That's what they call them now. Cause you know, who wants to have real children when you can have a fucking pet dog instead?
"Fur Children"
youre missing the point, buddy.
her life
her body
her choice
yes yes yes.
I've made the case for a while if you gonna get a pet like a dog you might aswell get a kid
but i guess these females are single so they cant even get a cawk to nut insidfe them
>just be physically disabled for 9 months bro
The difference is that you can't fuck your kids
they're called "fur-babies" and you shouldn't fall for anti-natalist tricks
I totally can understand not wanting to have kids, I have two kids of my own and I completely get that it isn't for everyone. But I definitely think people who treat their dogs like surrogate babies, dressing them up and pushing them around in strollers, have a legitmate problem. I don't think it's healthy for either the person or dog to treat it like a baby.
>check out old crush vsco page
>pictures of her with topless niggers and her "furbabies"
Is this "vsco" just tumblr for zoomers?
True that, who wants a roastie when you can have a pet dog.
So true. Here is another picture of pet dog
No I've heard women refer to them as fur children too
Can you just let white people be white and call their dogs whatever they want to call them?
that's weird because I've only heard women call them fur-babies
We're talking about trying to go to Disney next year. One of my kids will be about 5 and the other 2 and a half - I've legitimately considered getting one of those child leashes for the younger one if we go.
If you raised your kids properly it wouldn't be a problem, alternatively, why not make it hold your hand?
If its a 'I don't want them to get kidnapped' thing, what makes you think any dedicated baby snatcher wouldn't have something like this on him to immediately cut the line
Good, less people need to have children not more.
>be miserable
>want everyone else miserable with children
Nah. Neck yourself my guy.
I don't dress my dog up or push it around in a stroller, but I absolutely love him as if he were my own child and my best friend.
Umm, who says?
I would kill every one of those fur demons if I could. Can't take 3 steps out the door without canine cunts barking until the next season.
Currently, mind you she's one and half currently, when she hold my hand and she's displeased with the direction we're going she will "dead body" so to speak. She's still currently so small she doesn't have enough force to seriously hurt herself, but my concern is when she's larger that if she elects to dead body herself that she's going to dislocate her shoulder.
Ideally, she'll be out of this phase by next year and it's not even an issue. Worst case, she's even worse next year and that's when I'd likely consider the leash if we were somewhere packed like Disney. I never had this issue with my oldest, once he was walked we didn't even need the stroller anymore. This one is far more... Rambunctious.
only true robots are anti natalists, normalfaggot
robots that want gfs don't have gfs because anti-natalism
please dont take your literal toddler to Disney you ass hat. Just wait 3 years or something, they wont even remember the experience
That's totally fine. I don't think there's anything wrong with loving your pet on the same level of a family member, because at the end of the day they are a part of your family. My point was, people who treat it more like a human (dressing them up, pushing them in strollers, carrying them in purses, never training them or "asserting" themselves over the animal) need to evaluate their actions.
As long as you're not one of the parents I see who let their kid lead them around by doing stuff like that, it'll probably work itself out once she realizes all that gets her is in trouble.
The worst case your describing is only going to happen if you teach her that she can do that to get her way, my little brother tried that (and I probably did too I just don't remember) and he'd just get dropped on his ass, then yanked up by the armpits and dropped in the toddler seat part of the cart for the rest of the trip, and then he was in big shit for the rest of the day because any attempt by one of us to override adult decisions like that triggered the fuck out of my mom.
Basically. Basically a gallery for thots
>go on bumble
>42 year old woman's profile
>"want kids someday"
>"drink socially"
>"pet dog(s)"
>please dont take your literal toddler to Disney you ass hat. Just wait 3 years or something, they wont even remember the experience
She'll likely be old enough to remember, my son's first major road trip was up the coast at the same age and he still talks about. If it were just me, the spouse, and the kids I'd likely hold off just because it chaotic, but my aunt is the one booking and paying for the trip and it'd be us plus our extended family going out to the park as well as to visit some relatives.
No, I'm not the parent who caves in because of my kids are being assholes - I'm more the type of parent who'll take their kids home if they act out in public. I really am hoping it's just a phase, like her hitting phase which she got over right quick after a 1 minute sessions in the time out corner. The arm pulling/dead body is just a bugger to correct since it's not like I can really punish her outside of throwing her over my shoulder and not allowing her to freely walk. Recently I've just been bringing an umbrella stroller and putting her in that so hopefully that'll work as a "consequence" so to speak.
>42 year old woman's profile
>"want kids someday"
The wall is a most brutal thing indeed
>"dog moms" and cat ladies
>"pro-choice" feminists
What the fuck went so horribly wrong that caused millennials as a whole to be unable to breed?
There's literally no economic benefit to children in modern society. They don't do farm labor, they don't take care of you when you're old, they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to educate. If you want people to start having kids overhaul capitalism.
>What the fuck went so horribly wrong that caused millennials as a whole to be unable to breed?
Honestly? I think our generation was overly babied and never truly treated as "adults". So many people I know never really faced consequences for their actions, and their parents would bail them out of any mess they got into (including going to the school to bitch to get passes). I think this sort of cemented this childlike mindset where they never really had to grow up.
On the other side, we're also the first generation where it seems like to even get the most basic, brain-dead entry level job you need at least a 4 year degree and 8 years of relevant experience whereas older generations could walk into careers in their late teens - early 20's. And a lot of the time they didn't even need a high school diploma. I just hope shit evens out to make things at least a little easier for the zoomers and alphas, so they don't have to get a doctorate of burgers to get a McDonald's job.
Basically overpopulation, and an abundance of resources. At least that is the situation in NA. The millenial generation could vanish overnight and we would be largely unaffected. It's the mouse utopia experiment on steroids.
How mad are you? They wouldn't be fucking you anyway and the planet is choked with too many first worlders
You Amazon N*gger.
Those yellow safety cutters are stocked in Amazon distribution centres.
Why would anyone willingly give up their own freedom?
Jesus, do you gatekeep the local playground too?
Pregnancy is not a disease, tranny