how long would you wait to have sex with a girl you're in a relationship with? what if she's a virgin and wants to wait a few months to get more comfortable with you, would you respect it and stay with her or not?
How long would you wait to have sex with a girl you're in a relationship with...
not in a rush anyway so dont care how long
I would wait as long as she wants, because personally I won't be instantly open to sex either. I'm not the type into instant hook ups. I hope whoever is interested in me will respect my boundaries too.
Ideally 2 months I'd say. But honestly I'd be willing to wait up to marriage. Sex isn't something I absolutely need, I just want love and affection.
>how long would you wait to have sex with a girl you're in a relationship with?
In my experience, sex has always occurred before even discussing a committed relationship. Usually we meet up a few times at most before going all the way, and the nature of the relationship gets brought up at some point after fucking for a bit.
>what if she's a virgin and wants to wait a few months to get more comfortable with you, would you respect it and stay with her or not?
Depends on the woman, but in most cases I definitely wouldn't wait more than 1 month to have sex with a supposed gf regardless of her virginity.
2 days at most, it's the only way to make sure she is a virgin.
well, sex is a spontaneous thing, but I turn down whores who do more than making out on the first date.
ex and I declared relationship after the first date, and started having sex since the second.
I know, that sounds really rushed, but I'd say it went well because we just "went with the flow".
little word of advice: the more you set expectations and demands, the more nervous you'll be in bed, and being nervous kills any sexual vibes. and on top of that, "expectations are the source of all disappointment".
the more you trust and love each other and the safer/comfier you feel in each other's company, the better the sex.
the physical element of sex is just the catalyst. what makes sex amazing is the love, the feelings and the thoughts; love-making >>>>> casual fucking
I'd be fine even in an asexual relationship. Whenever she is ready.
I did that. For 6 months, we were close to having sex once (my tip right against her entrance), but she backed off and I respected that still. Never got to take her virginity though. I loved her.
Im fucking her as soon as we hit the bed.
If she is a virgin I'm willing to wait until marriage.
If she isn't i'm not interested.
It depends on her past history in terms of relationships.
If she's the type to sleep around, but is giving me the "waiting" treatment, I'm going to assume she see's me as some beta provider and put less effort into pursuing her, in fact I may even start talking to other women.
If she's a virgin, or the type of girl that only has sex in long term relationships, then I'd have no problems waiting. but if she gives me even the slightest hint that she's treating me differently from other men she's been with I will treat her like the girl in the first category.
If she's a normal girl and we haven't had sex by say the first 2 months or so, I leave.
>how long would you wait to have sex with a girl you're in a relationship with?
Until I'm sure she's the right one for me.
>what if she's a virgin and wants to wait a few months to get more comfortable with you, would you respect it and stay with her or not?
Only a few month?
At least wait until we become fiancee. Not any less
>come here with food poisoning because too sick and in pain to do anything
>cumguzzling faggot humblebraggsrs everywhere going LOOK AT HOW GREAT MY LIFE IS
I swear to fucking god you normies need a god damn icepick in your fucking brains
Why is it so black and white with you people? Why do you act like there wouldnt be some progression from kissing to handjobs to sex, and instead you just go from hand holding to smashing your genitals together one day
>never asserted himself over her
>never got laid
lil tip, buddy:
grow a fucking pair.
women *always* say no to sexual advances, it's your job as a man to convince her by sheer force of manliness and love.
true love isn't never touching her.
true love is when the only thing capable of restraining you is hearing a loud and sad "PLEASE STOP".
Men are initiators and leaders; if you don't live up to that, she will reduce you to a pet.
First 3 days, she gotta be ready to get fucked non stop baby, virgin or not I'll get her to suck the cock
If I liked her I'd wait as long as she needed unless it was like 1+ years with absolutely no sexual contact.
Because I've seen how forward women are with men they like. They don't make them wait.
They think less of men they tell to wait.
Like I said I have no issues with that progression if she demonstrates she's the type of girl that doesn't sleep around.
lol do you have any idea how many times women lose their virginity? They usually just say they're virgins as kinky kind of dirty talk. Some of them can't get their cock sock wet unless they say some fucked up shit like that.
