Time for comfort. You know the drill. I favour questions I can answer shortly, so I can respond to more people, more quickly.
To check if I'm still in the thread, CTRL+F "all my love".
You are not alone.
Time for comfort. You know the drill. I favour questions I can answer shortly, so I can respond to more people, more quickly.
To check if I'm still in the thread, CTRL+F "all my love".
You are not alone.
Other urls found in this thread:
She is -beautiful-. She is like 6'3 barefoot, right? I always see pictures of her with her hair done up. She is extremely fem when her hair is down.
hello ms. therapist can i cum onto your bare soles?
to check if this thread is still cringe, ctrl f "you are not alone"
She is, indeed. She's either 188 or 190 cm tall according to various sources, so more like 6'2.
what's your favourite cocktail?
why do white women fuck dogs at a disproportionate rate? why do i always finish people's sentences when i know what thye're going to ask? why do i say yes ahh and things like that in a conversation instead of being quiet when someone else is talking? how normal is it to have visualizations or thoughts of violence?
Have you ever had a relationship with one of your patients?
If so, describe the duration and intensity of it
"Cringe" is what many of you use to avoid emotions about things that are problematic to you. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
I have a friend who I care about so deeply. She has depression and I've been there for her for 5 years. I think I'm in love with her... She just got out of a really bad relationship and she even cut herself because of it.... I want nothing more than to Love her and hold her. But I feel like if I try moving closer it might look like I'm trying to take advantage of her heartbreak. I don't know what to do? ...
Why does my pp smell so bad :(
Dear abby,
I'm currently in the middle of pursuing a career in medicine, it takes a lot of my time, but I can honestly say I have always made time for my gf over the years. recently tho I have discovered that she has been cheating on me, when I confronted her about it she told me it was because I was boring and the relationship had gotten boring.
Did she ever love me? Should I try to work things out? How do I avoid this from happening again?
Why is your kind so goddamn useless? do you have no shame in taking money from people to talk some bullshit an hour a week?
How to not feel alone when you don't like other people and other people probably don't like you? I've come a long way out of depression and a suicide attempt, but now I don't really have any people in my life.
I don't know enough about cocktails to have a real favourite. One I especially like is made of apricot juice and some nectar and I forget the alcohol used in it. It's called a "gentil coquelicot".
>why do white women fuck dogs at a disproportionate rate?
You seeing webms on a weirdo website does not correspond to a "disproportionate rate". Even if you saw 50 different women, it'd still be statistically nothing. Some people are sexually attracted to animals, men and women alike.
>why do i always finish people's sentences when i know what thye're going to ask?
Because you want to show them how smart you think you are and gain some higher ground.
>why do i say yes ahh and things like that in a conversation instead of being quiet when someone else is talking?
In linguistics, it's called feedback; it's used to show the person speaking that you care and are actually listening. Not doing any of that (nods, sounds, yes, etc.) is extremely disturbing for the person talking to you, so what you're doing is normal and should be done.
>how normal is it to have visualizations or thoughts of violence?
It's normal if you are angry.
How do i get an introverted friendless gf?
white women fuck way more dogs than other races
>Have you ever had a relationship with one of your patients?
No. You can terminate a patientship to start a relationship, though, but I wouldn't risk my career and my patient's mental health.
What otc meds are best to od with
How can I stop having trust issues with men. I constantly feel like everyone is lying to me and is using me for sexual pleasure because of a past experience when I was a kid. I also have had a bad day today and was remembering some bad memories and started relapsing. How can I start trusting again because I need to find a husband soon and I can't stay like this
>source: originally my ass
how do i stop shitting everywhere?
Make sure you love her for who she is and not for how useful you might be to her (feeling valued is a good feeling, but it can lead you to problems).
The question here is less whether she might think you're trying to take advantage of her (since you know the answer to this) and more whether or not she might be interested in you. If she is, then there is no reason not to try. You know whether your intentions are good or not, what she may think of them at first won't change what they really are, and, in time, you will prove yourself.
