mine is that my dick is both long and girthy
What is your blessing, user?
I can fuck up the simplest of tasks in the most devastating and costly way possible, based
Origin anal
Babyface forevah blessing and a curse
>has a long and girthy dick
Even if you don't get laid, it must be so much fun to just jerk that badboy off and paint the ceiling with it.
I am tall and white.
Now I just need to get fit and non-autistic and I'm set.
...Easier said than done.
Oh, and I'm musically talented apparently. Perfect pitch and chromesthesia. It's a shame I never invested any time in it, I could've been the next Panda Bear.
I have "pretty" eyes and features. Problem being that I'm a guy but I'll take what I can get.
I'm 30 and people say I look 23
full head of thick, dark hair, my barber said that hair like this at my age means I'll probably never go bald
Can confirm, I love my huge schlong and play with on the daily!
I am told i have a lovable personality and i am good with people
My imagination, now I just need to put it into practice I guess. The problem is I'm impractical
I'm 6 feet. And my peen is 6.9 inches
Baby face forever. Blessing and curse
>have a long and girthy dick too
>have a good face
>hardworking and intelligent
I fuck bottoms on Grindr every other day it's pretty good I only TOP though
I guess the only thing you're lacking is a personality if you still ended up here
>big dick
>good looking
>sexy soft curly hair that bitches love
And my curses;
>indifferent/apathetic nature
>strong minded and independent to a fault
>don't get attached, easy to let people go
>no purpose found
didnt want to put a whole list but since you all did too
>good hair and face (blonde, blue eyes, shape and fat% like pic. related)
>good future (I'm certain I will get rich through hard work)
Was partially expecting the 9in dick user to be in this thread. Was pleasantly surprised.
160 iq, doesn't really make life any more enjoyable tho. Im very bored 99% of the time, and seem autistic cause im inside my own head more than i am in the outside world.
all attempts at killing me have failed
My IQ is slightly above average, maybe 130, but to be honest i woupd like to change it an at least average sized penis, because mine is pathetically small.
I am a big boi. Both fat and tall so I have alot of size to use to my advantage. People have never fucked with me for this reason.
Parents are upper middle class Americans. Thats it. I am short, ugly, skinny and a sperg
I would just consider no purpose as a curse, why you consider the other ones a curse user?
I'm good at drawing, never learnt to draw tho
But I'm 169cm
I am extremely talented in drawing.
Too bad it comes to nothing because I'm too depressed to develop further.
I have great hair and my taste in music extends from noise to trad classical. Music just makes me happy
I am cute, small and clever. Everything else is negative.
Omg yes. Music. I love noise and IDM (besides a lot of other stuff, like you mentioned), even made a discord about it.
6'4 and fairly large dick. And girls have complemented my eyebrows
>good long hair because im native american also is brown under the sun
>can make people laugh easily and i can make them feel comfortable
Not so bad i guess i but still im always hanging out there alone
I get to experience murdering my parents without regret because they will respawn
I'm quite smart and I'm 6'5". Unfortunately not much else going for me.
be a pretty boy twink or just transition already
>9 inch cock
I'm really blessed.
>9in dick user to be in this thread. Was pleasantly surprised.
Hewwo, tomoko poster. H-How are you?