Any anons ever had to go without internet for a period of time?
Any anons ever had to go without internet for a period of time?
The early 90s
GTFO n00b
I did for over 2 months almost 10 years ago, thankfully I had burned all my animus into dvds so I had plenty of shit to keep me going.
yes, it's not pleasant at first but it gets manageable
I did, for about 6 months. I sat inside and watched my backlog of anime during that time.
Yeah, usually when I'm hiking I leave my phone at the bottom of my pack. Never been away for more than 4 months though.
Oh yeah and I also became an alcoholic hoping that suddenly stopping would kill me but apparently I was doing it wrong and only ever ended up with a bad case of the shakes. I couldn't put a 10$ bill into the slot at the self checkout because I shook too much. How much do people who get seizures drink? I went through a handle every 4 days.
Yeah I remember having the modem taken away as a kid, and a horrible panic immediately set in. I had never felt so alone before.
$5 a day on booze aint too much
In recent times, the longest I've gone is a few days. But when I was a teenager and forced to live in a group home, we had no internet access for our mental health treatment. I went about 7 months without using the internet at all and it was a fucking nightmare for the first week but after that the routine of therapy and school, plus healthy meals and hiking in the mountains made me so happy and I stopped giving a shit about Jow Forums and social media like myspace and early facebook from back then. I still had regular urges to play WoW and would rant about dungeons and lore and leveling routes for hours and hours at least a few times a week, though. That was something I couldn't shake no matter how healthy I became.
It was a little over half a fifth/400ml per day, everything I read said I was in serious danger and I felt like I was cheating the system thinking I'd be dead when I stopped, but here I am alive and disappointed
I also started drinking daily during the couple months i didn't have internet. What else is there to do to pass the time?
On the bright side i had to start drawing my own hentai and i got pretty decent at it
I resorted to watching my neighbor's window like a hawk with binoculars. Actually saw her change once. She has a nice pear shaped body.
Got any hentai you can show me bro?
Damn dude, what is it about wow that makes people so addicted? I never got into it but there was a period of like a year where all i cared about was runescape? Is it worse than rs?
It caused me to absolutely throw my life away in every aspect. I would
>stop eating for days straight
>drink nothing but big gulps from 711
>sit for 12+ hours straight, narrowly escaping blood clots
>shit and pissed myself due to not getting up
>skipping school 70% of the time
The reason I went to a group home was because of WoW. I was tired of walking home at lunch to skip school and I thought hey, what if I purposely get suspended and stay home and play? It's a legal way of skipping school! So I went to a free speech rally at lunch and yelled racial shit into the microphone in front of everyone and nearly got expelled. They sent me to a group home for mental health treatment, all because I was stupid and valued my game time more than absolutely anything else.
In hindsight, I needed help bad and being forced to stop using the internet was the best thing that happened to me. Unfortunately, when I turned 18, I was sent back home to my alcoholic dad and ended up playing for another few years. Thankfully, the game turned into shit and I stopped playing around the wod expansion. Classic wow doesn't appeal to me anymore, I am incapable of feeling joy from video games. I suppose I burnt the pleasure out of my brain for years of overuse. The only way I enjoy things now is with high doses of caffeine, 400+mg, which I rarely use because it is quite unhealthy.
>all i cared about was runescape
I loved runescape too before wow but I was very casual with it, only got to 80 woodcutting on a free account with my old friends. I personally have no addiction potential with the game but I can see how some people would get attached especially with high level item drops and xp efficiency autism.
>So I went to a free speech rally at lunch and yelled racial shit into the microphone in front of everyone
Incredibly fucking based
Jesus christ I think your wow addiction might have been one of the worst in history. Getting sent to a group home over it is insane kek
>come into some money
>dad's been wanting to move away
>I've been wanting a real place
>buy his house
>have to get my own internet set up
>want better than what he had so they'll have to send someone out to do the actual hookup
>they figure it'll take a week
>takes a month
>find out partway through that the first time they sent the guy out he just lied and said I was already hooked up
It was unpleasant. I'm very reclusive and I don't have to work anymore so there wasn't much to do. I didn't want to pick up any games I hadn't already played in case I got stuck and needed help, so I mostly just binge watched some tv show seasons I got dirt cheap (around $5 a season), and jerked off. Way more boring than it sounds.
I did for majority of 2013. It was absolute hell, no lie. During most of this, I lived with my father in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. He was your typical boomer, so he just expected his son, who had at this point grown up on the internet and lived in a bigger city previously, to not mind and to help him grow his shitty garden. And no this isn't some learning life lessons bullshit, I was 22, I was used to his bullshit, and he hardly knew what the fuck he was doing either. He bought 10 acres of farmland and did fuckall with the majority of it.
Anyways, aside from getting shit from my dad constantly, I had to break my steam installation to get it to run in offline mode (because for some fucking reason in order to get offline mode to work, you had to enter offline mode from online mode). I spent most of my time going through my backlog of games and movies/anime. And when I went stir-crazy from that, I took solace in a few minutes of time using McDonald's shitty wifi on my shitty netbook. And I had to burn a lot of money just using shitty prepaid data cards on my prepaid cellphone in order to use Facebook, otherwise I had no contact with my friends. I had a dumbphone (think cheap $30 knockoff blackberry) so browsing facebook was even more of a pain.
I get so much of my livelihood from the internet that it mentally pains me to be away from it for too long. Luddites can never and will never understand.
my parents took away internet for 2 months when I was a kid it sucked. But I remember my browser had cached some pages so I saved them and would reread all the posts. THis was back when I was a brony on /mlp/