I've been loosing this much hair every time I shower. It only started about 1 month ago, what's wrong?
I've been loosing this much hair every time I shower. It only started about 1 month ago, what's wrong?
do you have naturally curly hair or are those your pubes
It could be many things but i think it's likely that you're a girl.
No I don't have curly hair it's just the way water shaped them.
I'm not a girl.
Then you're balding it's over.
if you're trying to lose weight or dieting, change your diet and go back to whatever you were normally eating/ stress is also a factor but i can't give you any advice on that
you're either balding or your diet is shit and your hair is falling out due to malnutrition
probably both given that it is so long and disgusting
I've been shedding hair like that in the shower for over a decade now, yet am not balding or have been balding.
Average humans lose a little over 100 hairs a day, but when you pay attention you think your losing more
kek! ben franklin, is that you?
your nasty hair is long enough for you to notice them you'd lose just as many if it was short and never know. get a haircut.
Your hair usually this long? When it gets longer it seems like you're losing more in the shower because the strands that fall out through the day are getting trapped in your more luscious hair. That's why girls clog the shower drain all the fuckin time, but aren't balding.
Could be diet or stress.
You been neglecting to shower as often as you usually do? Longer you wait between showers, the more fallen strands are gonna build up trapped in your hair and then when you finally shower it seems like more is falling out.
The average person loses like 100 strands of hair a day or some shit. Just take care of your body and you'll be fine :+)
All hair falls out naturally, but your hair looks fairly long
It probably got tangled in with hair still in your scalp and fell out when you washed it
it's normal if you have long hair
don't freak out
If you have long hair it's fairly normal. When I had longer hair I'd lose about 10-20 strands in the shower. You normally lose 100-125 hairs a day and if you have long hair it's:
A) More noticeable
B) More likely to lose hairs due to hard brushing or scrubbing due to tangles, and
C) Possible for lost hair from the day before to become entangled and fall out during your next shower instead
Just keep a good diet and it shouldn't get worse, if you're afraid of balding due to hair line recession consider propecia fren!
I used to have think as fuck hair and thought the same thing since that happened since I was like 16. Then one day I looked in the mirror at around 22 and thought wtf, something is wrong here and noticed Ive been balding.
I think it might be my diet. Haven't been eating so well since I started uni again.
You're balding
t, guy who went through the exact same thing at 19.
I've had longer hair and this never happened. My hair isn't even that long right now.
Big F
u better start meds or you will be baldie by this time next year bruhhhh
Are you brushing your hair too hard or getting knots in your hair and then running your finger through them it's most likely that, that happens to me a lot
thats literally nothing, i lose way more
I don't, but my dad said it's because I wear my hat too much. But I don't think that's a thing.
this had to be edited, right?
stop masturbating so much. everytime you coom it floods your bloodstream with dht, dht cause hair loss. try jerking off maybe once a week.
also green tea is a dht blocker. 1-3 cups of organic green tea per day. (mr. lee's from walmart is good and also cheap)