You literally can't do anything without drive/passion/motivation.
I feel so heartless because one of the most common themes ever, both irl and in fiction, is that people can achieve things if they try hard enough.
Yet I just don't care. I feel like I was supposed to get stronger and motivated after being bullied, since that's what always happens to people who have rough lives isn't it?
You literally can't do anything without drive/passion/motivation
Not OP but shut up! Jojo is good.
You can actually. You just do stuff as a routine and you can do anything. If you don't care then it shouldn't matter what you do with your time. Just start doing it as a routine until it becomes second nature to you and you don't have to think about it. Do this with enough good habits and you'll fix your life just by operating on autopilot and good things will come from that.
Anime is fucking gay and all you are blogging about is that you have an easy, comfortable life. Nothing motivates like actual pain or boredom.
If you have brain damage where you enjoy pain or boredom or bullying (I bet your bullying was not even bullying) then you dont need motivation. You are happy as you are
>jojo is good
pfffff good one user
I respectfully disagree with your disagreement user.
"passion" and "motivation" are lies, you have to force yourself to do things at first, and either they become easy and you don't have to force yourself too much, or they remain hard and you have to keep forcing yourself.
actual pain is not motivating, physical pain is distracting from everything else. maybe emotional "pain" would be but that's because it's not actually pain in the first place, just faggots feeling sorry for themselves. boredom can be a motivator but people often find it more comfortable to do the same stupid low-effort bullshit rather than putting effort and thought into something.
T. Never had to deal with pain or discomfort
The thing about habit forming is it requires motivation to even start. If you're like this for everything, the primary motivation for being able to do anything is other people forcing you to. Although I'm also so devoid of motivation that I don't really care at this point, but I'm not OP so I can't speak for him.
If you dont care then you wouldnt attention whore about it. Any lifestyle change is as simple as doing it once and then doing it again.
That doesn't make any sense, though; 'forcing yourself' is more of a lie because it requires motivation to do in the first place. I mean, the very concept of why people do things requires motivation, because you wouldn't force yourself without a motive. 'Discipline' is actually the lie, because anyone can create discipline (which is actually just forming a habit so that doing the thing isn't even a big deal), it's motivation that's what you need. And some people don't get the same motivation from the same circumstances because of subjective experience, so it's even harder to expect someone to care.
Why do you consider people who talk to you or even remotely disagree with your point to be attention whoring? Surely you're not this defensive about your ideology.
>Japnigger cartoon
>Ever good
>I dont care!
>let me justify my laziness and try to convince you that you are wrong about me! The problem is with you!!! Trust meeee!!!
Bro... what does any of this have to do with me? You wanted to talk about your miserable life and the gap in motivation. Now you are being a little shit. I think whatever happened to you was completely deserved.
you don't have to have motivation to make yourself do something, you just act on an impulse and then continue acting on the impulse instead of giving up right away.
The reason you have no motivation for anything may stem from you having gotten too used to receiving dopamine from low-effort, high-reward sources. Save image related and when you feel you've hit rock bottom (or at any other point in time when you feel some motivation to change your life because you're fed up with it, you do need some kind of initial push) try to do what's outlined in it. I can't guarantee that it will work for you as we're different people, but it is the only method out of many others that has worked for me so far (though only for about 1.5 months; after that I tried to slowly re-introduce the Internet and accidentally spiraled out of control again). The hardest part is committing to doing it, then planning what you'll be doing (I just read .pdf format books I pirated, and didn't even do the Jow Forums stuff but it still worked). The actual abstinence from pleasure part was surprisingly easy, other than masturbation which got difficult after a week of not doing it.
>acting on an impulse
That impulse is motivation, and not everyone gets it. To continue acting on the impulse, you must also be motivated to continue. Don't misunderstand; motivation isn't just a concept of 'only doing things when you want to', it's literally the sole driving force behind why we do things. We are motivated to do things, and get a reward afterwards to motivate us to do it in the future.
Drive, passion, and motivation are all different things, but none are fixed. Passions change, motivation is fickle, and drive is temporary. Watch Jocko Willink's PragerU video "Discipline = Freedom". It's quickly changing my outlook.
t. never experienced any difficulty in life
The point of all those things is to form habits, which is what 'discipline' is when it comes down to it; doing things without even thinking or caring about it. Of course, this goes both ways; while you won't care about doing stuff like exercising or working after a while, you also won't care about things that bring you joy if you do them enough times. Habit-forming means to feel less from the world.
What is worse
Having no passions
Having a passion about something that takes a lot of time to do, but isn't lucrative at all so employment is a great annoyance that keeps you from doing what makes you happy
tl:dr "Pull yourself up by the bootstraps" is possible to a degree.
And the strength of motivation is only measurable in hindsight, ok?
OPs motivation was this atmosphere of societal appreciation/worship of (baseless) strife. SEEMINGLY baseless.
He felt MOTIVATED by this expectation, that seems to be the norm.
I think you delivered excellent evidence, that strife is expected or at least it's expected to shut up about not perceiving enough of it in oneself.
(OP could be producing high end shit and not noticing its greatness)
Almost every popular movie is made by people doing propaganda for the "you can do it" crowd.
That same crowd is more receptible for outgoing-ness.
The "go out and do stuff" mentality is an easier virus to spread than the "stay in and survive safely" virus, since it's kinda airbourne.
He could flip the table on you and call you needy.
Needyness begets needyness.
Confinement begets confinement.
Selfconfined things are well... kinda naturally and willingly prevented from being a better meme. As someone who transitioned from the former to the latter: i feel like i have shed certain needs.
>The problem is you
I'm inclined to receive this as projection.
What if he has NO problems but the question if he should do/want more?
You just assert his unhappiness.
Implicitly accusing him of blaming others?
Isn't it that your stance to lazy people, just inverted ?
Why did you even reply? Attention whoring? Doubt.
You feel like you have to fight for the "do something" sentiment while he fights for the "do nothing as long as you don't need to" sentiment.
He never implied that you should do it like he does.
He's on the defensive and knows it.
There's undeniably value in both.
If his "do something" impulse is to torture animals to death, it's probably a good idea that he doesn't feel it strongly.
If your "do nothing" impulse is to stop working on that absolute painlessness hypnosis, it's probably a bad idea.