I'd like to second this. Inb4 she says paracetamol.
I used to be poor and ugly and that motivated me to improve myself. Now I am not any of those things and I cant concentrate on improving myself further or working hard again because I am being distracted by hedonistic pleasures. What do?
How can i come to terms with life and except things about life that i don't like. I feel a lot of the time that the dice is just rolling out of my favor. It feels like life is just a game of luck and im not lucky. How am i supposed to feel about this?
You don't shower enough. You eat poorly.
>when I confronted her about it she told me it was because I was boring and the relationship had gotten boring.
Breaking up, or at the very least bringing these topics up would have been preferable options. I'm afraid your girlfriend sounds like a numbskull and/or an asshole.
>Did she ever love me?
You know in your heart if she ever did. Since you wonder, I guess she never did. If she loved you, she would have had more respect for you, also.
>Should I try to work things out?
It's all worked out. Your relationship is over, and even if it wasn't, you absolutely deserve much better and will get it, so don't get stuck on a bad deal when far better is waiting for you.
>How do I avoid this from happening again?
It's not your responsibility. All you can do is see whether someone loves you or not. If you have to wonder, they don't love you. When they love you, you know it.
how to get gf opie?
>Why is your kind so goddamn useless?
Possibly you include me in a group I don't belong to. What I do is useful and highly paid, for a reason.
>do you have no shame in taking money from people to talk some bullshit an hour a week?
I have no shame, because I worked hard to get there and what I talk isn't bullshit, but things that help people improve their quality of life, and that's worth any amount of money. Just try naming something more useful than something that improves your happiness level.
>How to not feel alone when you don't like other people and other people probably don't like you?
Start by realising that you assuming that others don't like you is quite likely wrong, and a thought like this will make you feel a lot more lonely than you need to feel. There are many options to make new friends.
>clubs (for hobbies)
>expats website (if expats come to your country and want to socialise with locals and learn the local language)
>group therapy for lonely people
>websites to get together for fun, with friendly folks
>run your own ad
>How do i get an introverted friendless gf?
Why would you want this? Unhealthy thinking. Don't aim to get a partner with flaws just because it eases your own insecurities. Seek to strengthen yourself so you can try to be with someone who feels worthy of you.
According to what? You seeing webm's? What makes you think most dog-fucking is filmed, or even known? Why is this an interesting topic to you?
>Ask a therapist anything
cats or dogs?
I don't know and if I did, I wouldn't tell you. I'll never help anyone commit suicide in the context of my therapeutic activities.
Undergoing therapy would be best. Trusting your instincts is also a good thing. If someone feels dodgy, they might be. The right one will be easy to trust, trust that.
You're right, I just have to love and care for her with a pure heart... If she's interested we can build a loving relationship together. If not then... I don't know... But as long as I genuinely care and want the best for her... Things will be ok. Thank you, that little bit of advice is gonna go a long way. Thank you.
>so I can respond to more people, more quickly
If you were a good therapist you'd know that this isn't how things fucking work. You're not actually helping people. Just stroking your own ego. Kindly fuck off.
To everyone else in the thread: if you think you might need help, you're going to have to try really hard to find someone irl who can actually dedicate time & emotional resources to helping you. No one can help you unless they understand you, and no one (not even a genuinely amazing therapist) can understand you by reading a couple of your posts on an image board. Seek *real* help.
Let's say you have a patient who is so mentally unwell that nothing can be done to improve their situation. Do you think euthanasia or suicide to end their suffering would be justified?
>What do?
Ask yourself what you want and take steps towards that.
You need to read about learned helplessness. Happy people think the good in their lives comes from them and the bad is just circumstances, but that they can handle because they have a good measure of control. You need to realise just how much in control you are, and take comfort in that.
>she would have had more respect for you, also.
spot on.
not bad.
Be a good person, you will attract good people.
Gut reaction is dogs. I find dogs to be cool and cats to be little assholes, though some cats are as fun as dogs.
