>"dude trust me, men peak at 25, youll find someone"
>26 and kissless virgin
"dude trust me, men peak at 25, youll find someone"
It's 35 and you actually have to put work in. It doesn't just happen, shitlord.
in looks is 25
They peak at age 23, but if you work really hard you can still have a lot of sex in your 30s and 40s. The problem is that people who slay pussy in their 30s still developed their skills over 10-15 years. If you are just starting now, my best bet for you to ever have a good, trusting, lasting relationship with a woman is when you are at least 38.
In other words just go gay, you lived over half of your healthy life already and still no sex? Lol
>men peak at 25
lol who said this? they fucking lied. Men peak in their mid 30s, that's when they're typically most desirable for a number of reasons. This is because by that point, most men have figured out their life and put in about 10 years of hard work to get to a good place. That makes them attractive to women.
A 30 year old man with no wife or kids yet isnt peak in anything. Peak attractive males are 23-27. Peak financial stability is 45-50. Peak sexual activity is 18-22.
Why are you lying anyway? 30 is peak midlife crisis maybe. Are you 30?
again no, sounds more like a woman projecting her insecurity onto men
women hit a hard wall in their late 20s as far as looks go, but men? nah
wrong, men hit peak earning potential in their 30s, by their mid-late 40s most employers consider you "too old", it's actually a real problem for older men trying to change jobs or get back into work. A lot of places are agist and only want younger people and there's an assumption middle age men are too set in their ways to learn new skills.
Look at the numbers. Men in their 30s are pulling down more money than any other age group.
60 is too old. Come back when you are not retarded.
>looks at the numbers
>they prove you wrong
>29 khhv
Under a year till wizardhood yeet
Fuck normie pieces of shit, "Don't worry bro, don't rush yourself bro, it will happen eventually bro, it happens to everyone bro!"
1. I don't know where you pulled that out from.
2. Youth may peak at 25 but you can still look good if you take care of yourself. You are working out, eating healthy, and try to avoid unhealthy habits; right, user?
3. Men aren't all about looks. Our peaks are different. It's about status. 20s ain't shit. It might be easier if you are attractive, but you should be experimenting, saving, learning, and practicing some skill. 26 and I'm complete opposite of when I was 16. Didnt even know what I wanted until a few years ago. 36 should be nice with the foundation I'm building. I kind of envy the older dudes on YouTube that are skilled in some type of craft. I want to be knowledgeable. That's the real peak. 50.
This. Women age like shit most of the time. Only because most rarely think about the future. They constantly live for the moment
god you're such a boring nigger stop complaining
That's going to have to change though. I think the age of working at a single job for 20 years is over.
>implying women give a shit about anything other than money
I dont think peak is when some other guy wants to fuck you. Men peak at 25 if they are straight. Knowledge gets you nowhere with women. Status just means your social circle. Professional status is nearly irrelevant to what kind of partner you get unless you are shooting for someone who is rich. But kids of rich parents are already there to compete.
>only 1% of men have any money
>up to 90% of real men have girlfriends
Makes you think
Women want high status men. A man who is held in high esteem by other men becomes attractive to women as a result, she wants to be associated with his status.
Jesus Christ this is so dumb. Women care more about the confidence related with status than they do solely with looks. You're projecting an insecurity. I'm saying this as someone who thought the same thing when I used to be fat and ugly. Worked out and got fit. Had abs, clean skin, dark tan, but still so fucking insecure. I would watch dudes that I knew were uglier than me get women. It's because I reeked of desperation. Relaxed and started focusing on what I loved and that's when women came.
How many women do you know have super high status husbands?
Just because you want to suck the cum out of some rich old man, doesnt mean anything for how the world works. Most genuinely high status males have already been married for 15 years and arent on the market, and the rest fuck prostitutes
Confidence can be developed without becoming a walking heart attack or a faggy Porsche. You are basically agreeing with me but refuse to believe that the most active bachelors are the most active bachelors.
Status and confidence doesn't mean wealth. That's just one symptom. There are broke mountain climbers living in vans in their 30s banging hot chicks. So many people that looked dorky in high school and aged well. So if that's what you're saying than I do agree with you, faggot!
If you still masturbate after age 25 you are absolutely screwed.
If you practice nofap/semen retention you get more attractive until around age 45-50. After that it flatlines.
Semen retention is the key. If you're still jacking off and watching porn cut that shit out right now or you will destroy your already slim chances in this life.
Why do you care? Why does sex matter? I'm in the same boat and I don't give a shit.
Eggsactly. Men peak at 25. They still have their health and it makes sense for them to be single.
I dont watch porn, but man I would be fucking crazy in some days if I stopped masturbating, it cant be healthy to stop fapping
Then we don't agree. Because I'm saying that "peak" that supposedly is tied to women liking you doesn't exist at 25.