>friend of mine is 26 years old
>never even kissed a girl
>is a NEET
>isnt a bitter woman hating incel cunt
you people are all weak trash
>friend of mine is 26 years old
>never even kissed a girl
>is a NEET
>isnt a bitter woman hating incel cunt
you people are all weak trash
I'm a 30yo kv NEET and I don't hate women either, I just don't care about them
Sure, a part of it is that I'm afraid to aproach them, but mostly I'm just not interested
If you hate women you're just a failed normie who wishes he was a Chad, not a true robot desu
you're not guaranteed anything in life, so why should i be mad?
if i die alone, i die alone, this isn't a movie.
i want woman hating incels to leave my board, they are mistaken for thinking this place is their home
He is most probably gay
Theres nothing wrong with hating when you've been systematically oppressed. I'm sure many slaves hated their owners. Just as I hate women.
In other words, you're 0wned? f\/ckin n00b
>waaah women oppress me!!
kek, women dont want to interact with you in any way.
>its the same as literal slavery!!
this is your brain on inceldom
nope, just autistic and unable to properly socialize
Don't lie to us. That's you in the picture, isn't it? You pathetic loser
Well, hold on, don't assume everyone acts bitter. I'm 26 and I'm the same, but I have a different outlook on women, I see it as a challenge. Like, if a friend would invite me to a party? I ask who's the prettiest girl in the party or whatever to dance, fully expecting rejection. I maybe ugly as sin, but I'm no pussy. I mean who knows? They're probably a genuinely interesting person.
people will also accuse you for hating something because it never enters your thoughts.
for example: not watching Game of Thrones, not owning a smart phone, not having a pet, etc, etc
NPCs want to assimilate you, blame it on biology, that's what women and gays do.
There's nothing you can do when:
(1) half your dick was cut off at age 0 so that it's less pleasurable to masturbate and the only way you can feel full satisfaction is being being with a women
(2) prostitution is illegal, artificially inflating the value of pussy
(3) at every income bracket, men pay more in taxes than they get back, while women get back more than they pay--thus artificially de-valuing men and their natural "provider" role
(4) men are not allowed to express their feelings, are less satisfied with their lives according to the Gallup World Poll and World Values Survey, and have 3x the rate of suicide as a result of on average being less happy
(5) propaganda everyone to worship women and overvalue them
(6) you're a pathetic person completely incapable of seeing past your own victim complex
>Caring about the feelings of a complete nonentity
Why? Is this roastie virtue signalling?
ive been coming here since long before Jow Forums was invaded by incel refugees
they have completely ruined this board.
of course they have, but Jow Forums has been warped by time so hard, the userbase is a bunch of clueless retards now.
Those who have no children, are not having children, or are not trying to have children leave behind no bloodline so they are nonentities. They exist as academic curiosities or more like castrated pets especially your friend who doesn't even have a job.
>still whiteknighting online for unspecified w*men and cheap (You)s
Im 26 kv and i dont hate women, its my fault im in the position I am. You shouldn't generalise.
29 virgin neet here I only hate normie women
there's people talking about bloodlines and entities and shit lmao.
the stormfront racists have donned their fedoras in full force.
None of those topics have anything to do with stormfront, racism, or atheism.
and wtf are u talking about now???
It is kind of like how America's left will claim everything they don't like is fascism, nazis, or another holocaust.