Could someone please remind me how giving 80% of the value you produce to some dickhead whose only contribution is "owning the paperwork for the business" is necessary to satisfying human greed? That sound incredibly generous to me.
Could someone please remind me how giving 80% of the value you produce to some dickhead whose only contribution is...
Also, is getting robbed in terms of overtime violations also a part of satisfying the inherent greed of humans? That part seems strange to me.
It's because he takes the risk.
But a system hasn't to be fair on every aspect. You should accept some injustice. Or you can propose something else
>Risk finances, career stagnation, and all the hazards of actually doing the labor by trusting that a company won't steal their wage (see ) and has good safety protocols in place.
>Losing an investment and having to become a laborer
Which one sounds like a bigger risk to you? There is absolutely no reason to have some dickhead own a mineshaft or a landlord for a hospital
kys commie fuck
In conclusion, consider unionizing or joining a union
>meet clients/investors
>encourage them to invest/buy your services
>meet and organize workers
>oorganize logistics, make sure operations can run smoothly
>coordinate between clients, workers and logistics, supply everyone with what is required
>invest money in plant, make sure workers can work faster/more efficently
>ensure clients are happy, throw in extras and adjust expectations
>hire people to help you run the office
>spend 100hrs a week doing all of the above to set up the business for the first few years
>theft of surplus value
I want those minimum wage dirt-eaters to organize their own jobs, buy their own tools and do their own marketing and then we compare with the money I fucking pay to get this shit going.
I'm sure they'd be happy to take you up on this bet.
This is worse than actual white knights because at least the women that white knights are defending are usually pretty easy on the eyes.
Just to be clear, you understand that managers, salespeople, supply chain technicians, and accountants do that shit, right? The CEO of a fortune 500 company would never be caught dead with any of that work.
I'm sorry that your $30k/yr Amazon private label start up isn't growing as fast as you want it to :(
Ok, let me see the results after a year.
funny you say that, since I was describing my own business and the work I put into it. But sure, the guy who thinks everything up and sets up the business is the scumbag because he siphons off the profit. Fuck you.
Paying workers is communism
>fortune 500 company
You know those companies change every 30 years when one collapses after the original owners are gone and the rest of the idiots run it into the ground?
I made that in my first 2 months of operations, so good try.
>The best entrepreneur the US has ever seen has imediately jumped into my thread on Jow Forums to defend my claim that capitalism does not satisfy humanity's inherent greed
For some reason, I don't believe you
>>Losing an investment and having to become a laborer
Try going into financial debt and being unable to make ends meet.
I don't need you to believe me, but I need you to refute the point about the enterpreneuer being a "thief of value" after building up the business in the first place.
>20,000/0.2 = 100,000
How the fuck is the """value""" of a cashier 100k? A Mexican, an iphone app, a self-check line, or a Kiosk could do it cheaper. The only reason they're still around is boomers who prefer face to face interactions
>willingly goes into debt
wah give me money because I borrowed over what I could possibly pay back
debtors prison when?
By this logic, hand over your house back to the construction workers, your food to the farmers, your electronics to the sweatshop workers and your clothes to the assembly line workers will ya? You are stealing their labour
Ever heard of investing? Its this thing where you put money into a potential payoff, it basically created the modern world as we know it
Nice strawman by the by
>Could someone please remind me how giving 80% of the value you produce to some dickhead whose only contribution is "owning the paperwork for the business" is necessary to satisfying human greed?
Who says it is? You're not an indentured servant or anything. If you think you're getting too little of the value you produce, quit and find someone willing to cut you a better deal.
>another retard posting the same reddit memes over and over again
Literally fuck off
>theft is unconsensual
>by signing a contract, you consent
>it cant be theft
You literally all post these same stupid r/ChapoTrapHouse memes that are obvious strawmen and have no basis in reality because you're morons who think that the more you insult other people the more correct you become
Fuck off back to plebbit
yea investing is a great idea unless you borrow to invest
not really a straw man given the college debt crisis because retards go to college for 60K and never pay it off. why do you think college debt forgiveness is on the table?
