Aren't guys that hate sluts really angry to be compared to other men...

Aren't guys that hate sluts really angry to be compared to other men? She saw you and she saw another guy and decided to give him attention, sex, and possibly love. Not you. That's what this actually is about right? Because if men can sleep around and not be shamed it has to go both ways.

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>Because if men can sleep around and not be shamed

they should be

blah blah blah sex sluts whatever
I wish more people preferred black sock clad feet

Men have never had standards. women who feel special for getting attention from men are the most retarded creatures on the planet. They think they higher body count she has that must mean she is beautiful, are you fucking kidding me. Men don't have standards. It is impressive when a man sleeps around because that means he has game and positive features. It will always be disgusting and fucking gross when a women sleeps around because she is just a keyhole that lets anybody and anyone inside because she is sub human retarded enough to believe more men I fuck=means I am beautiful

No, that's not what it's about at all, I just dislike shallow sex and people who do it regardless of their gender.

>Because if men can sleep around and not be shamed
I shame them. Manwhores are just as bad as regular whores.

>Because if men can sleep around and not be shamed
But I thought Jow Forums did shame chads and manwhores???

That's the simplified version.
If you have a lot of casual sex you start devalueing it, which will make regular sex be more and more boring. so if another person wanted to have sex with someone they want them to enjoy it, which will be a difficult task with a "slut". so why would said person choose a slut over another person?
also being easily fuckable makes you less attractive because some people still like "the hunt"
another thing is that there is probably something wrong with you if you try to fill a void with worthless hedonism.

that all being said, male sluts are not much better. with women it is just a bit worse, because they tend to get emotionally attached to their ONS, which is also not healthy. men have it easier in that category

Yeah, I've always suspected that the promiscuous women who claim to love males are just using that as an excuse, and in reality they chase all these men and have sex with them because it scratches some sort of feel-good urge inside of them. It's like a validation drug for them.
As time goes on I don't care about this much anymore, it's true that sex is a mutual act between men and women and you can't control other people's actions.

So your point is that you're basically reciting common sense..?

>It's like a validation drug for them.
Thanks to this I got a slut make me logic notes for philosophy and she even helped me studing in our free hour class it's not only sex, it's almost everything

For me it's about it about the fact that I choose to be a virgin and wait for a marriage partner meanwhile women expect me to swoop in and take sloppy seconds.
I don't have any STDs and I don't want to marry someone who will mess up my chances of having children.
Chlamydia may be able to be treated with antibiotics but the scar tissue has lasting effects on the fallopian tubes.
I also generally believe that having premarital sex makes someone less likely to take your current relationship as seriously as their first one.

Anyone male or female who uses sex as a commodity or does it just for fun instead of with someone they plan to be with forever is hedonistic scum

Sure. I've never been able to get a woman to do anything like this for me. In fact I've never got any action.
But I wonder how I can overcome this summit. Working out is good but it's not everything.

>Aren't guys that hate sluts really angry to be compared to other men?
No sluts are just disgusting. There isn't really any deep thinking or reasoning required, just pure instinctual disgust.

This is bullshit. Men and women both gravitate towards people they feel are sexually attainable but emotionally unavailable - the one who is emotionally available will get emotionally attached. Known plenty of girls who have happily slept around without getting feels, and plenty of guys getting feels over a girl who clearly just wants sex.

How often do you get deep sex?

Manthots are faggots too

No actually it's all about pair bonding.

When women have sex they produce a lot of oxytocin, the empathy chemical, which causes them to bond with their partner. Now how do you think this affects a woman who fucks 10+ guys? She is now unable to pair bond with you and is, statistically, far more likely to cheat and divorce.

Obviously you won't reply to my post because I've absolutely btfo you.

>this is bullshit because of a few people I know!!!

read and then fucking lobotomise yourself, double digit IQ user.

I'm a slut blah blah blah give me attention pathetic virgin blah blah blah give me any kind even bad I don't care I just want some blah blah I fuck so many guy aren't you horny cuck blah blah aren't you jealous you can't fuck me blah blah.

How is it possible to be an incel when you can open grindr and get a trap gf?

Anyone who sleeps around should be ashamed.
I don't want to have sex with you.

Ok, i'll try to make it concise as possible:
MAN AND WOMAN are non-existent, in english
MAN, is a short-term for HU-man and WO-man is Wife of Man, english isn't the oldest language. But in latin Domina, is also "landlord", from DOMINUS, Home.

Now, is every WOMAN a WOMAN? is she owning a house? No, lol.
But MAN is often interpreted wrong, MAN, is the SHORT of HUman.

What does being a man, means? Nothing, right? But is HUMAN to like things...
Do you really think all the tall girls are with the tall boys or that there could't be a MEDIC WOMAN interested in some 4'9 shortboy?
It can happen. Pheraps you didn't try hard enough, pheraps he likes him better, pheraps you didn't give her the right signals?

Some girls even ask boys out! WoW!

t. Futanari(that's why i know girls)

Most of the actual hatred of sluts comes from women who want to use sex as a bargaining chip and fear that they won't be able to do that if sluts are out there fucking men readily.

I dont hate sluts.
I'm just afraid of STDs
And no condoms dont 100% protect against them

The only sane answer here.
The one other damage, sluttery can inflict, is a broken expectation.
I won't engage a relationship again, where over time expectations just get stacked higher and higher into impossible odds of resolution.
Better have an occasional fling.
Having said that, i want a futa-robo-slime-shapeshifter-gf to simulate as much a variety as i want,
while protecting my aging decaying fleshbag of a body.
I know, it's not "real" but "real" is just a blanket excuse for giving up emotional autonomy for bullshit drama.
But there's a high possibility for a "drama"switch or regulator too, so what gives.
No matter the gender, whether there are 2 or n2 of them, people are psychotic and limited in scope, so failure is always imminent.
I'm looking forward to the moment, when babymaking is finally seen as the rights-violation that it is and the differences between sexes lose meaning too.
So people can finally have orgies on the streets without hypocrit-breeders screaming for others to think of the children.
They are the ones abusing kids by putting them through a mandatory period of defenselessness and lack of rationallity.

if you had to wonder about this or encountered a guy like this, you're too young, immature and you hang around dipshit people and you probably suck 5 black cocks a week.

when you're surrounded by mature people, this doesn't happen.

also this.
>t. Futanari
Pics of your vagina and penis pls

No, idiot. Because if that were the case then women would hate male sluts just as much (spoiler alert- it's the exact opposite). Hatred of sluts is not a relative construct and it cannot be reduced to individual men's psychological pathology. It goes way way deeper than any of that.

And I can tell you just from a phenomenological perspective, the feeling of being rejected by a women is utterly different in kind from the feelings of raw DISGUST which whorish women provoke.

Dude, isn't really easy... i like women, why whould someone showing who penis to a man?