It's a flaw because you're a normie drone, i want a gf like me.
If you really are a therapist then tell me how to stop getting panic attacks.
not enough free time
not a bad one, the most human interaction I have is probably the foreign students that I work with, we make small talk about cultural differences. feel like they only talk to fill the silence rather than anything interesting about me, work in general isn't good for making friends.
>group therapy for lonely people
sounds like I'd catch a bunch of weirdos
>websites to get together
didn't you hear, they killed craigslist personals and fetlife isn't up my alley
>run your own ad
friendless loser seeking friends to become regular loser
>According to what?
If you're a "therapist" and you don't even know, then you're a useless piece of shit.
Very welcome, user.
>If you were a good therapist you'd know that this isn't how things fucking work.
If you were worthy of your trips, you'd realise we aren't doing therapy. Therapy is one therapist, one patient, in a safe space. Does this thread look anything like that? No. Apply yourself.
Additionally, you'll find that seeing a therapist in person is what I advise almost every time.
Why is it so easy for me to let people go? Is that supposed to be a bad thing? I don't develop attachments so easily, but I have no problems socializing and building acquaintances and friendships.
>who is so mentally unwell that nothing can be done to improve their situation.
There's always something. And no, euthanasia isn't justified in such cases.
You don't know me, for one, and for two, labelling things as "normie" to justify flaws and shortcomings will get you nowhere. You should want a girlfriend like you, but you shouldn't want to be dysfunctional.
I got dropped by another friend, feels pretty fucking bad. This has happened to me by a lot of different friend groups throughout my life. I thought to myself that I got to the bottom of why it had happened all those times and it wouldn't from now on. To be honest, I kinda know why I've been dropped most recently but it doesn't stop it from hurting
I just feel like why should I bother anymore, when people clearly dislike me. I'm just not like other people my age, I don't drink, smoke or anything and I'm too stupid to pick up on things in conversations until it's too late and I've fucked everything up. Even online I struggle to make friends. I hate groups and feel genuine panic for 1-2 hours after I go to a random group meeting
Tl;dr: Sorry to drone on, I just need to vent. I feel like it's impossible for me to act in a way that will not make other people dislike me, and I need some advice or thoughts or anything on this situation
How do I know if I'm genuinely ugly or if I just have body image issues? I sometimes cry when I see myself in the mirror or in a photo.
>If you really are a therapist then tell me how to stop getting panic attacks.
Here's what I advise:
>activate sensory inputs
>remove clothes
>splash water on body, face
>open window if any is nearby
>feel the cold air on your wet skin
>anchor your consciousness in this
>maybe kneel down and press your head against the cold floor or wall
>focus on all your skin catches
This can work. Imagine yourself holding on to your sanity through what your skin feels, and reassure yourself that it will be over soon.
Good luck, user, panic attacks are hell.
>tfw can't even type out my problem properly to a fucking online larp therapist i've been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to do it
I'm not dysfunctional i have a job, if you're a real therapist you should have experience with introverted friendless girls, give me some real advice and tell me where can i get a gf.
>sounds like I'd catch a bunch of weirdos
They are people like you, user. They aren't weirder than you. Have faith.
>didn't you hear, they killed craigslist personals and fetlife isn't up my alley
I'm thinking of normal websites for people to get together and play ping pong and chess.
>friendless loser seeking friends to become regular loser
A sense of humor is always a plus.
>If you're a "therapist" and you don't even know, then you're a useless piece of shit.
Asking you for your sources isn't the same as me not knowing, you fallacious user. This was a rhetorical question. You pretended not to understand it just so you could slide your insult while appearing vindicated. You're not. Shame on you.
Why am i increasingly hating my own "friends"? Why can't I view them as real friends? Why can't i just enjoy the company of the few people that i talk to and see anymore? I can't even force myself to talk to my family sometimes.
I feel that user, nice digits
You cant even write a post but you get trips
I fucking hate myself
>Why is it so easy for me to let people go?
