who here /organic/
Who here /organic/
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Wait, bell peppers are bad for you?
Everything's bad for you. END THE MONSANTO
I understand the need to be healthy, but I don't agree with insulting hard working parents who are shopping with their kids so their families can eat the food later on.
Have some compassion you internet bastards.
organic used to mean something, man.
nowadays everything is organic, it just means "oh we didnt use x pesticide and its not gmo"
back in the day, organic stuff was for hippies and it was high quality shit
Organic will get but nowhere it you're eating even the organic versions of your pic
can someone who speaks mongoloid translate this?
How about you go fuck yourself, you stupid FAGGOT.
As opposed to what, inorganic food?
don't be mad at me, you're the one who had a stroke mid sentence
That wasn't me you dipshit. I just think you're a faggot. I don't speak mongoloid though, you fucking dick taster.
You're such a faggot you take taste samples of dicks from your local grindr orgy meetups.
hmm nah i think that is you, why else would you be this enraged?
or is he your boyfriend? kek
He's not my boyfriend. You're the gay faggot that samples cocks and how they taste from your local grindr orgy meetups.
I'm just observing this thread and I think you're a faggot. Fuck you. But I hope you don't have anything against me, we don't need to be enemies now.
You forget your pills today dude?
I don't take pills you fucking dingbat loopy fuck. I just wanted to be friends. Screw you and the fallen dark horse you rode in on.
Learn proper grammar and spelling you twat.
What are you even talking about, you fuckwit
I'm organic trash. Does that count?
Read it again. You're so rude for someone I thought was my friend.
We're all organic trash. The question is, if there is a spirit inside of the organic trash shell.
All the processed MSG stuff is bad, but there's literally nothing wrong with genetically modified vegetables.
There's nothing wrong with eating GMO foods, but don't support Monsanto. They have some disgusting and predatory business practices that involve suing small farmers simply because wind blew seeds over their farm.
Yes I agree actually, they're really aggressive with the seed patents. Also just so you know they changed their name to Bayer for optics.
That picture is stupid, all pants made for human consumption are genetically modified.
Corn never used to produce the yields that it does these days, we unnaturally used natural selection to produce plants that have abnormally large sexual organs that we eat.
Imagine if we grew animals just so we could eat their dick and balls and used the rest of the animal as fertilizer for plants.
Which is why it's dumb when people say meat is a waste of crops, because humans can't eat the anything but the husk of corn., The rest of it goes to cows who have multiple stomachs to be able to digest it.
And another thing, we credit American Indians for using the whole animal, but get upset when they find out that a company uses bonemeal in it's product or that we're eating nerve tissue, beaks, or any other undesirable part of an animal.
I don't care what they make the chicken paste out of as long as it's chicken.
Dis nigga be eaten pants
I really think organic food only works on a low scale for hipster to feel good about themselve. If we applied the same principle to all food production, we would probably have an ecological disaster of another kind going on.
Based transcendent shitposter
Organic food is actually not healthier and worse for the enviroment
Explain, please. I realize that it isn't healthier, I'm just curious as to how it's worse for the environment.
Without the built-in pest resistance of many GMO foods, organic foods experience more losses. Thus, each pound of organic food has more wasted water, fertilizer, etc. than a pound of GMO foods.
Not even necessarily GMO built-in fertilizer. It just means that a certain percentage of the food depending on the marking to be organic. There are organic fertilizers but they are not as effective as non-organic ones
>"Let's try these anti-vaxxer goggles"
I didn't think of that. Thanks for explaining, user.