How close are you with your sibling?
How close are you with your sibling?
nothing to see here. we were drunk
>Male, 31, have younger sister, 28.
We're not very close at all. We never were, even when we were children.
We probably talk maybe once or twice a year.
We're just very different people.
i haven't spoken with my brother in months. I don't give a shit about him.
>I don't give a shit about him.
stop projecting your own family.. some people are just pieces of shit
>stop projecting your own family
Just answer the question you retard
Me and my twin sister are very close yes
Are you intimate?
Casually, yes. We fool around sometimes.
fake and gay and larping and faggot
>A Lil disturbing...
Not close at all. I'm a useless older brother.
I am not romantically or sexually attracted to my younger sister at all and vice versa. Nevertheless, we are very close and intimate and love each other very much and cuddle platonically
i sometimes talk with my youngest brother and get him some treats and he sometimes offers me a hit from his vape pen, my other brother is low-functioning autistic so i can't communicate much
Hispanic brother sister couples, apparently.
she wants the D. oreganolly
>Nevertheless, we are very close and intimate and love each other very much and cuddle platonically
You are biologically (and also culturally/morally but americans need not apply) wired to NOT be attracted to your sibling. To prevent incest.
If you are, than something is very wrong, just like homosexuality/transsexuality/bestiality/pedophilia and such are all mental ilnesses.
Perhaps you were never close during childhood or you watched too many incest porn and become a pervert.
There really isn't anything fetishistic. I think the only people attracted to their siblings are either mentally ill or don't have siblings and like the idea. It's perfectly normal to be I tomate and loving towsrds someone you grew up and spent most days with
i just miss my big sister, user.
Is she dead? I'm so sorry user...
no, she's married with kids in another state.
I hate my step-siblings so much. They hurt me just as much as my parents did
>tfw my only friend during childhood was cousin (female)
>we used to hang out and play all the time every summer and also visit each other during other seasons
>whenever she was away I would take a notebook and draw made up scenarios of us playing and going on adventures and such
>for the first 17~ years of my life she was the only girl I ever got anywhere close with
>when I was like 6 I told my parents I wanna marry her when I grow up
>when we became teens I suddenly found myself awkward and shy around her as if she's some stranger girl because she looked like a grownup woman and I still felt like a child even though we're the same age
>we stopped hanging out and barely ever talk now
The only love of my life was forbidden all alone.
>inb4 u can marry cousins its legal and ok
Not really, where I'm from they're considered almost as close as siblings.
We don't even have words for cousin, it instead sounds something like "two times brother/sister"
I am pretty close but not in this degenerate way
Not very, we talk for like 10hrs once every few months. It be that way.
We're very close; sometimes I have to spank her when she's being a brat though.
Based and incestpilled, dare I say.
what the fuck wrong with her eyes kek
she fucks her brother lol what do you expect
$20 Bucks says that hoe is sucking black dick all day
What country are you from? I'm sorry user, I don't think you are evil for feeling this way and I don't judge you or shame you. I hope you find love anyways
Lol, what an insecure faggot lashing out to a harmless question.
No wonder they have all abandoned you.