Hello bots, what are your plans for Friday 4 October, 2019, the day /ourblackpanther/ hits the theaters?
Hello bots, what are your plans for Friday 4 October, 2019, the day /ourblackpanther/ hits the theaters?
Dad wants me to go to his house for food.
>going to theaters
>in 2019
Enjoy being murdered by an incel
I live in Bangladesh fren, such concepts are obsolete here
It's going to be a liberating moment, I'm going to stand up while the commercials are playing and I'm going to yell
How much does a ticket cost there since you all work in sweatshops? Meanwhile in my country it is illegal to have less than 11 hours between shifts lmao
Please record and post. You will forever be the most based user
You won't do shit you stupid cunt
5 dollars a ticket in a decent 3d hall, add a uber ride back and forth with some popcorn and drinks it's a 15-20 USD day well spent
ill probably be smoking weed, playing minecraft, and eating lays pickle chips around that time, or working, or sucking the chocolate milk out of my ebony gf's titties
only retards see movies on opening nights; big crowds that are loud and rude, full price tickets, can't get the seats you want, probably smells with all those fat boomers and shitty diaper kids
find a theater near you that does 5 dollar tuesdays or something like that and then go see it as early as possible, you'll get an empty theater, a relaxed and focused movie experience, any seat you want, and full privacy to sit back in your pajamas and get blazed
fuck the trannies and fuck the jannies, thanks for reading
can't go, not 18 and have baby face.
This. I plan to wait at least 2 weeks before seeing it. Smaller crowds and less chance of a Joker-inspired lunatic encounter.
Oh my God you zoomers are dumb as fuck
I'm gonna do this too except I'm also gonna say
and then I'm gonna start fucking shooting
Just buy a ticket for Downton Abbey and then walk into the theater showing Joker. Easy Peasy.
Record the shooting lmao
I have an autistic method I use that's almost exactly like this for every movie I see
>movie comes out
>wait 2 weeks, sometimes 3 if it's a really popular one
>go on a tuesday for any showing starting at 11am or 12pm
>check seats online a day in advance, then 8-10 hours, then an hour before, then thirty minutes before
>usually almost always completely empty still
>arrive in person and pay for seat then to avoid paying online booking fee
>also have a theater card so i get the 5 dollar ticket
>sneak in my own snacks
>now have food, a private cinema viewing of a movie, and the best seat in the theater for 5 dollars
Mega based will follow this method now
nigga u poor ooga booga
my local cinema has one screen, i could go to the nearest town but i live in the only rural part of england.
Are you me user? That's pretty much what I do as well.
I will savor the shitposts and double down on my hiding away plans from the inevitable incel concentration camps
pirate the movie because I am a fucking faggot
you better record the shooting
You arent going to see it
I forbid it.
Try leaving your room that day and I'll break your legs.
You are nothing
Hypothetical question: if I go to the theatre on my own, but I have large sports bag with me, do they make you buy 2 tickets?
One for the movie one for the SWAT experience
bro u posted cringe
Going out with a girl to see ourblackpanther
This is some bold marketing. I applaud you, kind sir.
>Tuesday 11 am
Is it worth taking the day off?
Wagecucking orginalllly