this policy for about fifty years, we will endow the next generation with the best health, strength, and intelligence humanity has ever seen. Instead the unintelligent masses think its better to have reproduction be done based on the women's choice, choosing based on intangible factors like personality and emotion instead of objective traits like intelligence or strength, which will in most cases lead to sicklier and less evolved children. This is extremely selfish as bad personality will only persist for only a lifetime at most, bad genetics on the other hand can bring suffering for a lifetime. Hell, I don't care who she chooses to call her partner, as long as she is reproducing with the best genetics. A ethical system of eugenics can take place where women can choose whatever partner they want, but reproduction must only be done with select sperm from the best match genetics wise. Niggers and other non-whites need not apply.
*bad genetics can bring suffering for generations
Modern men typically:
>don't have a wife until they are 30
>don't belong to a church or a religion
>are not active in their community
>have divorced parents
>have less siblings than their parents do
>hell, with social media they're less likely to just have a friendly chat with a stranger
Yeah it sounds very socially conservative but men try and take on the world by themselves without any support. It's no wonder a lot of them don't make it
no sense of a purpose in life, i think, is the main reason driving men to suicide
we get hit with another recession like we are expecting and you can expect that suicide rate to skyrocket. Millennials are already way fucking behind because of the one we had in 2008 a second wave will be the final nail in the coffin and it will fuck over the zoomers as well. One entire generation will be lost and zoomers may or may not be a loss but they will be tainted.
In the end its just become really difficult for men to get a decent job that makes a living wage. Boomers do not understand the minimum wage they grew up with would have to be cut almost in half to reach parity with minimum wage now. To make matters worse companies used to do a fuck ton more promoting from within back then. Back in the boomer and gen X day just having some useless history degree meant you could at least climb to middle management at some company that has fucking absolutely nothing to do with your degree. You wouldn't be rich but you would be middle class and comfy at least.
Now you need a degree in something at least somewhat relevant to even get 2 bucks more an hour as a supervisor. To add insult to injury education,healthcare and housing have all skyrocketed way ahead of wage growth making the entire thing one massive uphill climb with a fucking boulder on your back just to reach lower middle class status.
On the more social end of things marriage has become a complete joke. We have a 50% divorce rate and keep in mind some of those people are chads. If you are average or sub average the likelihood of being divorced is even higher. All that shit you worked your ass off for will be taken from you with at least half of it going to the cunt. More than likely it will be more because after years of alimony or child support it can be like the wife took 110% of the assets you had at the time of the divorce.
>automation continues on as it has for decades
>online kills dead end retail jobs which means less work for people at the bottom
>third worlders breed endlessly with many of them beating down the doors to get in increasing competition
>hicks in the country and ghetto rats breed like rats producing more low tier workers who will have no jobs
>decaying and failing environment, I don't care if you don't believe in global warming even disregarding that the expanding deserts and acidification and general pollution of the oceans along with deforestation is more than enough to worry about.
>dwindling resources across the board
So its no real surprise people want to off them selves. The system is failing and is going to crash and burn. Don't know if human civilization will survive it or not but I can assure there is going to be a massive die off of epic proportions. All because of short term greed and people breeding like fucking rats.
lmao who cares about all that. i like to play video games and coom. that new soulslike metroidvania with religious stuff is pure kino.
>b..but muh divorce rates which i totally didnt make up
real life has always been objectively shit for 99% of people since forever. focus on escapism.
>study is falling apart, and i will be 20k in debt with nothing to show for
>my job is starting to suck and i want to leave but dont want to give up my contract and steady income
>going fucking bald
>no friends
>cant move out yet
and most importantly
>tfw no fucking gf
im 21 and half years old, i just dont see my life changing anymore. ill off myself before 23 if i dont get a gf and lose my virginity
but it has decreased globally
Perhaps life isn't as great as what the media and blessed people think it is.
Society is gay and Kingdom Hearts 3 was a fucking let down
You might as well be a jew, the white race is dying due to fucks like you. Just because life is shit for you doesn't mean you shouldn't try your best to improve life for those in the the future. Sure, you may die relatively soon, but even in the worst case scenario whites will still exist for the next 100 years or so. This same mentality is why boomers and gen x have made life so shitty, they focused on their own life while setting up future generations for failure by having less than the replacement birth rate, putting more and more burden on the newer generation on taking care of the old. I'm guessing you're not white as you do not possess the ability to have foresight and empathy, both things that have made the native European the more successful race the earth has ever seen.
You know what's better than a unmarketable education that costs 20k? not owing 20k
it sure is, biggest mistake of my life so far
All of you are brainlets. Seriously. The 80s and 90s had objectively higher suicide rates.
>the white race is dying due to fucks like you
hehe wut
>Just because life is shit for you doesn't mean you shouldn't try your best to improve life for those in the the future.
>I'm guessing you're not white as you do not possess the ability to have foresight and empathy
You know if your shit posting welldone being committed to the act, though i suspect you may just be retarded.
Non-sequitur, enjoy your double digit IQ.
Come back when you can make a rational argument.
Easy now mr. Shapiro.
Atomiziation of the individual, rampant materialism, increasing divorce rates, the lack of hope for a better future, lack of identity that is to attached to some normie notion of self, lack of faith, information overload, a sense of feeling that everyone is seemingly happy and blisful in this shit and you people cant understand why you dislike it tend to make you feel like they are literal robots, pointless jobs doing pointless shit until you die, no real culture, everything is essentially hijacked in the name of profit, performance culture and perfectionism, economization of language, culture and spirit...
Its nihilism and the constant evolving state of this world.
Furthermore, I have no social life and the internet has made me an addict.
Will an hero when im about 30
Have you seen the state of things out there user? A long walk off a short pier is a mercy.