Girls don't make guys they like wait, if she's talking dirty and making you wait you're a cuck and might as well dump her and look for another one before she admits she's fucking some other guy.
dhiarrea for 2 weeks now, severe chronic back pain, my neck painfully cracks with every movement, 2 steel plates in my lower right arm, and a major cold that amplifies all that pain.
food poisoning was 2 weeks ago.
if you really define being a normie by "my life is not as miserable as other people's" then YOU are the normie.
the reason I got laid despite being a sperg from r9k was because I'm not as obnoxious, not as self-centered, and not as much of a whining tranny reverse-feminist as you are.
YOU are the reason your life being miserable.
I offered input based on experience and the first thing that comes to your mind is "REEEEEEEEEEE WHY IS HE NOT AS MUCH OF A FAILURE AS MEEEEEEEE"
great job, you're an SJW. unironically.
so do Jow Forums a favor and kill yourself.
If we haven't had sex by the third encounter I drop her because I'm assuming she's fucking someone else or put out for Chad in the first date.
>I'm assuming she's fucking someone else or put out for Chad in the first date.
She is.
Single women are always spinning multiple plates because they have a ton of options. If you have a nice interaction with a girl and she suddenly ghosts you (or is way less attentive), it's because she's talking to or fucking another guy 100% of the time.
>things normalfags say
Reddit is that way buddy
Ive asked out one girl in the past decade because i was trying to improve my life instead of chase women, tell me more of how Im such a self centered obnoxious whiny piece of shit you piece of human garbage
2 years maybe i'm not sure, a few months would be ideal.
These fuckin' guys get it. Holy shit, it's so relieving to hear people that actually understand this kind of stuff. When I talk face to face with people about this I got to bite my tongue listening to them talk about how it had taken weeks or months to score with some girl. It takes a lot of effort to not visibly cringe when they talk about competing with other guys while they're doing it, or when they find out another guy is in the picture. It's almost worse when they're totally oblivious about another guy when it's just like RIGHT THERE UNDER THEIR NOSE. Fuckin shit it practically makes me livid they're that ignorant about it. You'd think they'd have learned off the first couple girls they were with, but nope. They just like being stuck in the rat race or something.
If more men were aware of how women operate, women would not be able to get away with this behavior, sadly it's men that enable it.
Men are truly brainwashed.
I went out with a chick who said she had no boyfriend
Turns out she had a kid
Then turns out she lives with his dad
Ended up ghosting me after an hour of me not really opening up to her and being beta
At least she got in my car before knowing my name lmao
Awhile. Intimacy scares the shit out of me. Doubt I could even get hard the first couple attempts, at which point she'd likely break up with me and text all her friends how small my dick is and how it doesn't function. Welp, time to hang myself, later bros.
I use to end up on dates and right when we're getting down to fuck girls would always mention a boyfriend. It's like why are we on a date to begin with, and why did you blurt it out before? I use to be fine with just kicking them out of my house when they did that kinda thing but once I had to blow off a job interview for a date and that shit happened I stopped playing around with that kind of shit and tried to get to know them first. I really don't know how most of these girls get guys to put up with their crap long enough to get their dick wet. It's got to be some form of sociopathy playing guys like that.
Not him but women would usually mention it early on with me. They'd approach me, act like they really like me and want to keep hanging out with me, tons of flirting and then boom out of nowhere "oh my boyfriend blah blah"
Like what the fuck? As soon as I hear that shit I feel really bad and want to leave, not so much for myself (maybe a little), but for the boyfriend. It's emotional cheating. The way women monkey branch is really disturbing to me, you're right that it seems to be some form of sociopathy.
and you know what's ironic?
same here.
I don't give a shit about being single, I would've rather died a virgin than to fuck some dumb, toxic-to-the-brim roastie.
last relationship was the only one I ever had, and it was 2 years ago.
seriously, I think guys like you and me deserve more respect than we get.
just because we consider the "lmao u gotta get laid" culture disgusting and meaningless, WE are the losers?
the most promiscuous creatures are insects. the least are humans.