Then try selling your own product on the free market
>not really a straw man given the college debt crisis because retards go to college for 60K and never pay it off. why do you think college debt forgiveness is on the table?
That's because most people get useless degrees that don't do anything. If you want job security go into STEM.
>yea investing is a great idea unless you borrow to invest
if you are sick of the "theft" that business take from you, why don't you borrow to invest in your own business? There is a reason that 8 out of 10 businesses fail.
who /revolutionary catatonia/ here?
gas the capitalists, class war now
Let me guess, your only experience with lolbertarians has been the cringy pseudo-conservatives that wave the gasden flag and petition for less corporate restrictions.
That's not a libertarian, that's a corporatist stooge. An authoritarian by another name.
Remember that your only focus should be the freedom of the people, from the government and corporate sectors, which are as invariably intertwined as the political parties are.
It is a beast with many heads, but it appears as like different snakes when it hides its body.
Wait, where is the excess in total value going?
>you sign this contract or you starve
This is libertarian cucks definition of "consent"
>just get a STEM degree
I mean yea if you go to college at all you might as well get something worthwhile. but honestly college and especially the cost of college is rarted in the modern day. just go to community college and pay as you go
>why not borrow and start your own buisness
lol why borrow? just do online instead of brick and mortar... and yes business isnt theft borrowing money and not paying it back is.
lol no. you can find a different person to sign a contract for or you can go make your own marketable products and sell them or you can go make your own food/shelter.
because they might fund research that will develop something that might improve your life or if not yours then the lives of humanity once you're gone.
you should be more concerned about the celebrities, politicians, artists, and athletes hoarding wealth.
When the economy tanks again in the next two years, we'll have our time brother. An entire generation has been growing up in the ruins of the 2008 crisis, foreclosed homes, lost jobs, and promised made. "Tighten the belt, things will bounce back. Won't happen again :+)"
It's gonna happen again and this time things are so shit already that austerity is gonna make people lose their shit. Be a spark in a powder keg, user. viva catalunya libre, bro
Ok, let the collective worker's injuries magically teleport onto him upon infliction and i'll believe you.
This whole talk is about minimising injustice, idk what your agenda is.
I'd like to but i have no collateral. Also you marked a post but didn't adress it.
This. The only argument you could possibly have for debt is: "everyone else is doing it" which is kind of valid in a twisted way.
But still avoidable if you aren't scum.
That is not the logic at all. Apply it to the majority of money from the manager's pockets and you got yourself a real argument.
Why is that so hard? Everyone who vitally contributes, gets a similar share. I'd have to do a lot of convincing on myself and on my employee to think my investment outweighs his work.
idk, there has been a huge rise in reactionary far right brainlets and dogwhistlers. I feel like there is a whole generation growing up in a youtube rabbithole
oh you mean the thing ANY RANDOM RETARD could do if his surplus value actually landed in his bank account?
do you even fucking know the most profitable business of capitalism?
it is dependency and fraud. currently, europe is CONSTANTLY creating and closing banks and electricity providers at the time. why? because lives literally depend on you. all you have to do is smuggle the money out of your bank and then file for bankruptcy; not only are you rich from the stolen customer capital AND the stolen surplus value hidden in your own pockets, but even the state will begin financially supporting you, because _lives depend on electricity and finance_.
they are literally threatening to let people die unless they get their lion share, and morons like you have the gall to call treating people like you and me as fucking hostages "clever".
and don't begin with your "that's just the worst case scenario", IT IS CURRENTLY EUROPE'S #1 BUSINESS TREND, so you can raise me an "oink oink onorable oat tradements, brother" on that terribly stupid, hateful and evil attitude.
business does not favor the smart and serious, those are the middle class.
it favors the bold and reckless.
t. Rad Cent, not leftist
>That's because most people get useless degrees that don't do anything.
What is your fixation on productivism? Do you think that people making money are making useful things and that the market is a good decider of what is good and bad? Or do you -personally- not value humanities/liberal arts?