Maybe you did it a lot and maybe your ability to make new acquaintances eases any fear you may have about losing people. If you can always make new ones, you're not so concerned about losing others.
>They are people like you, user. They aren't weirder than you. Have faith.
Except they literally always will be completely insane losers, from druggies to whores, with sub-100 IQ and no moral compass, who will by virtue of being normalfags still have better lives than a foreveralone robot.
You sound cool enough to me. Tell me about how many friends your parents have.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
See why your Jew bullshit doesn't work on intelligent people? You can do that to niggers and single mothers, but robots will just call you out.
How old are you?.. And do you spit or swallow?
>How do I know if I'm genuinely ugly or if I just have body image issues? I sometimes cry when I see myself in the mirror or in a photo.
If it makes you cry, you can be confident it's more psychological than real. I won't ask you to show your face, obviously, but otherwise I'd give you my opinion.
If there's nothing you can pinpoint as "ugly", there's probably nothing ugly at all.
not me btw
>they aren't weirder than you
thats actually a little comforting
Trips for truth. You've already taken a difficult step, user, because you tried. The harder it is, the greater the task it actually is. Be proud, for you have made serious efforts.
For a tip on how to accomplish this: realise that you're concerned about how your post comes out and that you can relax about it. There are countless ways to describe your problem and any of them will be just fine. Relax. You'll be OK.
She's lying to you. But I guess you'll have to go and see for yourself. Just a warning - BPD whores will latch onto the first vulnerable guy they spot in these places and they'll fuck up your life and drain you out of everything.
>I'm not dysfunctional i have a job
Dysfunctional does not mean unemployed or unable to be employed: it merely means you're not working correctly on some level.
I repeat that you shouldn't seek a girlfriend with identified flaws just so you feel less insecure with her. If you had such a person, you should seek to help her make friends, and not use her isolation against her.
maybe being this scared of other people is why you're a robot desu
Assuming that it is psychological, how could I even fix it? I genuinely find myself to be very unattractive. I don't know what exactly it is to be honest. I just look "off".
>Why am i increasingly hating my own "friends"?
Either you or them are changing. Most likely you.
>Why can't I view them as real friends?
Greater disconnected, you've evolved in ways they may not have, and now you can't relate anymore.
>Why can't i just enjoy the company of the few people that i talk to and see anymore? I
Because it no longer feels relevant. Either that, or you are slowly sinking into depression and don't realise it. To test: are there any people you think you'd have a great time with? They can be in your life, or famous people you relate to.
>You sound cool enough to me
both have more friends than me. well, my mom is a weirdo who isn't really close to anyone but doesn't seem to mind it. my dad is a barfly who made loads of friends through that and working in construction. both are pretty distant with me, haven't spoke to my dad in years
Here are some trips for you.
Why a i on Jow Forums?
Who defines correctly, you? I don't care i just want a real piece of information, you should have the knowledge if you're a real therapist.
>who will by virtue of being normalfags still have better lives than a foreveralone robot.
People don't think that. People understand loneliness, as they generally do everything to avoid it.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
I wasn't pretending anything. I was asking your sources to point out that you have none.
>See why your Jew bullshit doesn't work on intelligent people?
My "bullshit" isn't Jewish and that second point is equally incorrect. Why some of you think psychology and psychoanalysis are the same thing remains beyond me, but it certainly does not indicate a great knowledge of either field.
>but robots will just call you out.
And yet I called you out on your ignorance.
I'm older than the average user here. Spitters are quitters.
>thats actually a little comforting
Here's more: they will be worried the exact same way and about the exact same thing.
Do women like when guys smell like Axe excite bodywash (crisp coconut and black pepper scent)
If there's any self-esteem issue with you, you can bet your cute butt that this is the source of your "ugliness".