90% of all great minds considered sex a very "small irrelevant thing" because they were busy unweaving the secrets of the universe.
harnessing 2 of 4 fundamental energies of the universe, THAT is some impressive shit. but getting laid? we are biologically programmed to do so.
grass is green, water is blue, and biological creatures procreate. big deal. woooow.
on the other hand, actually comprehending and conquering a universe that told you that "ur point is to get ur dick wet"; THAT is taking expectations and surpassing them a thousand times.
Mother nature's grasp isn't something that's easily beaten, and I doubt it's something a man who can't even fulfill his base desires can do. It's difficult to disregard something you have a natural urge for and are endlessly curious about, in this case sex.
The reason you don't give a shit is most likely because you are aware of what you are giving up.
I fucked one girl a couple hundred times over 10 years ago and spent a decade before even bothering to ask out another
you know what I'm realizing?
you fuckers talk about alpha females and wonder why you have to play alpha mind games around alpha roasties.
I've recently met a lot of beta women whose genuine type of men is anyone but alphas (even seen them turn alphas down and call them "dumb machos" irl, which really got my gears going) and around them I finally feel like a person, not some male fuckmeat.
Like, I was always too assertive and self-critical to be a beta, but also not successful or hunk-ish like alphas, so they dig me because I'm "their type", which I think means in real talk "you're not too macho for me but also not too much of a fucking limpdick wuss." and I just feel... comfy around those kinda bitches. not friendzone comfy, I mean "I could date one of these and they wouldn't think of replacing me with an alpha, they just want a lovable boyfriend." kind of comfy.
my dudes, men are different types of people. call it alphas and betas. or normies and robots. or jocks and nerds. why shouldn't that apply to women too?
How much is she worth? There's your answer.
yep, the first step to defeating an established notion is to fully comprehend it; its uses, its underlying reasons, and its consequences.
I've spent some time thinking about it: being prude can make you feel lonely on sex drive peaking times.
on the other side, being prude will make you see your lover as replacable, exponentially increases chances for getting STDs, and is the gateway to a mindset of hedonism and materialism "what is important is what I want and what I can gain."
that's a very bitter attitude and the world will answer that by... just leaving you alone. but _completely_ alone. you stop having friends and start having acquaintances who you only keep for the things they can do or provide.
being prude, in that regard, will just constantly reconfirm the belief that you should either live on your own and make the best out of what life gives you, and one day find someone who fits into your life and makes your life more complete than it already was, and who is worthy of being loved by you, because you try to show your love by all the good means you have.
one has a great risk of dreaming big and falling low, the other is already living at the rock bottom.
in my opinion, it's better to ride high and die in the fall than to never ride at all.
so if I let some bitch into my life at all, I'm gonna have to love the everliving shit out of everything she is, and therefore want to fuck the everliving shit out of her, passionately, hard, and often.
let's keep it short by saying I saw a future wife in the skillset and personality in my ex, and that's always the thing I look for;
something with meaning and potential.
for quick fucks... hookers are a thing, and roasties/sluts take compliments instead of bills because they're dumber than hookers, lol.
not worth anyone's time, not to mention your heart.
>why shouldn't that apply to women too?
I think this is because the vast majority of women have tons of options like mentioned before, that's why it doesn't matter what type she is. Even if she's a beta female, don't you think she has dozens of other guys just like you she could be talking to as well? Trust me she does.
of course she does, but I know by the way I mess with them that I'm the dude with the most influence on them, to the point where they start putting a ton of effort into getting my main attention.
it seems most other betas have a hard time comprehending that a woman WANTS to be conquered and played with.
It's just worrying that women don't really appreciate this though, their instinctive reaction to man who waits, or is a virgin, or has morals is that there is something wrong with him or he's gay.
You can't win.
if she was a virgin I would wait untill she was ready, I wold still expect the succ tho. If she had her vagina penetrated already, I would expect coitus after a few months of dating.
The honeymoon
If she can't last that long, to the point she bails on the relationship or cheats, then she's frankly not worth the effort.
>inb4 doesn't exist
I know that, but I'm not lowering my moral standards because "muh dik"
If you cannot remain a virgin until marriage, you aren't worth my time, effort, or attention. Period.
Oh, and no sodomy either, if you've committed sodomy I see you as an actual subhuman. An animal with a human gait.
>alpha females
probably one week