I feel like so many of the people (not necessarily you, but idk) who seem to value the tenets of western belief and the writers of western canon ALSO say shit like
>Have fun working at Starbucks with your Humanities degree retard!
with seemingly no irony or self awareness.
maybe that is because the far-right reactionaries make some good points? or maybe because the far-right is the only political force that isnt just straight up anti-white but is actually pro-white and pro-male?
nah they just hate brown people
the reason companies push people to get STEM degrees is because they want a larger pool of potential employees so they can underpay their wagies.
the problem is, a century ago, you had issues like syphilis epidemics, lead infused food and murderous family feuds.
"all great art was shaped by pain and troubled minds"
how do you compare having 6 of your siblings die to some disease and leaving your country for unknown lands because you can't bear seeing what you know anymore, to feeling sad because your smartphone is 6 years old and because some harvard jew wants his student loans back?
face it, art has been raped, torn into pieces, and forcibly assimilated into the ranks of commercialism.
and therefore, as an integrated slave branch of the industry, it has to spit out useful and productive things.
look around, boy! we live in a semitist globalist industry, it's not that us individuals disregard art, it's that we have signed the death of traditional art when we agreed to globalist capitalism.
and seriously, dude? a DEGREE in art? a systematic and routine education on a thing whose point of existance is to deny systemism and routine and fight it by any means?
>"I wanted to solve the Amazonas crisis so I purchased the Amazonas and made it my private relaxation resort, hurr durr"
>"I wanted to stop people from eating meat, so I did a genocide on every domestic animal species, hurr durr"
>"I like freedom, so I force the whole world to bow to my definition of freedom"
people who do a degree on something creative deserve every bit of belittlement they get. they just memed themselves into some subject that sounds like it might get pussy wet, didn't spend 5 minutes about the idiocy of the whole thing, and then get mad that nobody takes them seriously, even though they didn't take _their own life_ seriously.
>is the only political force that isnt just straight up anti-white
eh. if you talk to most normal people on the left, they aren't the crazed SJW tards that get the most attention. Just like not every reactionary dork isn't a full blown nazi. Most people I hang out with all laughed just as hard as you guys when that DSA video went around (you know the one).
>make some good points
I'd say they are unlike libs in that they see that *something* is cracking under the surface of society. They know that the neoliberal project is failing, but their prognosis is misinformed at best and willfully ignorant at worst.
AAPL is owned by millions of people, not "one rich boi."
You also failed to depict any electrical engineers or software engineers in your "workers of the word" collage of those responsible for the iPhone, yet you included truck drivers, warehouse workers, and people doing the final assembly.
So you agree that capitalism has destroyed art through commodification. That's my point G.
On the degree meme. The only way to get *close* to making money in "art" is by getting a job as a graphic designer or some shit like that, a bastardization of art for commercial purposes, and the only way to do that is to get the dumb degree. Everyone has to be a wage slave for MOST of their time. So if you have a passion, you HAVE to contort it to fit into your wage slavery by sucking the devils dick and join the commodification of art.
>why don't you borrow to invest in your own business?
if you have an annual income of 25k, surely the bank will offer you a credit of several grands.
in what kinda kindergarten fantasy do you live, retard?
money comes from money. it's an exclusive society of aristocrat thieves, mostly jewish thieves.
if your semite-taught bullshit was even close to real, fucking EVERYBODY would be independent, because it's the only way to not get scammed.
why do we still have a hierarchy that is enforced while fully unrelated to your competence?
because your boss is a paranoid dipshit. he knows he got rich from lying to dumbasses like you, so he actively invests in a society that makes it impossible for you as an average joe to get any type of capital without breaking limbs on the way.
the top is made of parasites whose main occupation is to shoot other parasites down before they can replace or oppose them.
I wish this wasn't true, but it is. Especially CompSci is being pushed hardcore, even more after they discovered Pajeet wasn't getting them the quality of code they wanted
Lmao you guys lost and Catalonia got independence for 8 seconds
desu I think it's just a matter of time until we are so thirsty for revolution that nuclear warfare will be the only line we won't cross.
