Sulkanon flying into a fit of apoplectic rage at the mere mention of spectacles edition
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find these porn adverts on britfeel quite hilarious frankly
isnt mentioning your bf a major no-no if you're a slag trying to build a following?
Just woke up and things are still quite blurry, going to get my eyes tested next week I think
Seaside Mark sticking his dick in a watermelon while talking about his dream of moving to Cornwall.
>Glasses? Yeah I wear them. So do my wife, girlfriend and mistress.
>my sim family just had triplets
>she will need to quit her 500/day job
>skint as fuck as it is
Adoption time I reckon lads.
If your eyesight is suddenly blurry then you should get them tested ASAP.
Might have yourself a cancer de lad.
*checks the britfeel safe*
GASP!! The LARP jar...
it's gone!
*britfeel mysteries theme plays*
Why is Seaside Mark wearing Christmas jumpers in September?
h-h-ha ha ha, i wonder who could have taken it...
don't find this new youtuber interesting desu, shan't be watching his videos
Gonna get my glasses nice and clean, using cleaning wipes is like going from SD to HD
Just had a chicken chow mein from the chinkies. Was alright.
He said recently he will never throw it away as he derives 'special powers' from it. I am not making this up.
..Sadly I also can't prove it because he deleted the video, so you can fairly dismiss what I'm saying if you want.
Nah it's not suddenly blurry. It's been happening gradually over a few weeks. I mentioned in this mornings thread because I thought it might have just been tiredness and watery eyes (I work night shift) but I think I might need a wee pair of specs for distances and Im worried in case it gets worse
right lad, you're coming with me down to the station
can't be having any hate crimes now
Forgot the photo! What am I like
new sofis a lewd! LEWD!
Gonna have a kebab and a gravy chip from the kebabies
For me its Ai Miyashita
Has he been in touch with are SP?
Top kek, you ever thought about doing stand up? You could do a bit about how you identify as an apache attack helicopter xP
The audience would be like, LE RAGE FAEC, but then le I see what you did there xD
>not just locking them in a room with no doors
What's with the seethers and this XD thing. Is it their sekrit code?
what if instead of chika it was chikan
Id love a bit of Chika chow mein
Cikan bee peekan at childran
Cmon lad you need some more stylish glasses than that
Right lads I need your help to get up and get motivated to tidy up my flat and get it nice and comfy for tonight's festivities, please give me some encouraging words (even if they're horrible)
might have a shower tbqh lads
You can do it user. Take breaks if it gets too bad. Hate cleaning me, and my house hahaha
Lads never leave your dirty laundry out in the open. Youll soon get moths.
Tried to wank before college because this Citalopram is making me really fuggin horny when I wake up.
Literally 25 minutes it took, then I had to go. Didn't even come close to finishing.
You would simply take it on the chin? Top kek.
I'm still slightly annoyed. May go for a walk later.
I think they are ironic with its use lad, like lmao and haha
Hes probably a repressed shell of a man, nowt wrong with expressing your emotions
Same lad, my plan is to throw some clothes on quickly and go to the shops for loo roll and booze for later then when I get back I'll go for a shower to wake myself up properly and hopefully just get tore in. My flat is only smol and not too much of a disaster zone so hopefully get it all done for about 9
Thanks pal, appreciate this wish I was a neet then I wouldn't be so fugging tired
Mikan desu
someone should invent a child benefit mod
Does your daddy bf ever spank you?
what if instead of shipanon it was shitanon
actually nah I'm not too smelly
Yeah you showed that bus shelter, definitely didn't make yourself look like an enraged ape.
I never call him that its weird and 31 is not that old.
Sophie's soles are the best part of her body. Then her nose. Then her neck. Then her forehead.
>GLASSSSSSESSS AND COLLARED SSSSSHIRTS?! *seethers plastic carrier bag shirt starts melting away from his fury*
He calls him Grandpappy
Her chins are last though surely
chikan is japanese train rape porn, no? I used to fap to it every day when I was 14
What's the plan involving booze and bog roll? Get drunk and wank all night long?
My house is getting messy again. Had to do a big tidy up, but haven't kept on top of the cleaning.
You got your time off work now?
