The decade is almost over. How would you rate the 2010s? i.e What were the 2010s like culturally, politically, musically, or just your personal life.
What were you like 10 years ago when this decade began and what are you like now?
The decade is almost over. How would you rate the 2010s? i.e What were the 2010s like culturally, politically, musically, or just your personal life.
What were you like 10 years ago when this decade began and what are you like now?
still the same but just way more jaded
Trash, garbage, yadda yadda.
10 Years ago I was 15 and a complete idiot.
I think I have matured quite a bit tbqh. Still a complete idiot in some ways, but I think things are starting to look up for tbqh, without being cocky.
Would you say Western Culture has become more left-wing or more right-wing or just more polarised over the past 10 years?
What exactly was 'trash/garbage' about the 2010s?
polarised. this shit just doesnt happen overnight it had to fester deep within the american psyche. drumpfy was just the nail on the coffin or the beacon of light depending on what retarded side youre on.
The 2010s were the decade the smartphone completely took over the culture and activity of young people. The smartphone is one of the biggest techno-culture changes in a long fucking time.
Few people actually read books anymore. It's constant internet smartphone use.
the start of the true downfall
How enlightned of you.
>drumpfy was just the nail on the coffin or the beacon of light depending on what retarded side youre on
>Nail in the coffin
The American populace, and much of the European populace, is more left leaning or at least more socially progressive than it has ever been in history.
If Trump was a backlash then the backlash against Trump is going to be even bigger when Trump loses office.
Despite the whole 'based gen z' Jow Forums meme, most young people of voting age are progressives. When a generation of old people die off in the next 10 years the whole ideology that fuels Trump is fucked.
>the start of the true downfall
The downfall of what?
What do you think the 2020s will bring?
climate disasters
The first five years were the worst five years in history
>The first five years were the worst five years in history
What were so bad about them? The rise of SJW internet identity politics?
Do you feel that Trump's victory was a temporary relief?
>climate disasters
I doubt it tbqh. The worst-case predictions predict that in the next 10 years climate change will become irreversible (methane clathrate and albedo reflection).
For people to start seriously feeling the effects of climate change it will be a lot longer as the Antarctic is semi-insulated by this circular saline that prevents it from melting.
this decade was a completely mess. Thanks god this ride is going to end soon
how is it going to end? in your opinion
the climate will disrupt the global economy, the fight for resources will become harsher and now we have weapons powerful enough to vaporize the entire planet
ah fuck i'm going to be entering 2020 on my own
One major effect of change that may make place in the next 30-40 years is that much of sub-saharan Africa becomes and unviable place to live. Mass influx of refugees will ensue and the political fallout will be insane.
There's a cynicism, but a very different kind of cynicism to that of the 70s and early 80s. A knowing meta cynicism, we're cynical about cynics
You can make serious money (as in, support a family money) as a blacksmith for the first time in hundreds of years, but by youtubing about your blacksmithing hobby.
Oh, and videogames fucking suck now. Mass Effect was good I guess, the first one was 2008 though I think..
Maybe I could make one of those insipid and tired jokes about "something something 150 characters" zommer kid bad as well, but the little thinking that this post required of me has put me in a bad mood
>Oh, and videogames fucking suck now.
Not a gamer here.
Even 2010s games like Skyrim? Doom? and The Witcher? Are they all bad (serious question)?
Or do you mean more games like fortnite and all that stuff?
LOL, that guy really looks like he "knows that feel", aimrite LMAO
>What do you think the 2020s will bring?
i think there may be a large and interesting geopolitical "bruh moment" as the kids would say