I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying "this is episode ~10000 of jews doing the jewish thing again" but everytime they were exiled out of the country they abused.
this time, they're doing it to everyone, so there won't be some naive suck-up listening to "SAVE ME!! IT'S THE SHOAH ALL OVER AGAIN!!"
and on top of that, the last anti-jew movement escalated into an attempt to conquer the world, for no reason other than leaving the jews no corner to flee into.
you really think we'll go "let's solve this diplomatically and have a respectful non-interaction relationship between israel and the world" with all those "GAS THE KIKES, NUKE ISRAEL" memes around?
you think a trend that has repeated itself for several millenia will randomly turn to the opposite direction?
the most hilarious thing about it is that jewish politicians unironically think "yeah they killed 70% of our families for the 100th time because we tried abusing them, but I swear, it'll work THIS time. the previous 6000 years of history don't count."
>throw oil on stove
>stove begins burning
lmaoing at that shit every time
and what's your solution to this?
I used to do Comp Sci until I realized that being in Comp Sci means you're some upperclass asshole's code monkey. I will never ever find a boss who understands or even respects computer science;
look at Gates, he's living proof that treating comp sci nerds as the basedboy slaves that they are is the way to go.
brains and guns, buckaroo.
a bundle of paper can't withstand a volley of rebel armament.
>europe has such tight gun laws that you get imprisoned for carrying a fucking butter knife
>40% of swiss households own a gun
>switzerland is the only true democracy on the planet
>gun-crime is lower than their EU neighbours
t. German, who can go to jail for the wrong post on facebook
okay but make jews = capitalists and then we can hang. otherwise, on the revolutionary point, i agree with you. I think the coming economic crisis is gonna be the one that gets people pissed enough to go dumb, go crazy.
You could still be secretly anti-semitic as a lefty. I mean, most capitalists are jews anyways so you still get to get that out of your system. We're just gonna like, leave the guy at my deli alone. He's chill.
Also you should all ready pic related. It's only like 150 little pages and def online as a pdf somewhere
when do you think the economic crisis is coming?
we've all read the articles that talk about how millennial will get crushed by another recession since they haven't even recovered from 2008.
btw what is that book about exactly? will downloading it put me on a watchlist?
Corporate insiders recently started selling off stocks at rates not seen since 2007 so.... Also, depending on what happens with the UK they could fuck the world economy by tanking their own. London is a huge financial center. In general though, economists are saying it's going to happen in the next 2 years with a 40% chance of it happening before the 2020 election. The yield curve has just inverted and it has people panicking a bit. It'll happen soon. We never fixed any of the broken shit that lead to 2007.
The Coming Insurrection is a good modern manifesto. It talks about the imminent collapse of neolib capitalist society (nothing new), but it talks about the alienation of the current generation in very plain and rousing terms. It goes through "Seven Circles of Alienation" from the alienation between subject and their work to the ways in which intimacy and romance are being destroyed in the modern world. It then gives a prognosis of whats going to happen and offers a conception of what a radical movement should look like going forward.
It's language can be a bit bitter at times, but for the most part its a good read in general.
I still continued because A: I like programming to some degree and B: I want to make my own video game in the future, regardless if it makes me money or not. Programmers in US do still make a lot of money if you know your shit, but they are actively trying to make the situation akin to EU (where I live), where they are trying to treat programmers like any other job and basically guilt programmers for even thinking they should earn as much as a guy in finance (to the point freelancing is better). No education will get you in upper class except maybe a surgeon or something, you can't win the game following the rules set by those who made them so they could stay in charge. You can only win by cheating, finding loopholes, or not play at all.
okay, so after you rebel and kill all the rich, what will you do then?
Interesting. I'll check out the book. How have you been preparing for the collapse?
Getting involved in the community, getting some radical friends, learning how to grow my own food.
A lot of the value of what you're producing there is not the product of your labor itself or even of the product but the combination of the two in conjunction with the infrastructure and distribution of the employer which they invested in. You could make things on your own or freelance your skills easily enough if you have a marketable skill set but then things like material costs, the logistics of time and transport, and the limits of productivity oa single person is capable of.
If you can't go out there and ply the same trade you practice with a company out on your own and easily increase your profits by 60-80% as a result what does that say about the argument that the value of your labor is being "stolen"?
>The only reason.
