>Why you're a virgin
/vgn/ - Virgin General
Other urls found in this thread:
Fat, shy, spergy.
>Extreme social anxiety, still live at home with single mom
Awkward and overall bad vibes
>east coast us
>highly likely avpd or schizotypal, ADD, bipolar
I'm lazy and dumb. there is a girl across the country who would probably have sex with me but I'm too incompetent to even see her
>fat, ugly, shy af and poor
>a number of reasons but mainly autism/communication problems but also some religious views.
Where in Florida are you from my brother
Small dick
5" penis and 5'9" manlet
mount Plesant (formerly lansing)
depression in my late teens that led to feeling hung up and shy through my early 20's.
also I'm like 5'1" and prone to talking a lot about myself because I get anxious, straight as fuck though so I'm kind of screwed because dudes and giant fat chicks don't make me hard at all.
I have severe anxiety and have spent most of my life incredibly lonely I had no friends at school or college
Pious Devout
at the very least I have a dick that's like 7 1/2" so it's not terrible...
>I want to find a virgin gf who will take a nice slow relationship with me, and let me get to know her, and let her know me.
>but she'll probably be fucked up in some way.
i'm not a hideous gremlin.
I'm not evil.
Social anxiety, depersonalized
>literally do not care enough
>North Carolina
I am horrible at meeting people in person. I have had one gf and she was online and emotionally abused me for a year and that didnt help things. Also, dont want to have sex unless im in a committed relationship, so that narrows the pool of women down to approximately 0 potential partners.
>Short, ugly
I've tried bros. Nothing works.
!!!!! Do you have a thick German accent? If so please voice call me and be my German boyfriend
Don't like 3D. Don't like doing anything social.
no confidence or social ability
im a born again virgin though. does that count?
I do not since I am not ethnically German and raised in the states. I am from nowhere in particular.
>Some obscure island owned by US
>I'm disfigured and disabled
Not really bitter about any of it, honestly.
Shy, short, and my resting face looks angry
Technically not a virgin since I've fucked over a dozen prostitutes (Thailand)
Too much hassle, prefer being alone.
Skinny, ugly, a crypto-sperg
Haven't tried to get laid. Not sure I'm interested in that.
An army brat huh? Me too
>>Why you're a virgin
You have kids, what
I thought the virgin general was Jow Forums
Dumb and borderline NEET
22, Illinois. Technically not a virgin, girl raped me. Still waiting for someone special.
ay lets meet up and beat off together or somethin
Home is England
>Why you're a virgin
I am a fat, depressed, social awkward, social anxiety-suffering, lazy, disgusting-looking piece of shit with a micropenis and phimosis. Yes, I basically lost the lottery of life.
How does one get fat in Chile?
>Why you're a virgin
yellow and crooked teeth, asymmetrical face, ugly smile, fat
kinda rude and autistic
I was not a military brat despite now being military. Just an odd childhood. Mostly West Coast.
I'm down lets make it a 3way circlejerk
>6'3 205 lbs/normie/brad lite(iguess)
>anxiety and afraid of rejection so i just stopped trying
imagine having all the tools to succeed and still fail, that is true suffering
Kek I like it.
How's it feel to live in a world where we are all virgins and Chris isnt?
South Africa
Lack of opportunities since I'm not into blacks
>USA East
>I've had sex, but I haven't lost my anal virginity. Can't find a girl who's single and is interested in fucking me.
not good user, not good at all
>good fucking question...
18 isn't so bad
bad social skill/bad personality and poor choice in women
>Autism, shitty upbringing, and a general fear of talking to females
Ontario, Canada
Shit childhood, social ineptitude
I say go to instagram and be completely shameless about your hobbies just making sure you brush your teeth and wash your face/shave if you're skinny.
seriously just be completely shameless fuccboi, go to a club, get drunk start walking up to girls and ask them if they like art.
learn some basic magic tricks and you'll impress bar floozies, which might give you the confidence needed to go after a worthy target.
>Guess I'm just a bit shy when it comes to the whole hook-up thing, it seems unnatural to me, to go up to a lady and ask for sex.
turbo manlet 5'3 and socially awkward
>South Coast UK
>Never made an effort, and nobody saw fit to make an effort with me
I look like a teenager which I assume is unsettling as fuck.
