This is me. Do I have any chance with women?
This is me. Do I have any chance with women?
Yes but I really like Asian men a lot. So I don't think my opinion counts
What in the fuck are wrong with your fingers? ET type shit.
Sorry user, you can't blame your looks for your lack of success. That leaves your personality.
Now, post your hands op
OP post hands wtf
It looks edited wth
>tfw shit at playing with images
Maybe if you date a Chinese girl, i heard they're barely human
My fingers are normal, though.
yeah you do. stop fucking frowning and smile you piece of shit. no woman would want some emo bitch
Make a peace sign again, please
How many guys have you fucked be honest
See it by yourself
Ok fingers
Weird fingers
OP I called FBI for you, they promised to give you a better skinsuit. A special one imported from Jupiter
Send them, they won't do nothin
why are you in a girl's room?
>Unclean face
>No smile, low effort look
>Droopy eyes
>Shit looking eyebrows that aren't filled in
Oh and did I mention Asian? I would never even think about getting intimate with an Asian boi. Pic related is what I find to be very attractive.
Major malfunction my friend
It starts with your fingers. You won't be able to hold something in months. You'll have to get out of your suit to walk around this time next year
It's my sister's room.
For a male asian, your skin looks really bad. what asian country is your mom from?
Yeah sorry dude. You ugly as fuck. I don't find Asian guys to be attractive. Asian guys generally also have small dicks. The only thin some Asians guys have is money but that is because of rich parents.
There's some work to be done. But take better care of your skin, improve your fashion sense and get a better haircut.
And I'd say yes, you would above average and have a lot of chance with women, specially with the ones with yellow fever.
Women don't have yellow fever. Are you in some kind of dream world?
Thanks guys, it's glad to know that I have some potential and room for improvement.
>yellow fever
It's girls* baka
And he's not the kind that yellow fever girls are looking for
I'm pretty sure you're the one who lives in a dream world.
Women, just like men, have preferences, and believe it or not, some have yellow fever.
Sure, a hot white guy wins against everything, but there's no point pretending that all white guys win against everything, that's the real delusion.
You do have chance, with some grooming ,facials, eyebrows waxing maybe if ur down for it
Almost didn't answer due to that. But there's a glimpse of truth there. Of course OP can forget stacies, he hasn't a chance against the ones that like the Chad stereotype, hence why I said the yellow fever crowd (aka the usual 5's who are into anime and k-pop)
95% of girls don't like Asian men. I can tell you this for sure. I have asked all my friends what they think about Asian guys and they laugh to the question.
like your room. are you a reverse trap?
in europe we call them gypsies
>Kpop fans
And that's why I said girls. Due to my looks I've been with them a lot. And OP certainly isn't their type.
Looking at my first post, I see why I might've been misinterpreted, the "lot of" is the odd element.
I didn't intend to say that he would have a chance with "all" women, just that he had a chance with women, using your slight exaggeration, with the 5%. That's already more than most of us can say.
This, also assuming that he takes better care of himself. Otherwise it's a 0% chance, unless he chases landwhales which I don't think is what he's looking for
The 4's and 5's know very well they'll never get it with a k-pop idol, hence why they settle with pretty much any average asian.
Someone jealous here? Probably a poor Slav shit.
Look at the difference the man is like 5 points ahead by face alone. Women can just get a nice body and get Chad.
I have no idea where you can see them settling for some random asian
Here they want you to be at least 7/10 (assuming you're tall) and even for a manlet like me that got 8/10 face they reconsider
I'm from Europe, and here they settle for anything (even SEA). Might be due to the shortage of asians here tho.
women who are into muscles are immature
I didn't know women could be mature.
>even SEA
Damn user that's really interesting