I think every child should be tested for psychopathy before starting school.
I think every child should be tested for psychopathy before starting school
imagine the sound while you do this
this is horrible but i can't stop laughing
The fuck?
Every child would fail. Children are little sociopaths and society has to break them into having compassion.
If I found out she did that to my kid, they would have to lock me up as well because i'd break the dumb bitch's legs, too.
and I'd break yours for putting your kid in daycare tbqh
Imagine how easy that would be. You wouldn't even need to try that hard. Just grab 'em like you were giving an Indian burn but put pressure down and inwards to snap them like twigs, then move onto the next one.
A teacher at my cousins sons school got fired because she sellotaped a rowdy child to a chair.
That's breddy based of her.
>i'm a nice guy but don't you hurt women or children or else you'll have to deal with me
and i'd break yours for breaking his even though i don't know him
I'd break your legs too but I thought that's what we were doing
>sellotaped a rowdy child to a chair
i don't see this as a fireable offense
the kid was rowdy and disruptive what do you do?
It's a physical condition, so you can use brain scans for psychopathy
sociopathy you can't
alright everyone line up
we're giving out broken legs here
Imagine being Trump and having you wife and daughter take turns being pounded by Trudeau
>the psychopath has a wife and children
every time
I'm so excited. I've never had my legs broken before.
why are you such a cuck?
can this meme die already?
>tfw no toddler leg breaking gf to break toddler legs with
sigh, just think of what she'd do to your dick
You can also see from the brain patterns that the psychopath's brother is a virgin. I'm assuming a wizard, considering the psychopath is old enough to have two sexually active daughters, one of which is a complete BBC slut.
I agree 100%.
For sake of beatingt the robot I'll say, a funny story i heard was about my nana getting fed up of my uncle running off when he was a child, so she tied some rope to a lamp post then tied it to him so he couldn't run off.
can you really tell if somebody is a virgin from their brain pattern?
>can you really tell if somebody is a virgin from their brain pattern?
>A Florida daycare worker has been arrested after four 1-year-old boys in her care broke legs on the same day, according to authorities.
while thes guis ever hear what a womin did to them?
virgin scanners guarenteed to be a thing within the next 20 years?
good old-fashion parenting
made for some tough adults
nowadays you can't even yell at your kids without some karen shoving a smartphone in your face to show faceberg mom groups what a horrible and violent father you are
Yeah, probably going to have them in all public areas to help watch out for potential incel mass shooters.
anti male violence doesn't exi-
This is me whenever I hear shitty news on TV.
Like yesterday.
>3 year old shot in the head.
>me bursting out laughing because it's so retarded.
The only cuck in this conversation is Trump
Fucking Jeremy vine. They're a set of tits on there.
That dawn woman's alright though.
I'd imagine its like accidentally standing on a chip packet - a quick crunch with little resistance
Woops, sorry guys, posted about a shitty tv show in this thread by mistake. My bad.
You're trying way too hard to be edgy, lads. No one's impressed.
I'm not even meming you bleed heart fuck. It's funny in it's the absurdity of it. Like who was watching the kid, why the fuck did he have access to the gun, why were his parents that fucking stupid.
>four toddlers
>same day
So many questions...