>mass suicide of 900 people
Just how the fuck?
Mass suicide of 900 people
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they were based beyond normie sensibilities
>I wasn't one of them
from what i remember most of them were forced to drink it or didnt know it was poison
Thats Waco right
Hilariously enough: Jim Jones was a charasmatic motherfucker. U can't make a suicide cult bc ur not charasmatic enough user.
looks like a bunch of dead indians or niggers, or is that skin discoloration from death?
i thought this was planking
Not to mention holding people at gunpoint.
You should listen to their choir music. Feels strange to listen to all the kids signing when you know most of them were killed that day.
no its the new parkour style
skin discoloration but many were colored people.
>Just how the fuck?
Christianity both the original and all of it's variations is at it's heart a cult of personality that dares to say that a man could be God. It is not about spirituality, independence, growth, or enlightenment. It's about blind obedience, conformity, and outsourcing your destiny to a savior figure. Jim Jones is but one of many Christian cult leaders because the baseline faith of Christianity lends itself to such practices.
thats right. He was a man
Like half of them were black women.
huh, i always thought it was a bunch of white people
ever noticed how a considerable number of them are black?
1st thing I noticed desu
Jonestown was in Guyana
WTF. I cant abbreviate to be honest anymore.. when the fuck did that happen?!!
>they shitted themselves
bruhh I saw that too
That's something normal that happens just before you die.
wtf does that file name mean?
well put user, blind leading the blind
Don't drank da koolaid
how fucking new are you? its been like that for years
is this literally your first day posting here?
i know the reason. it starts with the letter n.
no I just mostly lurk.. now that I think about it I believe I did see a post mentioning it awhile back but I didnt really pay attention
Youll shit yourself when you die too you fucking retard
Listening to Jonestown tapes is legit pretty unnerving. Not even just the suicide tape, shit is crazy.
there are others tapes out there? didn't know that
I've heard about this a bunch but I never guessed they were black. I should have known at "koolaid".
Yeah, for like the last year Jim Jones recorded an absurd amount of things. Really sets the atmosphere of the place.
People's Temple was a Marxist-Leninist cult.
There were even plans to relocate to the godless Soviet Union, which
mentions on the death tape:
>Is it too late to go to Russia?
Zoomer just discovered Jonestown...
There was also a deathsquad that killed all the people who didnt drink it
Some of the most devoted followers were very long-term, like nearly 25 yrs in his congregation for the longest, that's a lot of time to fuck shit up. Others were still long term members, who made up the death squads. The children were offed first so the parents would put up less of a fight because hey, their kid's dead anyway. Anyway the craziness these people agreed to was ramped up over time even before they left California and Jones was very good at charming and controlling them and making followers keep each other in line. He made them sign their money and their kids over to the church, and he mostly preyed on vulnerable people (blacks, poors). They were already completely enmeshed lifestylewise with the church before leaving. Once they were in Guyana, they worked physically very long hours daily in terrible conditions, little food, high heat, crowded etc. They were continuously radicalized into us vs them apocalyptic prophecies regarding capitalists and US gov. Many didn't want to die on the final night, but those who did were mentally worn down and fragile by that point. Anyway supposedly the highest number of members of his congregation in the US was 15k at one point. His biography's pretty interesting.