At what age does still being a virgin become weird?
At what age does still being a virgin become weird?
Around 6 years old
Your age minus 3 years.
None. Virgins are the only people that make it weird for everyone. Two years ago, incel essentially a nonexistent concept because everyone knows that everybody is an incel until they aren't. You faggots ruined your own lives by making this concept prevalent. Stop giving a fuck and things will normalize.
Like 16, legitimately. We are all screwed.
I always thought it was weird after age 17. Like something is probably wrong with you. But I met a few cool virgins in college and now I think 21 is the last age that anyone can still be a virgin and not have an extremely rare brain disorder or terrible lifestyle
I'd say 25. I'm 22 which is a normal age to be a virgin
By 16 it's acceptable to make fun of someone for being a virgin. By 18 it becomes a little weird but you should lose it by the time college comes along. After 20 you're abnormal in the eyes of society and something must be seriously wrong with you.
Normal if your town has zero sex hormones or functioning brain cells
Shhhhh you'll break my illusion
Is that from yugioh? Lo
I think it's 21, and most people think it's 21 too except for turbo-whores who think it's weird to be a virgin at 14.
There are "late bloomers" or people who were just overall fucked over in high school or home-schooled who either:
>had no opportunity to get a girlfriend
>were too socially inept to look for a girlfriend
>were given shitty advice, either from the internet or from some beta
>wasn't good looking enough
>was too young-looking in his adolescence but looks like an adult later in life
I personally lost my virginity at age 18, but I could have lost it at 15 if Jow Forums's "incel black pill" philosophy didn't destroy my mind. This isn't really my fault, I was just a dumbass who didn't have much guidance from people.
Oh shut up you weapon. You need to go out more.
It's from Berserk, now go read it and listen to the OST.
it's 14 now apparently according to this highschool girl I talked to a little bit ago. if you're older than 14 and you haven't had sex you're a societal oddity.
Weapons are always out. Stay mad.
for male, 20
for female, 18
normal countries: 21, usa: 14
When I was young even the purest virgins lost it by 17 and that was 20 years ago. I can imagine it is way below that now.
I heard new generation of chads gets blowjobs by sexy nurses at birth as a form of baptism
I actually think around 23-24, you shouldve gone through college or gotten a job, youve been old enough to go to bars and clubs, you already went through highschool
If you dont lie to females about shit to get what you want from them you are a bitch
I brobly coulda jad ssex multibly time but my paranoia got the better of me. Also in hs an annoying anime 9gag chink asked me out. In 9grade 3 girls came up to me and 1 wanted to suck my dick after school. I was shocked and thought it was a joke like they gonna show up with frend and bully me or not show at all then this one time neighbor slut asked if i wan to touch her boob out of nowhere while she sat on porch i was coming home from school she was in my school too but i think she grad a tea early or 2 but anyway i touch boob with finger felt embarrassed as she stared at me and went inside my house
unironically 18, girls laughed their asses off when I told them Ive never kissed a girl at that age, so imagine
>If you dont lie to females about shit
They know you're a virgin if you are. I don't know how, but they just do.
I did my hardest to pretend to be normal and got called out on it and rejected.
Past 30, you can get away with it if you just say it's for religious reasons and don't try to go with things like "I just don't want to have sex"
The difference between a virgin and a non-virgin is just being jaded. Non-virgins (specifically people who have been in one or two long term relationships, this is what women mean by non virgin amd also why they think sleeping around is okay). Women can tell a non virgin by how he knows that women arent really worth it and he isnt desperate because he doesnt care. He just wants some pussy at the moment
i'm a 26 year old virgin and a pretty normal guy just doing normal things
You are paranoid over things that dont happen.
How to lose virginity after high school if i am not going to college?
You don't.
Give up.
It was over before it started.
And yet here u are posting on a Siamese knitting g forum. The cope is too much
So it's over for me. Especially as I will be doing men's work
Dubs speaks the truth. It is over for u, son
Get a job at a restaurant or somewhere that young people with no ambition work at.
>posting on this website
>posting on Jow Forums