Would you date a boring, depressed, clingy, girl with average looks who will spoil you with treats and fun places to go to from time to time? Asking for a friend of corse.
Would you date a boring, depressed, clingy...
Probably, but im sure you can do much better then me.
Yes, but you're going to find someone better looking & more interesting than me in this thread.
Only if I could also spoil you with treats and good times
all of you are fucking depressing as shit and explains why you guy will never get a date
What kind of boring are we talking about? And if "the friend" can take me to fun places, is she really that boring?
Yes. Will you let me fuck you how I want, though?
Yes, because I am also boring, depressed, clingy, and average looking.
Of course.
you're probably too good for me anyways.
Thats literally my type, please enter my life please
Ill spoil you too but I rly want someone who is clingy depressed and has average looks
I already date her.
Sure, I don't see why not. If we both enjoy each other's company then that's all that matters really.
Do you have capacity for self-reflection and self-improvement, and can stand the times when I'm too depressed to express more attention than sad hugs?
If yea then pls.
Can you ask your friend to at least try with me? I'm also average but i have my shit together and all that.
Yeah thatd be great. But then they would leave me to bang chad, of course
Chad aren't looking for average girls. They're already taken by Stacy.
Yes but don't make me go out often. I'd rather just chill at home.
Ide murder one while she was sleeping soundly,as to get the freshest despair possible.
Maybe average girls should stop ghosting average guys then. They have options though, so I guess I understand why they do it. Being an average not tall male is a death sentence, and I want to be put out of my misery
Most of the time girls ghost someone it's because of personality red flags.
I've never known a girl shallow enough that she'd not go for a guy her height or shorter...
We gotta fall in love and that's not gonna happen if (like most robots/fembots) we're both so shy, anxious, needy and depressed we have no personality anymore.
>with average looks
None of these would stop me from falling in love with someone.
Maybe. I can't be sure.
i did and i loved her
If she liked girls then yeah..
No i dont want to be spoiled
No. I want my gf to be intersting. At least a little interesting
I'd be okay with that but I prefer to have common interests
Of course, that sounds quite sweet actually
No. I do not like being given gifts. I also do not like going places
fuck of Hannah
Yes be my biologically female gf. Would you date a soulless wagie with a shattered heart, no friends and brown skin?
im not asian but how did you guess my name? ive never even interacted with anyone on r9k let alone posted my name.
tell Andrew to fuck off too
i dont know an Andrew sorry. unless youre talking about that skater I had a crush on back in my high school years.
Yes, but only if you agree that it is an open relationship.
no. there are so many of these types of women. it's old.
yes except im anti social so hate going out places unless the places are isolated like mountains or forest or some other place where there are no other humans and also i would want to get fully naked with you outdoors and fuck you like a wild animal.
yea I pretty much do. She took me to a Spade Mill at the weekend. I was furious to leave my computer but i actually loved it. She is wise.
>tfw no despairing pious gf
ill take the treads not sure about fun places unless im the one choosing where we go
>Most of the time girls ghost someone it's because of personality red flags.
No, it's because they're extremely judgemental and full of themselves. They really dislike being wrong and chimp out whenever you disagree with them.
so pretty much an average female
I wouldnt want to spend much time around a depressed person its very draining
this just means posessive stop using the word clingy it makes it sound less bad.
That's right OP. So you're asking if anyone would date a crazy paranoid possessive bitch? Yeah, I did that a couple times.
where to meet people like you anyway? How do two people who never leave their room meet and bond
>Would you date a boring, depressed, clingy, girl with average looks who will spoil you with treats and fun places to go to from time to time? Asking for a friend of corse.
Sure, she would get bored in a few months and ghost me like all the other BPD whores so what's the point though.
I would date a pole covered in shit at this point. But I'd quickly develop an impostor complex and attempt to sabotage my relationship with the pole, causing a parent-child situation where the pole is unable to stop the return of my severe and active depression while I spiral into weekly, then daily, attempts, each one more carefully planned than the previous. And then, after my inevitable suicide by train, I would leave the pole with major emotional trauma with no hope of finding love for the rest of their inanimate life.
To answer your question, yes.
I'd date A woman with a pulse
That would be easily more than I could hope for
Average doesnt mean fat.
I don't know why all the girls here are fat but i'm going to guess youre fat too.
only if you're from Luxembourg
No, because you'd never date me. Fuck off.
Are you even real or even a biological female
"average" is not a very good description, i need pictures
haha n-no of course not
I love me some clingy
Christ you people dont deserve a girl. Grow some confidence and quit being so pathetic.
Killyourself attention whore. sagerino