>white female pushing the "white women DONT fuck dogs" rhetoric
>gut reaction is dogs
>i find dogs to be cool
btfo white bitch
how do I find meaning and purpose in life? I feel that there isn't anything that I'm good at and that my life is worthless
Actively learn socialising skills by observing others who are more social than your parents were. Your mother certainly has issues, and your father's friends may not be close ones, I can't tell. Either way, there's work to be done.
But can you tell us how old you are?
>Actively learn socialising skills by observing others who are more social than your parents were.
how am I supposed to do that when I'm not social at all?
It was worth a try.
Because you like the safety of it. Jow Forums is an echo chamber and a hugbox for cowards.
>Who defines correctly, you?
Yes, me.
>you should have the knowledge if you're a real therapist.
Puerile way to try and wring out information from me, know it. I'll remain on my stance that you should seek self-improvement rather than a flawed partner to feel less insecure.
If they are 16 maybe. Axe/Lynx reminds every adult person of their teenage years.
not sure if srs
How do you get rid of the feeling of wanting a relationship/intimacy?
[/spoiler]This primal urge keeps bothering me[/spoiler]
Why do i want to dominate the girls i like and be mean to them?
>I feel that there isn't anything that I'm good at and that my life is worthless
Is there anything you like?
People call it 'autistic' that Iike to go on long rants as long as they're logical, or meaningful.
personally, I just think I prefer conversations with more content and thought, since I listen to rants of others too.
what do you think?
Why do I feel like my friends dont like me, even though they make a conscious effort to try and hang out with me? And in conjunction with that, why do I feel alone, even when in a room full of people?
why dont my good taste and good looks attract females?
>My "bullshit" isn't Jewish
I'm not at all submissive. I only swallow in committed relationships.
>how am I supposed to do that when I'm not social at all?
You don't need that to observe others. Start here:
Just observe, and enjoy.
>How do you get rid of the feeling of wanting a relationship/intimacy?
The question is "should you?" You are healthy if you feel this need, just like you feel hunger, thirst, and all the rest. What you need to find is a person to have this relationship with.
No not you, me. You're assuming i'm insecure and want to be less insecure and i don't care because i just want to know what should i do to get the gf i want not what i should do in general.
>Why do i want to dominate the girls i like and be mean to them?
Maybe as payback for other women in your life. Maybe some insecurity that you need to take care of before you can feel some assurance in dealing with women.
>People call it 'autistic' that Iike to go on long rants as long as they're logical, or meaningful.
What they might dislike is that they no longer participate in the exchange. Conversation is one thing, a speech is another, and they may feel you don't care about them if you speak at length when they can't. I imagine it depends more on the topic, though.
>hugbox for cowards.
Rude and unnecessary
What fucking safety?!! Clearly you have no idea who Jow Forums is!
>even though they make a conscious effort to try and hang out with me?
It almost sounds like it's work for them; that'd make me feel like they don't like me as well. It's probably not that, though. You're insecure and have self-esteem issues, so, naturally, you worry about that and can't fully believe people can enjoy your presence.
>And in conjunction with that, why do I feel alone, even when in a room full of people?
Self-esteem problems are in the way of social enjoyment. If you can't relax and trust others on them liking you, you will feel out of it.
>Im not at all submissive
Would you be submissive for the right person?
Possibly because your personality counterbalances these. If you think taste and looks are the main thing in attracting women, you might not think much of them, and that possibly shows.
The father of American psychology was William James, an absolute genius, and he wasn't Jewish. Most authors I respect aren't Jewish. As I stated before, you confuse psychoanalysis with psychology as a whole. The fact that therapy as we know it started within psychotherapy isn't important. The very first step in psychotherapy was taken by Freud's mentor, and that doctor wasn't Jewish for all I know. He just noticed his patients recovered faster if he spoke with them about the problems.
That said, being Jewish isn't a problem. You can test anyone by what they do, there's no need to check for Jewishness.
>Just observe, and enjoy.
I just hate feeling fake. I'm worried about faking shit and then believing my own bullshit. I just wish I could get by socially without having to try