Redpill me on the nation of Romania. What exactly goes on here?
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Redpill me on the nation of Romania. What exactly goes on here?
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>What exactly goes on here?
what do you mean?
Also that song is so old I remember listening to it in 5th grade and I just graduated university this year.
Good people but the gypsies ruin it for most people
Had a blast in Bucharest and have some good Romanian friends from Uni.
Who are gypsies? Why do I keep hearing about them?
think of niggers in US
>most are poor because of social tensions stereotypes and segregation
>some are extremely rich and obnoxious and are lacking any taste
>a few of them ascend and become respectable members of society
and then there's the gypsified romanians. Think of them like wiggers
overall it's shit. Don't come here. If you want to fuck romanian girls just go to amsterdam or something.
>Most are poor because of social tensions and segregation
They do it completely to themselves and refuse to accept any form of civilization anywhere they go.
Bros how do I make a living as a NEET in Romania?
I'm from Romania, the country is fucking poor, 25 % of 18-34 people are NEETs, everyone immigrates, I'm fucking poor as well, and most women are whores. Want to hear more ?
I'm NEET in Roman Empire's last bastion up on Earth, goddess Proserpina watch over me
Romanian living in the US here, I go there every summer, it's great.
Don't expect to date women there, they're really pretentious.
>What exactly goes on here?
Watched a mcdonald's worker chase off gypsy kids who were stealing fries off people's trays with a broom there.
>stealing fries off people's trays with a broom there.
Best internet in Europe
dying out like any other eastern euro cunt
You stupid uninvited invasive nigger newfaggots can't even quote right and it wasn't even that funny
gipsyes and superficial people. Good country to live in all around but most of the people are garbage
They are called Roma and in Europe are usually poor communities of minorities originally from south/central Asia that live in their own groups and are historically despised for racial reasons.
It's where Transylvania is. They are known for being where vampires come from, based on Bram Stoker's Dracula.
>cheap universities
>overall cheap to medium cost of living
>very good and cheap internet
>shitty infrastructure
>people usually have a bad/negative attitude
>everything is corrupt, from the government to the lowest retard in the administrative apparatus
>nice landscapes around the country
t. Romanian doomer
It's pure hell
I need the sweet release
>tfw transylvania still belongs to them
its one abstract feel