What are some words/phrases normies say that you hate? I'll start with the worst one for me.
What are some words/phrases normies say that you hate? I'll start with the worst one for me.
i wonder what these two were thinking at that moment
burgerland is especially guilty of this one
Who cares really? Its a normalfag thing to not understand irony and to be a pretentious vocab critic. Zoomers say bruh and senpai to be ironic
>It's a sociaI construct.
yeah, normies use the word normies
Protip: If normies can piss you off with just one word, you're a normie with anger issues.
Makes me want to punch a bitch.
I rage whenever I hear someone say "guesstimate" or "anywho"
Yeah I really hate that people on here will say this site is about rejecting social convention when it's convenient for them, and the get mad at you for posting a dead meme because secretly Jow Forums is no less of a hivemind than reddit.
I hate this.
>spill some tea
And no not as in the actual tea you can drink, tea as in another colloquialism for gossip or telling a friend about things going on in their lives. Confused the fuck out of me the first time I heard girls saying this.
Just for this post, I literally hate you user.
I like slang, I think its funny.
i literally only ever say bruh irl this thread makes me feel personally attacked
I'm sorry m8. I have no idea when this became a part of our dialect
>pop off
>dead ass
>my guy
They're both thinking 'I wish I had her body'
>>It's a sociaI construct.
>It's a psyop
I think that's the girl from forgetting Sarah Marshall on the right
Girl in my uni is always calling me that but she constantly touching me and getting on my shit I swear to god this feminists need a good beating
>Jow Forums is no less of a hivemind than reddit
this isn't true you just browse shit threads
That's probably the one I hate the most
I hate this one only when white people use it, feels so forced.
>yaaaaaaaaass queen
>I stan
When they put clap emojis between every word.
It's frustrating to see them throw it in every sentence
that's cause you're not from the south, retard.
anywhere else its forced but not here.
My friend growing up was a transplant from the south and I ended up picking up y'all from him. It's good shorthand. My mom always said y'all. Then I move to the NE and these fucking annoying DSA dorks are running around saying "y'all" and "folks" like they aren't from an affluent subburb in fuckin Connecticut.
They took "y'all" from me. I can't say it unless I wanna risk being associated with those fuckin leeches
I stand corrected anons
this one does not get it
I was using this for years and now I can't because the only ones using it now are these goddamn twitter thots with the nose rings and dyed hair.
I say "anywho" ironically is that alright
>Iets unpack this
In cases when the corresponding utterance is not meant literally.
>I don't hate other races, I just love my race.
>rape culture
>global warming is bullshit
>I'm religious
>my girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/ex/etc
>my kids
>being attracted to teenagers makes you a pedophile
>I'm no gold digger, I just want a real man that can provide for me.
lowkey, and hella (live in california)
Really boils my piss
You guys are all just boomers.
>You guys are all just boomers.
your post is cancer. remove it now. orginasl
Let me try
If we are talking about online then r/woooosh is the worst because they always think they are so clever and funny even when they are falling for bait
You guys are gonna lose your shit when you hear about other contronyms or even words that have evolved to mean the opposite of what they used to like awful or egregious.
i hate it when they call me:
Go die Faggots, we all know what your doing
ok guys hes gonna say he doesnt like when people say a certain word....
Calm down there, chief. You're only raising your blood pressure.
i said bruh ironically for a while and now i cant stop
nobody cares what you think, sport.
>he's mad that he got Jow Forumswoooshed
Thats pretty cute user
Goddamn one of my old friends had a seemingly religious connection to the word bud, it's all he ever called me. In retrospect it's pretty obvious he wasn't really my friend :/
>I mean,
>To be fair
>I mean,
>To be fair
>I mean,
>To be fair
>I mean,
>To be fair
>its the right thing to do
>let's unpack that
>ummm, it's called being a decent human being.
>you should try it some time.
>it's almost as if...
>you do know/understand that XXXXXX, right?
>and I was just like
>and then I go like
>and then he/she goes like
>and it was just like
>health (when referring to things that aren't fucking related to medicine, like 'conversational health')
>energy (I fucking HATE energy)
>go get your money
>I'm spiritual but not religious
>swipe left if you're a Trump supporter (im not, but seeing this still just pisses me off, fuck this and fuck you)
White people are incredibly guilty of doing this one.
>that dismissive tone where they treat like you're a little kid, usually followed by them saying something like 'ok, buddy?' or 'did you get that?' or 'thanks, bud.'
Oof. Yikes. Okay, let's unpack that. Your toxic problematic unhealthy behavior is harming the conversational health of our online community. You do know that you're kind of being an asshole, right? Here are some self-help step by step instructions you can use to try to better yourself before engaging with your peers online. Thanks.
It's called being a decent human being. You should try it some time.
>doggo pupper