Why do people on Jow Forums perceive people that are mixed race to not have cultural identity? I'm half white and half black and both sides of my family treat me very well and love me, we all celebrate thanksgiving and New Years together and it's been that way for YEARS. Both my grandparents show me old family photos and always tell me stories from their childhoods ect ect.. Anyways, I've never understood this concept that's been shilled throughout this website for years since it hasn't applied to me or any other mixed people I've talked to. Maybe it happens in Europe since Europe ideally should only be for Europeans, but it certainly doesn't here in the US
Why do people on Jow Forums perceive people that are mixed race to not have cultural identity...
are you a gay or a female? if yes, then i can understand why you feel that way.
I'm a 24 year old straight male who happens to be an ex robot, I just lurk this board while I'm trading
do you have siblings in case you end up needing an organ or bone marrow? Apparently it's very difficult to match mixed race individuals.
Because Jow Forums is so racist that they can't imagine that you could possibly be comfortable with your identity if you're a product of racemixing. I identify with and appreciate both sides of me equally. All you need is mentally healthy parents.
I'm half middle eastern and half white. I have almost nothing to do with my middle eastern side, nor do I want to, but I just feel like I'm not really part of the full whites too. It sucks, I just wanna be white. At least I have pale skin I suppose. European btw
I have 4 siblings and I know that, besides aren't they chances of needing a bone marrow transplant or an organ very slim?? I'm not advocating for a mixed race society bro I'm just saying that there's a lot of irrational hate for people like me based of strawman tier arguments
im mixed myself and i don't have identity. you're confusing perceptions with reality.
maybe Jow Forums users do see us that way, maybe they don't, but i fall into it, we exist, so just because you exist doesn't cancel out my existence.
i just think you're lucky.
my family gave up on me, both sides.
There's no reason to be ashamed of your middle eastern heritage but I get where you're coming from. You probably look mostly European so fitting it must've not been too bad I'm guessing?
you're pretending to be liberal while in actually trying to reinforce the idea that Europe should exclude foreigners by making it seem so common sense that even mixed-raced liberals agree with the idea. In conclusion, I see what you're doing.
Are you from a lower socioeconomic families? Why would your family give up on you?
the white side is borderline racist evangelicals and the black side i never even met.
people have fucked up families and lives, you know that's possible right?
there is no reason, they were just fucked up.
I'm not a liberal I just admit I lean towards conservative ideals more because of my upbringing but I think anyone with half a brain see that Europe is being eaten inside out. I respect European culture and admire it I don't want European people to disappear because that would only effect the world negatively. No one in their right mind should want Europe to look like Africa or the Middle East, Europe should only be for its native inhabitants.
I know very well it's possible but you shouldn't let that get in the way of you succeeding in life. They're not mentally well if they give up on someone who had blood relation to them. I wish you the best bro
Okay brb I can't type since half my screen is cracked due to my autistic ass dropping my phone
hi there user
I'm out on a stretch here but statistically, mixed race people have a weaker immune system and are more prone to auto-immune deficiencies, because the body is "two different, similar biologies trying to compete over the control of a single body" which might sound like I'm implying that these biologies are different species, but I'm not:
think of lactose tolerance and intolerance. or having freckles instead of a tan, such little things. they, by no means, indicate a different species, but they do indicate that each respective biology was molded over several millenia to be adapted perfectly to a specific diet with a specific lifestyle and a specific climate, and then you mix it with a wildly different adaptation, making you sub-optimal for both environments.
but that's it. you have a biological disadvantage. don't let anybody tell you that you can't have a pronounced heritage or cultural identity just because you're not as inbred as them. biology is just a science, not a law that defines you.
be who you wanna be, and don't get AIDS.
if you keep that in mind, you're safe.
No more like I doubt you're non-white. I am heavily leaning towards you trying to pull a Dave Rubin and reassure white people on here that even non-whites agree with white nationalism.
>we went from discussion to that's somehow getting in the way of me succeeding in life
what the fuck are you talking about, retard.
>but I think anyone with half a brain see that Europe is being eaten inside out.
I'm german and have been praising this since I'm fucking 13 but the population is so brainwashed that they would rather call children nazis than to be worried that our teens out there are terrified as fuck and becoming bitter and destructive because nobody listens to them.
my mum is an anarchist and raised me as one too. how the fuck can you not feel retarded when you call an anarchist child who values ethics over policies a nazi/conservative??
this is how far europe's population has been brainwashed.
be angry. because not enough europeans are. do the american thing and slap your hand on the table when us europeans don't have the balls to do it; yet again.
Mulattos dont belong in north america either
Mulattos are the quintessential modern Americans. If mulattos don't belong here, no one belongs here but the native Americans.
Mulattos were in north america before the United States was even conceived. Most ""black"" achievements and ""black"" thinkers/inventors/writers were actually mulattos. I'm literally a white nationalist and can see that mulattos and blacks are unfortunately american but once you accept that fact it becomes easier to establish various ethnostates, but I must say OP seems like someone I could be friends despite his race
>Why do people on Jow Forums perceive people that
because they have nothing better to do user, you know this.
>Mulattos are the quintessential modern Americans. If mulattos don't belong here, no one belongs here but the native Americans.
Only white people and native americans belong here
Mulattos can have their ethnostates in africa
Im native american and Im okay with whites staying here, but the nigger lovers must go
>cultural identity
Totally pointless nonsense. You're basically saying "all of my customs and interests are a carbon copy from the people around me"
Make your own culture
because people value racial identity over cultural
It's not so much that they have no cultural identity as it is losing half your cultural identity. People of mixed race tend to be raised more amongst one race or the other, losing the cultural connection to other one. Look at how American hapas rarely speak the language of their Asian parent as an example.
If you're being honest with yourself, can you really say you're equally immersed in both cultures, and both to the extent that you feel totally apart of them? I would hazard to guess you were raised either in a predominately black area or a predominately white one, and that you're culturally more similar to the race you were raised around.
user hit the nail right on the head. i'm mixed and fall into the mindset of feeling like some kind of genetic error sometimes though
feeling constantly rejected by each side of my family.. simply sucks. both are my parents are both mixed race so they understand too but, feeling constantly singled out for not being "white enough" or "asian enough" from people who share common ancestry etc makes you feel de-valued at times, or not being able to embrace your culture because you "wouldn't be able to understand it as much because you are mixed race", how does that bullshit work? im so fed up of this. embracing culture and ethnicity makes me feel as someone who is mixed feel really singled out.