>Tfw your best friend of 5 years suddenly stops messaging you because he has found another friend group.
Tfw your best friend of 5 years suddenly stops messaging you because he has found another friend group
These quints just add insult to injury, holy fuck.
Came here to say nice digits. Lucky faggot.
the digits prove that friends are trash and you dont need them
Fucking brutal digits
This is highly unearthly.
Check'd and empathized with, same thing has happened to me multiple times.
Satanic Quints of Destruction.
something i've learned in life is people come and go out of your life. whether it be romantic relationship breakups, friends, or death of loved ones. You'll be fine it may suck at first but time heals all wounds. The more you experience it the easier it gets.
Yeah, that goes without saying, but the wound takes all the longer to heal when it's a relationship which took years to build, hundreds of memories with that person...It almost feels as if it's impossible to get another person to know you as well as that person.
absolutely. here's a story for ya. Basically after my ex of 3 years cheated on me(first love). It was my first experience of depression. Everyday for the next year I thought about her basically every waking moment, which obviously made me sad. Eventually I would catch myself not thinking about her which ironically made me sad as well. Now of course I think about her sure, but it's definitely not as often as it used to be. My point is try not to be sad about the memories but be happy they happened. Life is too short to dread on the past. When you lose someone special no matter the reasons you'll always think about it. Just don't let it consume you.
Off topic: I recommend meditation if you can get into it. Helps you keep your focus on the present moment instead of overthinking the past (already happened can't change) and the future (no one knows what the future holds). Take everyday step by step.
I should look into meditation, I'm a highly disgruntled person, intrusive thoughts and regret are the only things I even think about at this point, thanks user.
I picked it up after being put on anti-depressants and anti-psychotic medication. The meds made me feel.. just not myself. I meditate every morning when I wake up and every night. Sometimes on my break at work if it's being a stressful day. It can be hard to get into at first but if you stick with it eventually you will learn to love it.
I recommend any sort of app for it. My favorite for learning is Headspace, there's a free trial for it but it requires a subscription. And there's a more popular one that's free called insight timer. Good luck buddy
Why can't Jow Forums always be this wholesome? It's always either unproductive threads revolving around femcels, traps, incessant bickering with no intentions of solving anything, etc. I have a dream where Jow Forums will be a board of robots in solidarity, each seeking to assist one another in their time of need.
Are you me? I'm going through literally the exact same thing, except we've been close friends 3 years and best friends for around 2. Fucker joined a frat and now all he cares about are his brothers.
Checked and felt OP, even if I haven't had that yet, I'm merely waiting for it to happen
seems to just be how life goes. I had a friend from 5th grade to senior year, then he went gay and ditched me for some dumb bitches. we're at the same college but dont talk to each other cuz honestly neither of us care about the other at this point. I've found another guy who I'm in an apartment with, known him for a year now since freshman year, but he'll go back to california way the fuck away from me at the end of these short four years. we live alone to die alone, so just find people who make life interesting but always know how to make life interesting on your own. good luck user I'm going to sleep :)
Lmao satanic quints, you don't see that everyday
>tfw you lose contact with everyone and everyone at your new job clearly has a group that they have no intention for you to ever be a part of.
god you whiny nigger, people move on get over it
happened to me this year. now i don't have any friends. at least you've got cool digits
I feel that, user. My friend, now best friend, got a new gf and fucked off on literally all his friends for a whole summer, but he eventually came around if only for my own persistence. He apologized too, shit's alright now. Mine had a happy ending, at least, but I was flipping between resentful and depressed when it looked like he would just fuck off for good.
>tfw best friend of 13 years don't go on steam (and lives far away) that much anymore because you inspired him to get his life in order and he has new friends
It's a very conflicting kind of feel.
That happened some times with my former best friend. Best friend I ever had, but when people actually gave him attention, he would run to their beck and call and leave me in the dust.
Oh well. He became a tranny though so I just stopped bothering with him. I'll always be thankful for the time we shared in our lives though.
Just proves that he wasn't a friend to begin with user. Fuck him who needs him anyways. What a piece of shit.