What would you do if your government started culling depressed unmarried childless NEETs?
If you had only a month to get your life together in at least one way, or else you would be put in a van and driven off to be killed, what would you work on first and why (as in is your choice just easier or is it more important to you personally)?
Mental health and confidence, relationships and family, or career and education?
Also just letting them kill you or going into hiding are valid options.
What would you do if your government started culling depressed unmarried childless NEETs?
>What would you do if your government started culling depressed unmarried childless NEETs?
leave the country of course
Hang myself. There's my casus belli so I can just fucking do it already
wait for them to put me in the van
Well damn I guess you beat the system.
Not everyone can afford to move country though plus if they're on like an island or something they can't just bail.
Well that's a bummer but I guess they can't take you alive at least.
When you hear that typical fed 6am loud door knock you'll know your time has come.
Mass murder at a kindergarten.
get married to another random user who doesnt want to get killed and then proceed to never see each other like most old people who are married
this, wait for them to haul me away and then detonate my suicide vest
the government will never have to do this, society is already doing the culling. Now what I wish happens, the government will start arresting you guys before you go on a shooting spree
Woah guy that's a bit much.
Good strategy you could even just roll with it and actually be married if they were compatible.
>society is already doing the culling
We do live in a society so I guess you're right.
I would quit my job :)
I feel like a lot of suicidal people would do this and clog up the system.
Easy. I would just finally reply to one of the girls who are into me.
There, fixed in a minute.
Why haven't you done that already?
Because i dont feel like it.
I suspect its the old
>huge ego, tiny self esteem
kind of thing
>huge ego, tiny self esteem
What's that like? Like how does that make you act and feel? I'm not sure I get it.
On a surface you think of yourself as the best of the best, a living demigod with superior intelligence, looks and charisma.
On the inside you are still a small boy afraid of rejection and ridicule.
Kind of like that, if you get it.
Sounds terrible you should maybe try to fix that about yourself.
I feel like it's important to have a grounded realistic self image just so you can know accurately where you stand in any given situation.
If you're fluctuating between the extremes depending on mood that's not only depressing when you're low but you're also missing out on that accurate self assessment that could be valuable in life.
I don't know that's just something I thought of.
Well 90% of reactions are get only reinforce my already inflated ego.
But the memories and the odd ridicule i get reinforces the scared lil boy inside of me.
Nothing can be done user.
Finally no more happy clappy "just bee urself" bullshit, just one quick government-mandated way out?
I'd wonder why we didn't get to this earlier
It's entirely possible you are an attractive awesome person so maybe it's only a matter of learning to take the insults on the chin. The inflated ego version of you might just be your "authentic" self. Nobody likes to be ridiculed though I can see why that would bother you.
Well it would save the state a lot of money...
I would defend my self. I dont live in some cuck country so if im going down im getting my guns ready and taking a few with me at least.
I didn't even think of that. There'd probably be like a militia/riot of like minded people you could join.
Like i care. Take me off to the gas chamber
>Well it would save the state a lot of money...
Indeed, everyone gets what they want, it's the perfect solution
Bring it on already
Grab a weapon and die fighting. I'm not getting alive in no fucking van.
This is never going to happen, why are wagecucks so desperate?
who would enforce such a thing
The two types of people in the world lol.
Is it really worth killing all those innocent people just to give the other citizens a tax break though?
The marines themselves show up to your house and throw you in the van screaming semper fi all the way.
>marines will
>Is it really worth killing all those innocent people just to give the other citizens a tax break though?
Depends on what your values and priorities are
For my part, as one of those who would be killed, i'd be all for it
Fight me cunts I'll punch all yer gubbers
Well you can't argue with that. Good luck convincing fellow NEETs it's a good idea though.
it would be easy for me to get some sort of employment, maybe even lucrative, in a month, the "depressed unmarried childless" would be more difficult.
Let them kill me.
I'd found a faction designed to make the practice of culling useless. Where we persistently kill innocent people and with my tact we should be able to do more than four massacres at least.
Wait for the feds to end my misery desu
if you had
one shot, one opprtunity
would you take it?