That the companies / traders have created a mindset where idiots only buy things according to sweet words and sunken cost fallacies instead of actually looking at the value, and the few who know it either manipulate it to their advantage or are stuck with the results, yet everyone in the small group of those who realize it are powerless to change the majority opinion unless they form a new company and undercut, something that the existing companies will fight tooth and nail.
Look, I get what you're saying, but there was a time where traders had to do with 10% cuts, do everything on their own and travel countries to sell their wares at a higher price. Now we have bosses giving half the value you create away so an HR chick can tell you how you forgot to fill your hours. Meanwhile lots of buyers of said services are super lazy and won't change because "it works and it fulfills our wishes, why should we switch?" When your boss can match your wage just by the cut he gets from you and maybe one more coworker, there's a problem unless you make a fuck ton of money (e.g. managers of pop idols)
He takes the risk. What risk does he take exactly?
Going into debt? you can just declare bankruptcy. there is no real risk involved. especially since the system rewards taking risks and just having experience running a company means if he fails he gets another opportunity to try again.
The laborers take all the risk. they risk mental or physical harm for a meager pittance. corporations only exist to centralize wealth in the hands of a very small selected group and it's not merit based, It's 100% favoritism.
the vast majority of profits go to these individuals.
And they have the audacity to claim they aren't greedy because they are generous with the profits they exploit out of their own people.
>make jews = capitalists
hey Ivan, I gotta tell you something:
the kike syndicate that I mean ARE equals to "capitalist bourgeoisie"
40% of america's top 2% is jewish.
but not all of american jews belong to the 2%, it's just a morally bankrupt _gang_ of jews, not the people of Judaism in total.
I guess the answer to "who runs the world" is to combine the respective answer of each political extreme and combine them
"it's the jews"
"it's the capitalist bourgoisie"
"it's the nazis"
"it's the bolsheviks"
all four are true
Soros is ex SS and still a nazi. no joke.
the bolsheviks (fasco-communism, not good commies, the "KILL ALL WHO ARE NOT COMMIES" type) were mostly led by jewish instigators.
the jews of the upper class and their allies == capitalist bourgeoisie.
the thing is, as rad cent, ethics is my highest priority.
so I just hope they'll shoot themselves up the leg *again* because I'm not gonna become a fascistic murderer over some anti-semitism/systemism, or suggest anyone else should. I just hope that the good hearts of the common people will solve things in the end, because they always did.
>kill all the rich
being rich does not make you evil
the morally bankcrupt greedy people should die; reverse Purge style.
make your own business then faggot
oh wait you cant, youre retarded incel
Siphoning off the profit isn't the issue retard. It's the centralization of the vast majority of the profit. Yes the guy who runs the ship deserves to get paid the most. OBVIOUSLY he has the most critical role. the issue is when a corporation becomes extremely successful and his job has been relegated to "guy who owns everything". When his presence is no longer needed because he has a team of people who do his job for him. Of course he deserves success for creating value but he takes over a billion dollars in profit every year from his company and pays no tax on it. meanwhile his skilled laborers making 70 grand a year pay 50% tax.
There is no justice in that.
It's disgusting hedonistic wealth hording and anyone who thinks they are some sort of dragon creating a vault of riches like scrooge mc duck should be hung.
I have no desire to start my own business, I have no desire for riches and I don't need to validate myself by bossing other people around.
What i don't wanna be is a slave, I want to be paid a fair wage for services rendered.
I want to be treated with respect as an employee.
I don't want to BEG for the right to be a slave.
Based post. Acknowledging the Jewish influence
without being a fucking hitler worshipping nigger about it.
People get up in arms about injustice and get a blood lust and religious fervor about themselves. They can't see the world clearly and acknowledge things from different perspectives in order to understand the world clearly.
Yes the jews run a big part of the world. that is obviously true, but another obvious truth is that there are different factions and classes of jew.
Another truth, propaganda is meant to taint the masses and control them. we are meant to squabble with eachother.
another truth. there are countless factions of people many in the shadows and many out shining in the sun that are vying for control of the world.
