>maybe if I dye my hair an unnatural color boys will think I'm fun and cute
Maybe if I dye my hair an unnatural color boys will think I'm fun and cute
Yellow is a natural hair color.
Show me a bitch with natural yellow hair
>maybe if get my lips and nose pierced boys will sit on my face
>Show me a bitch with natural yellow hair
>natural yellow hair
>posts blonde whores
Alright user
>>maybe if I dye my hair an unnatural color boys will think I'm fun and cute
I unironically do think that though. :(
go cry you little girly man
What color do you think blonde is?
i love dyed hair girls with piercings
Look at the images he posted and look at the whale with the fucking curious george hair. No normal human has ever had banana hair
Blonde isn't yellow.
Then tell me what color it is.
don't be ridiculous.why would we use 2 names for the same color. blonde is different than yellow, deal with it
>magenta isn't purple, it's a blueish shade of red, deal with it
hurr there is a color named blonde now
There is a color called blonde. It's a shade of yellow.
"blonde" is a germanic word that has an English cognate, "bland"
"Bland" isn't a color, you absolute mouth breathing, knuckle dragging retard. It's a commentary on people with yellow hair.
Are you clinically retarded, irl?
Tell me what color blonde is if it's not yellow.
yes there is the color blonde when we're referring to hair, retard
Nigger I was making a joke. Blueish red is purple, just like reddish blue is.
keep spazzin out, nutcase
i acknowledged your joke, and replied exactly.
Kid, trust me. You don't want to get into it with me. Just walk away.
is that yours? if so, do you always post your dick when you get in an argument you can't win?
Trying to claim that a shade of yellow is not yellow is like trying to say that trannies aren't gay.
No, I post other people's willys when I get into an argument I can't win.
What about lesbian trannies?
that "shade of yellow" is distinctively different enough than simply yellow to warrant its own naming, hence the word "blonde"
Lets all be honest here, she's 10x more attractive now than she would be without the glasses, hair dye, and piercings. Bitches do this en masse nowadays because it works, it draws sexual attention to someone most men would otherwise glance over like a potted plant.
There is an archetype of the 'hot emo/scene girl' in the collective consciousness of millenial males, and my cock, being too dumb to read Baudrillard or Korzybski, easily mistakes signs of the real for the real itself.
Every shade of every color has its own name. Fuck that gay shit. There's only like a dozen color names that actually matter.
And gays are distinctive enough that it's called LGBTQIA+, but they're all still fucking gay.
You the guy who posted about trannies? You didn't answer me whether a tranny who fucks women is gay or not.
They're all still fucking gay.
reminder that this is because color perception is determined by the x chromosome and some women literally have a heightened perception of color than other women/men
How is it gay for a man to fuck a woman while wearing a skirt?
Some women literally have a fourth color cone in their eyes. I'm jelly as fuck about that actually.
yeah that's what I'm talking about
all this seems like bullshit but it probably isn't
so am I
it means they actually have a completely different sensorium that we can never conceive of
Not all women have it though. It's a pretty rare trait. Most women are better with colors in a mental sense, rather than literally having a physically different set of sensory organs.
What is straightness?
What boys will think was the last thing on my mind when I decided to dye my hair blue. Honestly I do not like the color brown, I cannot do blonde because I have a tan and that would look wrong, I do not want to dye it black because then I would look like more ethnic. So blue.
I thought it was a pretty high amount like 11% or something
still not the majority but it's not rare rare
It's gold.
dumb ass lmao
>I cannot do blonde because I have a tan and that would look wrong
Tan skin with blonde hair is the typical bimbo slut look. Sounds like you're the type of person who should have went with blonde.
based and truthpilled
>egocentric men think that women dye their hair to attract them
kek no it's about defining yourself and asserting your will over your biological baseline
What does that even mean? And no, women dye their hair to be quirky and attract attention. Whether that attention is sexual or not, or from a specific gender is irrelevant
Me too.
But I come from an era where girls who dyed their hair were actually fun and quirky
The it went mainstream
And now feminist.
Google (from either Websters or oxford most likely) thinks it is
>mfw it says oxford at the bottom and I didn't even notice initially
Blonde hair is typically yellowish to an extent. The hair in the OP pic however is not blonde... additionally no shade of blonde is pure yellow, and there are so many shades of blonde that it is probably worth considering as a separate color or base color to be quite frank. No one has naturally neon banana colored hair.
>Those two pictures of niggers
Wtf, Google?
>good thread calling out uggo landwhale behavior derailed by pedantic sperg retards
literally kill yourselves
dyed hair is cute and i want a dyed hair gf
any zoomers here who at 11-12 yrs old had crushes on older emo girls and that whole aesthetic and now feel like they missed out and don't really like the new aesthetic? pic related
That shade of yellow definitely isnt
Well, it does work.
I just want to dye my hair white, but it seems like such a pain
Uhm based and based?
Men have it too, it's called being a tetrachromat. Bleen is a pretty ugly color, you're not missing out.
it's an ocular defect that makes you a vanishingly small bit better at distinguishing colors
It takes a bit more than extra set of cones to see octarine
Imao fucking urine hair.
Google the Melanesian people, clown.
>But I come from an era where girls who dyed their hair were actually fun and quirky
Same. Shit sucks.
ML Fairness ensures search results contain a quota of diversity. In this case racial.
>actually like unnaturally colored hair
>it's a major red flag in real life
Best bet for me if I ever get a gf is convincing her to dye her hair. No way in hell I could go for a girl who already has dyed hair.
I honestly don't care but most of them seem to be nutjobs
Wish a giant Boob alt girl would take my virginity despite my directions