pearl-clutching normies BTFO
Pearl-clutching normies BTFO
what subplebit is that even
Jow Forumsbraincels
It's been the main incel subreddit since Jow Forumsincels was banned.
very BASED & REDPLIED but i hate rebdit's formatting and i'd rather kms
This must truely be a shit board when even R*ddit aknowledges its bullshit
Also I find it weird cause most of the tranny posting in this board is by shill fags that 90% dislike and don't agree with
You all misunderstand. I'm saying incels are pearl-clutching normies and we've done a fine job expelling them
I'd meant to say "90% of the board dislikes"
Sorry for my autism
we know what you're trying to do, but that tranny psyop has been exposed so we're repurposing this thread
A few cumbrains shitposting is hardly a psyop.
an attempt at one, more like a gay op I suppose
it is, but just a fad. trannies and degeneracy are this generation's 4 panel cringe bullshit. It'll pass.
You getting triggered by them will pass, on way or another.
Hey everyone, OP's still here.
It IS a good sign, though, that this post only served to highlight the "tired of this shit" that you people have gotten us to. I'm curious how much of those threads are just you guys replying to one another not even recognizing it because you're "master trolls" or whatever the term is now. Must be a comfy bubble though, while you believe it. :)
Not really a fan of this historic revisionism where we pretend that Jow Forums used to be some kind of incel haven
It was, during the brief window when the robot was disabled. Most incels got frustrated and stopped posting here when the robot returned.
spotted the underage loser
That's not what people are saying. This was a place for those outside normal social groups. Incels were part of that, yes, but so were a lot of others.
What are you hiding, Incel?
>neglecting to show that thats from braincels because OP is a faggot shill
We are just exiled robots who hate what this shithole has become.
Faggots like you who orbit ethots need to hang like a nigger
it was except for the first year of r9k 1.0 "muh classy /b/" phase.
But you are a shill and are relying on newfriends not to know that
"original community"
what a fucking idiot. the original gentlemen left a loooong time ago.