ew ew ew EWWWWW!
>He isn't circumcised!!!!
Ew ew ew EWWWWW!
Ew, ew, EWWWWW
shes a jewish goblin
my gf loved my uncut slightly smaller than average sized pp. And there's nothing you can do to cope. :)
How many porno's have you watched with uncircumcised cock? Check mate.
Femanon here, I prefer uncircumcised
But if he is circumsized I will not mention it, I also like circumsized just as much because circumsized people didn't have a choice, feel bad
Aesthetically I like uncircumcised but I still like circumsized too. Don't worry.
uh so you think porn is the pinnacle of dick aesthetics? how do you function in life?
I'm sorry you were circumcised at birth dude.
literally no one outside of brainwashed muttmerica thinks this
I mean really all it does is give you the erect penis look at all times while being dry as fuck. I'd rather be uncut for the moisture but that's the downside of being a white amerimutt.
literally only homosexuals think like this
can you fucking larpers please just leave? nobody gives a shit if your dick is mutilated. go cope somewhere else, you fucking faggot
This was thread was made by an upset loser who had half his dick stolen at birth by some jew.
Honestly Europeans are scum and I don't value they're opinions but there are few places on the web where they aren't.
yea fried mutilated dry cracked dick is so yummy
obviously biased since i'm uncut, but to all my cut brothers out there, they literally chop off the part of your dicks with the most nerve endings in order to reduce your urge to masturbate, how does that make you feel?
>the no fembot gf to play with my foreskin and lick it clean
Feels bad man
I am sorry you got cut dude,lets hope circumcision stops being a thing
I wish a Jewish gf would circumsise me with her teeth.
Then why do I masturbate 5 times a day and why does it still feel so good?
It doesn't feel good. You just don't know the difference.
>that ABSOLUTELY blissful feeling when you manage to pull our foreskin back for the first time and light tap gives you body-shaking sensations
How big is your "girlfriends" pp compared to yours user?
Sure feels amazing to me. But cope harder, wormdick.
I'm cut, you nigger. But dammit I wish I was this "wormdick". It fucking sucks being a mutilated Jewish subject. You're the real one in denial and cope.
>coping this hard
you'll never know lol
not gonna lie, the orgasm/ejaculation of a cut or uncut penis probably feel more or less the same, the major difference is in stimulation. during sex an uncircumcised dick with all its nerve endings (plus the natural lubrication of the glans which helps both retain higher sensitivity and makes the penis "slide" more easily during penetration) would feel far, far more enjoyable than anything your mutilated dick can ever experience
>tfw born into a hardcore catholic american family
>they don't mutilate my penis
>have the sensitivity and aethetics a man is supposed to have by design
feels good. genital mutilation without consent is not okay whether you are male or female.
Dilate you jew dick loving tranny.
Great comeback, simply astonishing, I stood up to clap *sarcasm*
I care that my dick was mutilated.
>my dick when
Based friendo. Be glad.
How sad is your life that you have to avatar post with cute little girls you fag?
lmao keep coping mutt
>feels good. genital mutilation without consent is not okay whether you are male or female.
At least some countries are starting to ban it, thank god.
Though that said, it's nowhere near as bad as some forms of FGM.
I know a girl whose parents removed her clit because she was masturbating at 14, and I feel really bad for her.
Also I'm a degenerate so it turns me on that she can only give but not get orgasms
That's a sexy dick user, I love that small gap between foreskin and the head of an erect uncut cock.
A lot actually, I don't like pornos with cut cocks.