what do u think r9k??
What do u think r9k??
Are you kidding me? Yanks better. booo
Fuck off Ivan
That's the central Asians. The Svetlas are all in the West.
Laugh at this man, nothing in Quebec is good.
>omg, I just love european woman, they're the best
I like in an area of the US colored "beautiful". And let me tell you this is so wrong its not even funny.
This is the eye color percentage of the world.
>Russian women
Are you kidding me?
You have clearly never visited the UK
now compare it with this map
does anything even live there?
how is it different from the rest of the country
>anything in Britain above meh
Ok nigel
this is so low quality b8 I'm not gonna even start
Europe, USA, Australia all look pretty accurate, but central and south america are lacking the isolated pockets of hotness in the affluent regions.
Similarly, there needs to two purple dot in Russia, right over St.Petersburg and Moscow.
Thailand and Vietnam are underrated too.
>does anything even live there?
The spirit of... old school does.
I bet this was made by Turkroches.
What a lod of bs lmao
>Canadian women are hot
Yes but they're awful too so I'd rather move somewhere else.
Hispanic women are cute as fuck this map is cringe.
>does anything even live there?
Nenets and Yakuts. Imagine a hybrid of native americans and short mongols and you'll get them.
As someone living in Colombia, I must say that map is terribly inaccurate.
>Absolute perfection
fucking lmao all the women above 20 in that country look like old dried up ass
but muh Mormon women
got damn it, im a damn retard
>Japanese girls hotter than Chinese girls
In what fucking world?
>tfw according to this map, the women in my area are kind of UwU-tier
eheheheh~! '^_^
>In what fucking world?
the real world m8
>Brazil on the same level as Africa
Sure the guys are horrible, but the majority of girls have at least great bundas
Germanic women are ugly as fuck and look like men. Don't see the appeal at all.. Also Britain should be Africa tier. Other than that it's okay.
>britain should be africa tier
Yeah because a nation with races extremely similar to continental Europe would be radically below them in attractiveness, totally not biased at all
Imagine being this lacking in basic reasoning
>Nip girls: -_-
>Chink girls: -_-
wow so different
You.. have seen the average British girl, I hope? Even the German ones look better.
I wish this was true but the average Irishwoman is ugly and famously they have no arse whatsoever.
t. Irishman
I live in the UK, the average person in one country is virtually the same as in any other country. The mean varies only a tiny amount between nations. I've worked in god damn Sweden and the girls there look just like the girls here, just with blonder hair.
This map wildly exaggerates differences in attractiveness between races. Do you based everything you think on Jow Forums memes?
>Yeah because a nation with races extremely similar to continental Europe would be radically below them in attractiveness
a brown person made this
>that Kurd red spot surrounded by green
>implying some brown hairy girls are far less attractive than other brown hairy girls
This map was made by an absolute retard with no knowledge of his own biases.
finally some recognition!!!!!!!!!! yahooo!!!!!!! !!!! !!! ! !! !
Jap girls have fat chipmunk cheeks and their eyes are way less seductive than Chinese girls. Stop being a weeb for just one second retard
>Chinese girls
>seductive eyes
if by more seductive you mean smaller than yeah
there's literally no difference between the two outside of how they apply makeup dog
is that AIDS rate
>Not revolting
>Basque country
>Absolute perfection
It's shit
>Western Sahara
>No data even on a bs made up graph
Over the week I spent in London last year, I saw 3 decent-looking women and at least 2 of them were immigrants .
This map was made up by someone on int
>indian women better than east african babes
Yeah this map was built by autist
>Venezuelan jump from horrible to attractive
Can confirm