Gives you a bank account, a bitcoin wallet with 48,400.98 bitcoins in it and a numbered account in Panama with $1000.00 USD. The only condition is you have to give him something interesting.
What do you give him?
Gives you a bank account, a bitcoin wallet with 48,400.98 bitcoins in it and a numbered account in Panama with $1000.00 USD. The only condition is you have to give him something interesting.
What do you give him?
i dont want your bitcoins
or panamian dollars
or your bank account
id give him something cool for free
my soul perhaps
what can be interesting for a fucking devil
>Devil discovered the dick dimension
Its over lads
First I would need to know about the identity of this so called devil.
A rock with a face drawn on it that i have it since i was 8.
Sorry jesus gives me love and eternal joy in the paradise so im not interested now please leave me alone
>id give him something cool for free
Sentimental for the devil?
>Sorry jesus gives me love and eternal joy in the paradise so im not interested now please leave me alone
You're well within your rights.
>the devil gives you-
stopped reading right there friendo
The Lord rebuke thee, satan
everyone treats him like hes a bad guy. maybe he is. but hes a stranger to me and im a nice man
Your quads are powerful.
when you trust someone
illusion has begun
no way to prepare
for unending despair
boys we got the devil in this thread
I give him a picture of chow mein
the Devil is just one of God's many bureaucrats, part of the Holy family.
t. Satan himself
fuck off, or I'm calling daddy gabriel to fuck you up lad
>I give him a picture of chow mein
Where the fuck is it?
>What do you give him?
the souls of my parents
I don't want money. What i want is a supernatural power of my choosing. I'd give him all my porn in exhange
>account with $1000 USD
gee thanks devil, that's like two-thirds of one month of rent
the problem with 48k bitcoins is converting them into usable currency. sounds like an inflationary nightmare that'll crash the market and end up worthless
I've got a chair from IKEA he can have, I suppose; I don't really use it
I'd fund experiments to give me superpowers and kill him.
oh you clever angel
Im not falling for that satan you will never have my soul
I'm calling God, hes gonna fuck you up
>Devil is just one of God's many bureaucrats, part of the Holy family.
Someone likes to think different.
At least youre not a sheep.
the power of christ compels u!!!! XD uwu
what if Jesus is the Devil? Compelling lesser demons like Legion to leave.. I mean come on.
sell it all at once very cheaply and watch everyone panic as the price drops to next to nothing
>sell it all at once very cheaply and watch everyone panic as the price drops to next to nothing
You would be cheating yourself.
you are scary, mr devil but i do not want to make a deal i have nothing to offer anywayy
>i have nothing to offer anywayy
What a loser.
Quads are not trips. The Devil's number is actually 616
Hail Hitler
Moot's gmail pw.
>Moot's gmail pw
That's sort of worth it.
>doesn't especify "something interesting"
Id give him my pc, its interesting for me
fuck the devil
>huh guys look at that, this poster was Satan all along. That's real funny.
A family heirloom.
Anything, really.
I'll be dead of self-inflicted causes soon because the Monolith.