Femininity and Royalty

Why is there such a strong association between femininity and royalty, and why don't boys and men get a similar association?

Girls grow up being told that they are princesses, and generally wanting to pretend to be princesses. But boys don't pretend to be princes- they usually pretend to be a knight or a wizard in the medieval/fantasy setting, or otherwise some job like a cowboy or astronaut.

Even as adults, women will regularly refer to each other as queens. "YAAAS QUEEN, SLAY!" But men never refer to each other as kings, or have any kind of royal conception of themselves. In fact, it is more common for a cisgendered gay man to call himself a "queen", aping women's verbiage, than it is for a straight man to call himself a king.

So are men the peasants of gender? Why don't we have the royal aspirations of women?

Attached: louisxiv.jpg (311x500, 37K)

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google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNS0y3f9TIyDpm5HU-1SdzxN5nD2QA:1568296524461&ei=TE56XY_lG83GsAWKopTYDA&q=boys pretend to be princes&oq=boys pretend to be princes&gs_l=psy-ab.3...33169.33169..33312...0.1..

OP here, I'm also especially curious to hear from anyone who speaks other languages. Does this trend hold outside of English-speaking cultures?

It's a subtle nod to how they were born lucky with an easier life thanks to being born female, similar to being born in a royal family.

Actually being THIS autistic
Yes OP, men are the new niggers.

Is it still autistic if I'm correct? You agreed with me, does that make you autistic too?

Women where I am from are expected to build, fix fences, wash and reap hay. We got gender communism.

You think they realize they were born lucky? Then why do they accept the whole "patriarchy" thing?

Where (approximately) are you from?

>But boys don't pretend to be princes
citation needed

No, that was just a joke really. To give an honest answer, I think it's because royalty is closely related to traits like elegance and grace which are typically seen as feminine.

North eastern europe. Bring me my princess years. ree!
Instead I'm made to take care of the garden this cinderalla peasantry never ends.

Attached: appropriate.jpg (750x1000, 80K)

Google 'boys pretend to be princes' and see what comes up as the first result. That's the best I've got, I'm not aware of any academic papers on this phenomenon, sorry.
google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNS0y3f9TIyDpm5HU-1SdzxN5nD2QA:1568296524461&ei=TE56XY_lG83GsAWKopTYDA&q=boys pretend to be princes&oq=boys pretend to be princes&gs_l=psy-ab.3...33169.33169..33312...0.1..

Well it's a combination of the monarchy poising itself as a matriarchal/mother figure to the country and that that they sit around and rule from the home while the people go out and work to serve them

But that's just pushing the question back a step. Why are these royal traits not masculine? And what about ruling, conquering, commanding, leading? Those are royal masculine traits.

the underclass has always been for the upperclass, this is nothing new.
if you're poor your options in life are limited to the cards you're dealt.
just looking at Jow Forums you can see boys act like princes

Aren't kings a patriarchal/father figure though?

People almost never talk about princes on Jow Forums, I'm not sure I've even seen the word 'prince' used on this board before this thread.

>People almost never talk about princes on Jow Forums, I'm not sure I've even seen the word 'prince' used on this board before this thread.
that doesn't mean robots don't act entitled

I always seen the term of prince to be a flimsy and feminine title.

Probably, because of north not even women are allowed to sit around and look pretty if you'd want to survive everyone had to work. Even kids.

Well, let's go down the list
>women prefer to sit and do nothing while men actually do things and improve
>women are decadent shitpiles while men are humble
>women treat their perceived subordinates like shit but can't exist comfortably without them
Or perhaps it's because feminism has brainwashed the population into believing giving women preferential treatment over your own sons (even if they aren't your daughters, too) is normal and ok.
Perhaps it's because men are told since they're boys that very same thing and told to believe that it's ok.
Maybe it's because this society is broken at its very core and nobody will lift a finger to fix it lest they be called a sexist, racist, or homophobe.
Maybe that's also why men can't get raped according to the law.
The world needs to burn.

us-americans can never understand this. As a prince or king you are not allowed to experience adventures. this is why you choose knight.

So it's either a difference in their inherent nature, or a difference in the way they are treated by feminism? In that case it would be interesting to see how far back this trend goes. If it predates feminism, then it must be some innate gender difference.

So 'knight' gives boys a chance to simulate their increased tendency for risk-taking? Do you think it's that boys inherently crave risk and adventure more, or that they are socialized to take more risks?

We are biologically stronger therefore it is a safer bet for us to be risk takers.

Also, contra this theory, kings often did participate in wars, even fighting on the front lines:

I'm pretty sure it's just inherent, but I really hope that isn't the case.
We came from a primal past. All that existed was Chad and his harem, and the unproductive betas dicking around. One day, Chad got the idea to dissolve (most of) his harem and give them to the betas, in exchange that they work for him. Farming food for Chad, patrolling Chad's lands, guarding Chad when he sleeps, keeping order for Chad. When Chad dies, his sons take over. And then we had society.
Everything since then has only been a refinement of this. Sure, we got the the point where it's not all for Chad and the people rule with their vote, but the parties are still dominated by Chad and his beta followers, they vote Chad into office.
Why would women have changed that much? Putting them in charge wouldn't help this at all, because they would only long to return to Chad's harem, which breaks down society. They will tell men that they're worthless trash to weed out Chad from the betas, and still expect betas to work for this society. Them they get mad when they stop working, and drop out of society. Until humans stop thinking like this, nothing will change. We either keep the rogue elements in check, or give up and return to the caves in ignorance.

It comes from the old tradition where, a girl possibly could become royalty. Back when you had royals governing the land and wandering the countryside, you very well could end up with even some peasant commoner girl catch the eye of a nobleman and end up married and herself become nobility or even royalty if it were some minor prince.

So you get this historical hope and dream of women and even their families for them, that they could apsire to become royalty through marriage, because the woman herself was pretty enough or elegant enough. You can imagine a peasant farmer father, telling his daughter at night that she could be a princess because that very possibly could happen even if it's a low chance.

Meanwhile, barring very rare cases (like in China in the past), you would never have female royalty marrying commoner men and uplifting them to male royalty. It was a low enough chance for a peasant girl, but it was basically a 0% chance for a peasant boy.

And a further addition to this, the dream of a girl becoming a princess is still alive even today, like with that Megan Markle roastie that went from being some thot in LA to being a princess of England.

>So are men the peasants of gender?
Yes: youtube.com/watch?v=7LC4fQlyMXE

French**** royalty. And even then, that was mostly Luis' fruit ass.

gtfo out of here with your gay sword.