>lifting will make you more attracti-
Lifting will make you more attracti-
Viking mode is peak
Would rather look like a real viking with good muscle tone than an overly buff fantasy-tier viking.
he is hot though...
He got good skin for a dude.
1 simple haircut could boost him up letter points
that facial hair is god awful
that guy is like the quintessential male bimbo. he's the dumbest youtuber on the alt-right. he says mind-numbingly retarded shit every video but all his fanboys eat it up because he's built like fuckin arnold schwarzenegger and can throw you on top of a roof if he wanted.
this guy looks like a living meme
jaw implants and he would be gucci
God damn I forgot this fucking Viking demi-god existed.
His neo-paganism some gay as fuck shit.
>that mongoloid face
I don't even know who he is, but damn. He has to be on steroids or something
Bone structure>>>>>>>>muscles. He could be skinny and he would still be considered way more attractive than some 5'2 gymcel.
>Bone structure>>>>>>>>muscles
lol lanklet cope
It includes face as well, not just height. Give the guy in OP a recessed chin and that wide-eyed rabbit-like eye structure and see how well he does in attractiveness then. There's no gym for your face.
>There's no gym for your face
There is correct oral posture. Idiots who think shit just happens need to go to fucking school
Isn't this guy a neo-Nazi?
he's been walking it back, but he still hates immigration
Oral posture is a meme.
honestly he seems like a cool guy but i have to hate him
t. immigrant
wait what? i'm a guy and think almost every guy looks ugly especially blonde haired blue eyed ones but he looks pretty good and nails it
Male equivalent of bimbo is meathead aka chad. Literally only cares how many women he fucked, sick gainz, and social status.
he really doesn't look like a meathead chad stereotype
correct oral posture doesn't matter past 10 years old. if you got a recessed chin it's over.
why is that not taught then
Aside from the fact that I can tell this guy's autistic despite knowing nothing about him or even who he is I see nothing wrong with him
Naw you're not at all bad tooking.
because no one understands this. they think the face is entirely genetic.