Annoyed and cranky edition
Previous Thread:
/r9gay/ - #829
not the interracial thread i was hoping for. downvoted.
>Tfw no bf to have an interracial relationship with who will colonise my ass
Which one of you faggots is germanboy on that tagmap beacuse you are like a couple of kilometers away from and i can't seem to reach you
>tfw heard somebody saying pogchamp irl
why are zoomers the worst
tfw no bf to have an interracial bf with and just enjoy life together
pepega meow
i forgot i dont have any pics saved to my phone. if i was home then...
its okay user, you tried your best and im sure your interracial future bf will love you!
>>>lgbt oreos
>phoneposting coalburning normalcunts
The state of this thread.
stop throwing around normalfag when it's not applicable
90% of these threads are normalfags.
Because these threads are for normalfags
>just watched all of orenchi no fure jiro on youtube because it was on my recommendations
life hurts bros...
Of course they're not but it wouldn't be our world without normalcunts destroying everything that's not theirs.
sorry i dont wanna take my desktop in the tub.
also, all boys deserve love!
You can go and deserve love in a thread you belong in, normalcunt.
I bet that youre a normalcunt yourself but you like to feel special xD
>interracial only means black and white
nuh uh
gimme some qualifications to belong in here/not belong in here then! if you can give me traits that would keep me from entering this thread through its open gates, then i shall take my leave.
1. You're a normalcunt and thus you do not belong.
i have been blown the fuck out, good sire, please, allow me to rightfully take my leave
Well he said depression and not knowing what he wants. I believe him based on my conversations with him.
But I also feel like there were other variables that led to this:
I'm 6 years older, which made it kinda weird even for me
Hes 20 and is unsure of where his career path would lead him
He recently started a job and was in two accidents at the time
The next two were probably the biggest factors aside from depression.
I'm overweight and must have not been his ideal, I should improve myself in the meanwhile for the next boyo who comes along. I cant fault him for this, I have an ideal type too.
I would voice call him alot and msg him alot, sometimes about the same stuff too often, it made me.... boring, I wore off my own "new car smell" and I became complacent, and I guess boring as a result.
Also I probably should focus on myself and hobbies rn. But being 26 I'm not getting any younger, and like many people on this site, I think I have addiction... to attention
Did you two at least fuck
i mean, I'm not particularly into interracial i just thought it would be an edition that'd upset people. although i do have pictures
post the pictures then user! i wanna see what kinda boys you like :3
Normalniggers out.
you can't call everyone who has different tastes than you a normalfag,cunt,etc
where were you when that footage rampaged about
alright I'll wait until I get home to start posting again
I belong here beacuse i fail with women and with men,leave me alone
Those four posts are blatantly normalfags. They are normalfags, therefore I will call them normalfags. Simple matter.
>tfw no bf who doesn't respond to seething trannies calling everyone else a norman
The top two yeah but the bottom two probably are just fetishists.
you got rid of meow enjoy your normalfags lol
If I don't hate something it's a fetish.
I'm a melon fetishist btw.
What else is there to do, wait 20 minutes in between posts for hours only to get random posts like what someone's dream bf height is? that no one will respond to?
I guess that's fair but desu I'd like to think there's some cute coloured and white boys scared to post just because how toxic (one) fat guy usually makes these threads.
Imagine if all anons in this thread got together to play mario kart and not have sex at all
Quality over quantity. Always.
These threads are largely pointless desu
how do you know he is fat?
im a coloured boy user and i think this toxic guy should die
Yes we did fuck, best sex of my life.
He still wants to be fwb (apparently), but his libido has been down recently cause of his medicine. I have not had sex with him since he dumped me.
Pls send me a new qt in the northeast, USA area, my collection of femboy clothes and leashes and stuff need someone to wear them ;_;
not really, i met my (only) friend on here and im hoping to find a bf.
woah lets not go that far, wish upon other what youd wish upon yourself, i hope he realises the error in his ways and works on improving himself.
i hope youll find a cute boy of your preferred colour user!
i'm a colored boy user (no "u") and i think this guy should post his fetish
Woops met for
Tfw no bf to spoon 5ever
>wish upon other what youd wish upon yourself
I do wish to die
I didn't make that post,you meant to ping All i get is akward conversations,blue balls and loneliness
c'est une bon idee! however, i do think it's pretty redundant at this point.
oh nononono boyu you do NOT be suicidal now! else i hug you! hmph!
yes, i know, but honestly im happy e-chatting with people, i try to cheer everyone up to the best of my ability and i know that meeting in person is the desire of a lot of boys.. mine too...
oh man im starting to feel really suicidal now
how very DARE you!? you know what this means young man! one (1) tight hug! *hugs you*
What are your locations
the Indigo Plateau
w-why do you wanna know random user?
i live close to nono
please hug even tighter and crush my body user!
Western NC
pissy old england
nope, sorry! crushing boys is not allowed! you adorable edgy qt.
I need a smol spoon
A what now
How dare you be far away!!
What's your poke team then?
ig ill have to resort to using this knife to release my worthless blood then
sorry user i'm 6'2 and it's illegal for tall people to be smol spoons.
okay okay okay ill crush you ill crush you! j-just tell me where you are situated so w-we can meet up and NOT use sharp knives for anything related to s-self-harm!! y-yeah? c:
Zoomer erp hurts my soul.
im in Australia user, thats prob too far for you
Where the northeast usa bussy at
wellll, if you can be patient we can meet up sometime in the future and crush you, sound good tu adorable et petit prince?
sounds good nice user, pls give discord or i might die
Germany my good friend
o-okay user my discord is christchan#5654 please do not die!!
r9gay cringe hours, looks like /soc/ for underages
ohhhh, hey cook! hope you find someone else! still dont know why you removed me at first...
This, zoomer posters are embarrassing.
>tfw no late 20's bf who has goals and is mature
go away you manipulative ass
unironically neck yourself you mechanized giggafaggot.
we talked for a day, and im on better terms with D. weve both forgot about the whole schabang.
That's me but I got dumped recently
Where you at friend?
Bussy gang represent. Femboy aesthetics are best aesthetics
>college emailed me about a program called edge 4 vets
guess i can't cum for a while
>all these losers which arent on the official r9gay discord
I'm too antisocial for a discord server so yes I'm a loser
shut your cancerous ass up before i fucking kiss you on your lips fucking faggot shill
Bitches but doesn't post serbia. BAKA
Sorry but random losers arent allowed in
where do i meet themmmm like in my area
>tfw saw a 9/10 twink with a black woman when I was outside today
They're stealing our men boys...
ok retard nigger
is there really an r9gay discord?
>he isnt in the secret r9gay discord
lmaoing back at you bro
I live north of North Yorkshire user
eastern bloc dumb homo
tfw no yorkshire bf to drink tea with
God didn't make you a homosexual, that's on you. An individual being 'gay' reflects a personal moral failing.
I tried being straight for years, all it did was make me look like a fucking fool
You should have tried harder and not given up.
Maybe you should drop the christcuck act and show some of that ass
Leviticus 11:9-10 says whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters but not to eat all that have not fins and scales in the seas. Have you ever eaten shellfish user? God didnt make you to eat shellfish...
Leviticus 11:7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.
surely you have never eaten pork or touched pig hide either, right user? God didnt make you for that... :///
The lowest of christcuck takes the interpretations of the bible literally. I spent 4 hours listening to unfiltered autism last night. It was called genesis.
There are valuable lessons in the bible that can be learned and should be passed down but trying to justify bigotry of abnormality is not christian.
That's just the monkey grug brain speaking.