Do you guys think things will be better if we actually lost our virginities?
I still remember the time a girl hugged me vividly, almost every positive experience I had with women makes me happy to reflect on. I imagine that once I actually do somehow have sex, that I'll be so so happy it'll be impossible to be depressed or anxious since I'll always be able to look back at that one moment in time where someone wanted me.
Oops 25
South East or South West? I'm in Somerset.
introverted, low self-esteem, unattractive
Can't you spergs just hire escorts?
You're welcome. Fucking hell grow some balls
Lowering your standards is having balls you're right.
some of us want more than just sex I guess, also the ads on that site look really fake
Dl eres tu?
> age
> location
> why
Somewhat of a volcel, everyone here is a fucking degenerate
Chile looks like the only functioning country in south america. Too bad most latin american women would fuck the devil if they could and let zombies eat their ass..
I'm single and interested and from the same area. Email me. I'm fucking serious. onegreatkek at gmail
>mfw the only guy to get interest in this thread is a non virgin
I'm a gril you faggot, and when I say degenerate I say morally and physically. Like yeah, he could be a virgin, but he also masturbates to women puking on cock, or hes a commie or he would sell his mother for a hamburger.
Live and let live, faggot
Ok cuck go back home to suck some nice bbc
>Country is a fucking shithole
Nice retort
You're definitely a femanon
you owned him epic style haha :)
was afraid to kiss a girl really
I recently lost my virginity at 23, so I'm not really counting in
> Malaysia
> Zero interest, Relationships are a shitshow here, also volcel .
Ugly and autistic
Don't really get out too much or have many friends. Went to all boys high school and cannot be bothered to have sex with prostitutes.
>Virginia Beach
All the woman I run into around here are attention craving and that's all they care about. And the woman I work with probably only still work there to get their holes filled by some of the guys. Also I don't go outside that much to begin with. And it takes me like a month of constant interaction with someone to actually have half a conversation with them. I went to a friend of 6 years house for the first time and he made dinner and I was too nervous to eat it even tho I was hungry. I could go on but this is already long enough
Ricky is that you?hh
>too autistic to speak normal with women and people in general
>Ricky is that you?
(i didnt see any rule thats against me talking in hungarian so yeah)
csooo alig lattam magyar embert 4chanen
en is virgin fuck vagyok :(
>cant because the jews snipped my willy badly and the lil nigga tears easily
Or a hypersexual cucked tranny schizo
>mentally unwell, afraid of rejection and general social autism.
En ismerek nehanyat, szoval vagyunk paran
Aspergers, skinny, manlet, neet, had horrid acne in HS among other things
Most I've done is mess around with egirls on skype desu
Shy, dont care
Not a virgin. Lmao fuck all of you and this retarded cesspool
>I have anxiety and attachment issues. I know that my looks arent to blame for my lack of sex. I have been rated as a 6.5/10 on /soc/ and girls gave me attention in Secondary school. I am a failed normie, sue me. Talking to girls isnt an issue. I had success in getting decent matches on Tinder and getting their numbers. I get close to being intimate with girls. But when it comes to actually meeting up, I always chicken out. I am afraid of rejection and afraid of being cheated on or used. I have severe attachment issues stemming from my parents divorce and other childhood trauma. I never make myself emotionally vulnerable, which is a requirement in relationships. It is not the act of sex that I long for, it is moreso the emotional connection with another person. But I cannot connect with people romantically because I always preemptively cock block myself because I am afraid of opening up.
>Lack of trust, ontop of being 5'11, autism
Women always tease me, they find out I'm a virgin and go full at it. Some kiss me on the cheek and hug me just to laugh call me cute. Been happening since late elementary school
>south korea
>physically small and nerd but nothing negative about it
>Some kiss me on the cheek and hug me just to laugh call me cute. Been happening since late elementary school
Fuck you
I'm gay but can't go after guys because parents will disown me
Stop being gay than you dumb faggot.
I get bored of people quick and I'm afraid of commitment/responsibility.
I don't put myself out there enough with girls