How old are you, and how do you view yourself? I'm 25, and I feel like the best part of my life is over. Unironically feel like a boomer when I'm in public and I see sixth form kids.
just jiggling muh fat belly
It was a punch to the timetable and a kick to the glass. Nobody saw it lad.
Best part of any human's life is 0-24 unless you win the lottery after that.
I'm almost 40 and think I'm a piece of shit.
SCEA you wanna get a drink tonight in Guildford?
I'll buy you a J20 x
>try not to think about it too much tbqh
31, I feel ok but I should be in a much better financial position. Can't hold down a job.
If no-one saw it does that mean it didn't happen? Still an apish mong who leaked nudes.
Piss and get pissed of course mucker :^)
Aye just woke up, being slowly productive and stuck a washing on. What's your plans for the long weekend? (I'm off til Tuesday for no reason at all so I've declared it a longun for the lads)
18 and a half and petrified about the future
>seether calling someone else enraged
Shouldnt live a life of double standards little lad
27, definitely in the peak of my life so far
Don't think you know what seething means lad, pointing out someone's an idiot does not an angry person make.
By your logic you're a seether too.
>live at home
>never had a job
>no friends
>never had a gf
truly blessed lads
God youre so lucky you cunt.
i'm 25 and i'm worried i'm dressing too young for my age. i kinda dress like a college kid
Not if he's on here at the age of 18, he's likely to become like the rest of us sad cunts.
>used to think the 2D>3D thing was just a meme
>start talking to women
>realise they're all trash fuck machines
>2D truly is superior
>tfw it never even began
at least neethood is better than miserable isolation at uni
Will you start talking to your drawings now
Be happy. Once we have ended socialist security, mao's medicare, welfare, and all socialist services such as senior discounts and school lunches and ended all corporate taxes and ended corporate regulations and ended the exposure of our ruling corporations to liability...we will be happy. Elect Eric Trump to de-throne Pappy in 2020...or dont bother to wipe.
>11 hours sleep
>woke up at 5pm
>played a few games of MTG with my sister
Talk to the woman I work with on night shifts, we can carry a conversation now but I guess this doesn't apply to you since we're both women
>start talking to women
what are they like lad?
t. never have
>paki man in a dress
Pfffffff ohhnonononono ahahahahahha
imagine making out with moni
See that's how you do it. Mock, don't (You).
>solve riddle or die
yawn. Nothing that sets it apart from a million other torture game films.
actual paki women have hairy backs and moustaches tho so he should pass quite easily
it is sad how chika just lets any random user cuck his bf
i know it is mostly a relationship of convenience but it is still not right
We really need that wall lmao
iktf lad
what I've had to do in the past is get a job in a horrible call centre for a few months. companies are much more willing to hire someone who's already working.
>anons make sexual remarks about me
>this is somehow my fault
sure thing PAL
*walks down the street, thinking about playing Rust*
*sees Moni leaving her dad's fried chicken shop*
*face goes red*
*ducks into alleyway and holds breath while Moni walks past*
*puts hand into pocket and feels the freshly-written love letter inside*
>Another missed opportunity...
*notices HC bumming Andrew next to him in the alley in return for a sausage roll*
You think you've got it bad? Try applying for a 80k job and only being offered 60k
Fucking leaver scum
If they're not attracted to you then they're either incredibly dismissive/mean or they use you as an emotional tampon
If they're attracted to you then they see you as a walking dildo, as soon as you emotionally open up they lose attraction and see you as a beta (despite constantly whining about you being emotionally distant)
Act quick
Meeting up with my 6'2 friend soon, just need to decide on a time and date
how many women have you spoken yo?
you encourage it, i wouldn't be happy if i was your bf that's for sure...
>he's never had a woman be emotionally attached to him
You can get an apprenticeship at New Look, after 4 years you will have the highly esteemed NVQ Level 2 in Retail Skills. All the while making over 7000 Lizzies per year!
19. moving to uni tomorrow. shitting myself.
I have done worse
I dont pretend to be a saint
Actually she's French
Make the most of it, lad. I never thought I'd miss leaving uni but I started feeling nostalgic about it a week after I left.
Jesus I would kill to be in your shoes.