>a pretty girl will never like you or feel affection toward you or even just want to talk to you
Pretty women are like otherworldly beings
A pretty girl will never like you or feel affection toward you or even just want to talk to you
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As close to a 10/10 as I've ever seen
It doesn't help when you treat them as such, betacuck.
I've had pretty girls come up to me and ask me to ask them out before.
that truly is nature's gift, bred over millenia a fountain of bliss to be fawned over, a gift we must give to to keep its fountains flowing..
Truly nature's gift.
haha jokes on you, I e-dated one for 4 months back in 2017 and got my heart broken
Not true. I had a very beautiful women who stood by me even after I was shot and needed months of physical rehab just to walk again and became a shell of the man I once was.
I was the one who wanted the divorce; to free her from having to deal with my drinking, nightmares and depression.
The only thing I feel anymore is satisfaction that she has a new, good life far from me.
I miss you, Sofi. Be well. This is the last time I will ever speak or write your name.
I'm thinking of you, underneath a Mexican Moon. youtube.com
I met a really beautiful girl on here and she seems to enjoy talking with me
haha same, took 8 months from last october for her to wreck me and now I've basically no dreams left. she doesn't know half of how much she's hurt me. now I only talk to her because of my low value/self esteem
it's true, they have to like you more for it to ever last
Ah Western Baltid with some Slav admixture, great taste user.
I never trust pretty girls. I couldn't ever date someone "conventionally attractive"
Girl from op image comes very close to phenotypic perfection.
I know. I'm so fucking awkward and nerdy looking, and not in a cool way either. Skinnyfat, shitty bland fashion sense, retarded and immature looking. I look like a pedophile when I shave my face, or some kind of overgrown man child.. My entire body composition sucks, everything in my life sucks I just want it to end
>putting women this high on a pedestal
Confidence is key, lads. They aren't aliens. They are actually good people to know.
They are not otherworldly.
They are just dumb and useless
a lot of them are more intelligent, charismatic, confident, and approachable than a lot of people
there are a lot of inherent uses for someone this pretty for good and bad deeds. and that inherent usefulness is a gateway to being given more usefulness (ie. getting hired more easily, free education, free money, free life experience, free sex, free positive attention)
I say that almost everyday to my orbiters
my cousin looks like this, she grew up in a trailer park with divorced parents and got fucked in the head and burned a lot of coal though
Trust me, they do not deserve to be placed on a pedestal like that, their "otherworldliness" is a very, VERY thin veneer that crumbles away the moment you really get to know them.
>Pretty women are like otherworldly beings
they are only their ego is other worldly
the less you know the better
this is present-day sexuality
cringe this whole fucking post, this song, this image. jesus christ please end your life. I fucking hate you normies.