There is no scape goat only sub categories of the global elite and amongst the global elite you need to categorize them from people with evil intentions and those with good intentions. The truth is that unless inside the world of the elite you have no idea who is good and who is bad and even from that inside perspective it is difficult to discern.
union workers are scum of the fucking earth, I son't care what benefits being in the union has, it's embarrassing to associate with the type of people who are union workers
None of this is actual work. You're not putting things together, stocking shelves, dealing with customers. You're sitting on your ass chatting. That's not work, it's socializing.
you cant do shit nigger you are poor and low iq
stay mad incel
incels think people who make ''billions'' pay no taxes
This is how things work in every successful business. You don't get success by being talented or working hard, you get it by paying for talented hardworking employees. Pay the smart guys to make decisions, pay the laborers to work. All the profits go to the guy who has the most money and everyone who created that wealth is given a token share.
And this is how we had the world implode with consultants.
>We're doing very important work!
No, you're selling snake oil.
Shut up boomer. You re blind and a retard if you don t think the majority of businesses follow similar trends. The company exist in this shithole of an economy.
Jeff Bezos is the richest man alive and amazon paid no taxes in 2018. The richer you are the better the help. There are plenty of loopholes to exploit if you want to avoid taxes, you just don't know about it because only the ultra-rich benefit from this.
the key here is automation
automation makes sure that incel gets 0$ so that incel is not even needed for a job
there is no point in giving money to incels
thats why we should automate all business
I'm for capitalism, but not the version we have today.
t. anti-corporate libertarian
hiring a worker only produces a small amount of wealth but picking the right ceo can net a company billions. If business was easy we'd all do it.
you are retarded if you think amazon pays 0 tax
oh wait you are retarded
here you go incel
> tfw you were born a low life
> tfw you will die a low life
>He posts a paywall site
Every fucking time.
Real answer: big companies do pay, but they usually pay less because governments all over the world help them use backdoors so both parties are off for the better, at the cost of the local person. The richer you are, the more backdoors open, the more you save on using backdoors. Google, Shell, Amazon are all examples of this, deducting costs from country A while submitting tax for country B to get low to no tax.
Meanwhile, your average local company gets buttfucked.
holy fuck you are so retarded you dont even know how to read wsj
one way to spot an incel
no wonder you're single
take note girls, this is how you spot an incel
Don't feed the trolls.
He's clearly not very bright.
>He instantly flips out
Americel spotted, use a source that doesn't require an account or paying, it's not hard. You got the entirety of Google and Google Scholar to scour. You can do it, little Amerilard, we believe.
Also, you flipping out is cute, but not very attractive. Now stay on the point, ok?
it does not require an account, holy shit why are incels so poor and stupid?
click on first link
also get uBlock origin
based based based
Orginiali regonalliaaiaiai
>Holy shit you're so stupid for not doing things to bypass a website's check
>Look girls I'm laughing at him and calling him an incel am I doing good?
>Please fuck me now
Fedora away, faggot. Your virtuesignalling is going to bring the redditfags here. You're still conveniently avoiding the actual point, too.
This is where he started
Lol what makes them so bad to you? You realize every job has a different union with different union culture right
Proof that it really just comes down to luck.
Oh word yeah. I'm not down with giving people the wall. I'm an anarkiddy, which is why I fuck with the Invisible Committee. Shit like feels good. The idea that when YOURE in power you'll purge the world of the evil entities does illicit a certain warm fuzzy feeling inside.
I believe in redemption for people. Take their power, make them one of the shmucks of the world and they'll learn quick to get along with people around them. As much as I hate his fucking guts, I wouldn't kill Bezos. I'd just strip him bare and hurl him into the world of the every man. Like the end of avatar: last airbender lmao. He didn't kill fire hitler, he just took everything from him.
A real redpill on how to get rich is to watch the show Shark Tank.
Good thread, my oreganolli brethren.
>A real redpill on how to get rich is to watch the show Shark Tank.
The real redpill is that the US has a fuckhuge inequality and the way to be rich is to be born rich.
Stop chasing deluded dreams and fight to change your country for the best.
You have two options everyone can be equally poor
a few people are massively rich you are significantly poorer than them but you are significantly richer than the people in option 1.
choose one.
go suck jeff bezos' dick and give him all of your money you fucking bootlicker